
Yeh lets just blame Robinho.. couldn't have been the other 10 players on the pitch also under performing as a collective. No no what am i thinking of course it all Robinho :\
.allan said:
Yeh lets just blame Robinho.. couldn't have been the other 10 players on the pitch also under performing as a collective. No no what am i thinking of course it all Robinho :\

It's not just that the entire team was underperforming though. He has a had some very poor games. He is never up for it away from home and doesn't want to play for the club it seems like. I think it would be best FOR HIM to go to a team like Barca... but after these performances I don't see why they would want him.
didactic said:
My, my, my what fickle mutherfuckers you all are.
No wonder Rags say its a small club mentality, im actually at the stadium while
you sit and post shite about players. Bet most of you are Johnny Come Lately fans
anyway. I hope Robinho leaves he was only our best player last season and
takes all you fickle fans with him.

The real fans know how good a player he is and a great free kick and penalty
wont change that.


Put your shandy down and get a grip.

Everyone knows how good he is but everyone also knows that he does not perform for us. Unless your suggesting that Mancini is also an idiot for taking him off!!!

Our best player last season was Ireland. Theres nothing fickle about wanting a player to do his job at least once in a bluemoon!
didactic said:
Fickle fuckers.

I hope he leaves and takes all the Johnny Come Lately City fans with him.

Im sick of the supporters most of which dont even know where
the stadium is. The internet allows idiots to post whatever they want
hiding behind screen names when they have zero idea about the sport.

I bet half of you were rag fans before the money came.

So a fantastic free kick and a penalty are Robinhos fault??

Im disgusted really. Making my way from the ground now didnt see
any of you Robinho out crowds there. Ohh wait you never actually
go watch the games just talk shite online.


1)Season ticket holder 14 years, don't go to many saturday games because I play football at a goo standard, so probably know a lot more about the game than your fat beer swilling arse, so don't give me that.

2) We obviously got a better view of the free kick on tv as it was far from outstanding.

3) How are you typing all this into your phone whilst walking form the ground?

4) Do you think Robinhos form or attitude are acceptable?
didactic said:
My, my, my what fickle mutherfuckers you all are.
No wonder Rags say its a small club mentality, im actually at the stadium while
you sit and post shite about players. Bet most of you are Johnny Come Lately fans
anyway. I hope Robinho leaves he was only our best player last season and
takes all you fickle fans with him.

The real fans know how good a player he is and a great free kick and penalty
wont change that.


ah some billy better bollocks im a bigger blue than you type!

i am a fan of robbie but even the bluest of tinted glasses can see there is something not right about robbie atm,you hit the nail on the head with the fact he was our best player last season so whats happened??

is he unfit if so why,yes he was injured but has had plenty of time to get fit?

he is supposed to be a world class player that got taken apart today and in a few of his past few games not much better.

you don't become shit over night so whats going on with robbie at the moment anybody got any genuine ideas why he has gone like this apart from being a better blue than me for not being at the match?
I have a dream. This dream involves sucking all the talent out of Robinho and putting it into Darius Vassell's body. That combo might make Robbie as world class as he thinks he is. It's just a crying shame.

On a positive note, Shauny came on and did some good things today. Created some space that we weren't able to get otherwise. Hopefully Mancini noticed.
.allan said:
Yeh lets just blame Robinho.. couldn't have been the other 10 players on the pitch also under performing as a collective. No no what am i thinking of course it all Robinho :\

Tbf mate, it looks like Mancini was not too impressed by him either?

You can launch in to fellow blues as much as you want, Robinho's lack of effort on the pitch says it all in my book.
every single player on the pitch for us was shite so to single robbie out as the scapegoat for today is unfair cos the way weve been putting out our midfield i nthe last 4 weeks we have been waiting to get on the end of a hammering from the better teams like this.

however robinho is a disgrace and the fans who defend him are basing it on the form he showed wellll over a year ago and the fact they are obsessed with the whole superstar thing. samaras looked good and a right handful when he first came yet everyone slated him when he ended up shite and didnt put any kind of performance in for the last 18 months he was here...
.allan said:
Yeh lets just blame Robinho.. couldn't have been the other 10 players on the pitch also under performing as a collective. No no what am i thinking of course it all Robinho :\
no ones arguing that , he just is one of many to blame, and it the easiest to blame cause hes been crap for ages

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