Robinho in 10-0 Santos Win

simon23 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
We gave him less than a full season to write him off to be fair to the lad.

He's often blamed for our poor away form despite the fact we have 11 players every away game and Robinho didn't even feature in most this season.

He also provided the majority of our great play last season alongside Superman.

In the right team, given the freedom to express himself he'll be a world beater.

The fact his defending was poor is irrelevant to me, I never much rated Dunne as an attacking force but as he was a decent defender I was more than happy.

It's all too easy to focus on a players weaknesses and therefore ignore their good attributes.

Tevez, for all his hard work and excellent passing in the final 3rd, is not a natural finisher. Not a problem for me, he makes up for not being a young Robbie Fowler in front of goal by working his balls of and contributing with goals that tend to be spectacular or mildly Goater esque (he scores with his knees and thighs).

Likewise it could be noted that Craig Bellamy offers us very little when defending corners, not being 6'4 is a real hindrance. I overlook this however, and praise his pace and attacking play.

Robinho got dogs abuse on here for reasons I will never really understand.

You can see the same developing with Ade at the moment, he's great, he scores goals and works his balls off BUT people on here only see work as running about a lot so he'll always come up short in discussions on here.

Shame, as we'll never win the league with 11 runners and grafters, something has to give, lets hope it's the 'English disease' that gives and not our ambition.


Well said that man
So if he is that good, and doesn't lack commitment, why isn't he here?
Bluemoon115 said:
simon23 said:

Well said that man
So if he is that good, and doesn't lack commitment, why isn't he here?

Obviously things didn't quite work out. That doesn't make him shit.

Having been going to City since the late 80's I feel more than qualified to discuss shit footballers, I could write a fucking novel on them. Robinho was not shit. He was far from it. Indeed, if he was shit then every player on our books last season was beyond shit. He was, after all, our leading goal scorer.

Now he's gone it seems very bitter to keep slagging the guy. And, for obvious reasons, I cringe when I see how bitter posters are on here. Not as if we've not got a reputation for it is it?

A lot of posters on here differ from me in what they want to see when watching football. Thankfully, a lot also agree with me.
ono said:
The fact that people on here are referring to the Brazilian League as a joke pretty much sums up the intelligence of a few on here.

The 10-0 game was a cup match against a team in the 4th division of Brazilian football. Currently Santos are playing in the Sao Paulo State Championship which lasts for half a season, and it's a mixed bag in terms of ability. Then they play in the Brazilian Championship which is a strong league. Slower than England but technically very, very good.

The structure is very different to what it is in England. It doesn't make it 'Sunday League.' It's just different. The ignorance shown towards any league which isn't shown on Sky Sports is quite astounding on here at times.

As for Robinho, hopefully he'll get fit, have a cracking World Cup and come back a happy man. Either that or we get a good fee. He needed to play and the World Cup is of massive importance in Brazil. Unfortunately for him there are several Brazilian forwards who are on form and a few more who are close to re-capturing what they once had, so the fact he wasn't playing much at City was likely to prevent him from being on the plane. In an ideal world he would have stayed and won his place back, but he obviously didn't feel that was going to happen so he opted to move. The abuse he gets is sickening to be honest.

As a few have already mentioned, that is a cracking post.

I had not bothered to get into the Robinho debate thus far as I found myself becoming too annoyed to post a coherent argument on him, as some of the abuse he gets is disgraceful and not fitting of City fans.

I have absolutely no issues whatsoever with the handful of posters who have posted negative thoughts about him BUT managed to write sensibly about aspects of his game or his attitude. What I DO baulk at is the never-ending vitriol and incomprehensible slating of him from a rather large minority of idiots who clearly derive pleasure from slagging off our players. Some of the language used against him has been shocking and indefensible. Yes, we have our share of illiterate fools and we can stomach one or two of them sledging him because they are jealous and bitter non-achievers, but where do the rest of you derive this unwarranted hatred of him?

If we do end up selling him, fair enough. Let's just accept that it wasn't meant to be, but please don't hurl the abuse at him like you are doing at the moment. If it happens that way, why can't we just accept that 'it didn't work out?' He may well come back from the World Cup to find us in the Champions League and he may well come back and play to his full potential - how many of you can say with hand on heart that he is not an excellent player, who could contribute greatly to our success over the next few years if he is allowed to!

