
Words fail me, the people who rate Robinho must not watch the same games as the rest of us. He is awful and hasn't done anything all season. He rates himself as a top player but when he comes on he does f all.

And Petrov, don't get me started on that soft bas*ta*d. He's another one i'll be glad to see the back on. Weiss should start, miles better than that tosser.
You can't blame Robinho for the defeat but he had no impact on the game at all and did his cause no good whatsoever. He looks ill equipped for the Premiership and we certainly are not good enough to carry him. I honestly can't see a future for Robbie and we need to move him on for his sake - and probably ours because he just becoming a figure of ridicule for the media and dicks like Craig Burley.

I'm more upset that that C@nt Moyes thinks he's got one over on us. How that runt can sit in Liverpool and say we've got no class.
You can't blame Robinho for the defeat but he had no impact on the game at all and did his cause no good whatsoever. He looks ill equipped for the Premiership and we certainly are not good enough to carry him. I honestly can't see a future for Robbie and we need to move him on for his sake - and probably ours because he just becoming a figure of ridicule for the media and dicks like Craig Burley.

I'm more upset that that C@nt Moyes thinks he's got one over on us. How that runt can sit in Liverpool and say we've got no class.
My, my, my what fickle mutherfuckers you all are.
No wonder Rags say its a small club mentality, im actually at the stadium while
you sit and post shite about players. Bet most of you are Johnny Come Lately fans
anyway. I hope Robinho leaves he was only our best player last season and
takes all you fickle fans with him.

The real fans know how good a player he is and a great free kick and penalty
wont change that.

hgblue said:
Another 'stormer' from Bellamy goes by without a mention I notice. Least he's run around a lot though eh?

Not good mate when you have to highlight someone else to try and defend your argument.

Look, all shit for me apart from given and Garrido who i thought was ok.

Robinho is a wolrd class star on his day, but his lack of appetite for working his bollocks off when it's backs against the wall and his lack of a defensive side to his game is very much highlighted in this league.

Some transfer work and some dont, in this instance i cant see it working im afraid.
didactic said:
My, my, my what fickle mutherfuckers you all are.
No wonder Rags say its a small club mentality, im actually at the stadium while
you sit and post shite about players. Bet most of you are Johnny Come Lately fans
anyway. I hope Robinho leaves he was only our best player last season and
takes all you fickle fans with him.

The real fans know how good a player he is and a great free kick and penalty
wont change that.


he wears lovely yellow boots too and likes a stepover.
didactic said:
My, my, my what fickle mutherfuckers you all are.
No wonder Rags say its a small club mentality, im actually at the stadium while
you sit and post shite about players. Bet most of you are Johnny Come Lately fans
anyway. I hope Robinho leaves he was only our best player last season and
takes all you fickle fans with him.

The real fans know how good a player he is and a great free kick and penalty
wont change that.


he wears lovely yellow boots too and likes a stepover.
there are too many people on here who are completely blinded by a big name
too many people think of his supposed quality and use it to neglect the fact that he doesn't put it on the pitch
i really rated robinho in his first season as most on here did, but there comes a time when enough is enough and we get rid, for me it hasnt quite come, but it's not far away
At the minute barca wouldnt touch him with a fuckin barge pole as it is
Fickle fuckers.

I hope he leaves and takes all the Johnny Come Lately City fans with him.

Im sick of the supporters most of which dont even know where
the stadium is. The internet allows idiots to post whatever they want
hiding behind screen names when they have zero idea about the sport.

I bet half of you were rag fans before the money came.

So a fantastic free kick and a penalty are Robinhos fault??

Im disgusted really. Making my way from the ground now didnt see
any of you Robinho out crowds there. Ohh wait you never actually
go watch the games just talk shite online.


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