I believe that, with better players around him (as a consequence of getting 4th), he will flourish and captivate as only he can. The whinging and damning statements about his poor form this season really don't hold water, when you examine the injuries and actual number of occasions he DID play. The boy is a confidence player and not every player responds to the same things. What drives Bellamy on and motivates him, does not necessarily have to correspond with what gives Robinho that lift. Some players need an arm around the shoulder and Robbie strikes me as being in this group.

If you are going to criticise, do it fairly and constructively. Claims like 'he's shit' or 'he's a b*****d' or 'he can't hack it' or 'lazy, shite footballer' 'let him rot in the reserves till the end of his contract' etc etc don't stand up to close examination and crap like that should be left to the 'Norwich' fans over in Trafford/London.

Instead of ranting and raving, let's have some sensible debate if you don't agree. Convince the others who think like me that we are wrong by having some substance to your point of view; don't just think that it suffices to say 'he's not good enough' simply because he is not sweating blood and tears for us every time he goes out onto the pitch!
Bluemoon115 said:
simon23 said:

Well said that man
So if he is that good, and doesn't lack commitment, why isn't he here?
Because he wants to play in the World Cup and a combination of him being injured and low on confidence and the fact that Bellamy, Tevez and Ade were all in great form meant that he'd be a bit part player. So rather than risk not playing every week, he'd rather go home, get his confidence back and get his sharpness back so he can be on the plane to SA.

The fact is, he will be hit and miss until we sort our midfield out. I've said this a thousand times. In a team who can keep the ball, he would be World Class. In a team who cannot keep the ball he will become the scapegoat....much like every bad away performance last season. Hopefully we'll rectify our problem in midfield in the Summer and he'll be back.
mcs said:
pity he didn't have the ability to apply himself in England (or Spain for that matter) and really prove he can hack it in the best leagues in the world. Its all nice to look a world beater playing in Brazil, but while they produce arguably the best national team in the world, you only have to look at that video to see the rubbish quality of their league. I would expect a League Two team would defend substantially better than some of that defending, diabolical is putting it nicely. I would of fancied grabbing a couple of goals myself playing against them.

my thoughts exactly.. in addition to which, he just might find it a little harder adapting to life away from his home country (where of course things are more suited for him in every which way).

I don't think there's much point bleating about stuff though (and all the Robinho threads). I'd be shocked to see him back here for next season. Fortunately we have the ability to withstand signings like this, so as they say, "so what?"

if he did come back though (in the face of all the stick he's drawing) I'm not sure if the situation would be any different than the first time around - but who knows.... nearly everyone should get a second chance, if they truly desire it.
I can´t start a thread so i´ll write here:

Today Robinho was in a TV programme, that will be broadcasted on saturday night 20Th.

Here it´s what he said about the applauses he gets from the audience:

"Thank you for the warm reception. I am thrilled. In England this never happened. There, i get only cold and rain."

<a class="postlink" href=",,MUL1526010-9874,00-NO+ALTAS+HORAS+ROBINHO+ASSUSTA+COM+CALOROSA+RECEPCAO+E+FOGE+DE+POLEMICA.html" onclick=";return false;"> ... EMICA.html</a>

I can´t find the video of his solo goal and celebritons this seanson if anyboby have it upload here please.
carlosJPA08 said:
I can´t start a thread so i´ll write here:

Today Robinho was in a TV programme, that will be broadcasted on saturday night 20Th.

Here it´s what he said about the applauses he gets from the audience:

"Thank you for the warm reception. I am thrilled. In England this never happened. There, i get only cold and rain."

<a class="postlink" href=",,MUL1526010-9874,00-NO+ALTAS+HORAS+ROBINHO+ASSUSTA+COM+CALOROSA+RECEPCAO+E+FOGE+DE+POLEMICA.html" onclick=";return false;"> ... EMICA.html</a>

I can´t find the video of his solo goal and celebritons this seanson if anyboby have it upload here please.

yes a fucking fair weather freak!

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