Rodney Marsh and Dennis Tueart

Tueart was the bollocks. Worked hard, played hard and gave everything in every game. Marsh was a fucking two bob show pony who’s dined out on being a bird-pulling, night-club visiting tool. He won fuck all. All mouth, no medals. Dennis would knock the **** out in no time.
Met Dennis several times and was the perfect gentleman. Signed pictures, took photos, happy to chat with me at all times. He was the bollocks as a player too. Marsh isn’t fit to lace his boots.

In this he states that no city players blamed him for the 71-72 title loss 'to his face', but found out later that '2 or 3' had stabbed him in the back to the chairman and manager. I'm guessing Tueart might be one of these and Rodney admits in the same interview that the squad was split 50/50 on his signing / place in the team.
I should start off by saying I don’t know either of them but I did have a couple of interactions with Dennis Tueart, one of which, in particular, made a big impression on me.

I had a series in the City programme in the early 1980s where I would do an illustration of a player and the fan who wrote in with the best poem or verse about that player would win the original artwork. The club invited me to training one day so that the players could each sign a print copy of the art for me. A few of the players liked the art and asked if I would recreate an original for them and we agreed a price. A couple of weeks later, I took the new originals in to training and the players all paid up and seemed pleased with their pieces … with one exception. A Scottish international wanted the art but didn’t want to pay me. It was pretty uncomfortable because he was well known and was trying it on in front of a few of the other players and basically trying to embarrass or bully me into giving it him fo free. I was trying to be polite and keep it light but I was really uncomfortable … until Dennis Tueart stepped in and told him not to be a ****, that I had obviously spent hours working on this commission and didn’t deserve to be fucked about. The player shut up and grudgingly paid up.

I’d briefly met Tueart once before when I presented him with a piece I did for my series in Match Weekly and the magazine set up a photo op, but other than a minute or two of pleasantries, that was the sum total of my previous interaction with him … so there was no reason for him to go to bat for me in the dressing room that day.

I saw him a handful of times after that, sometimes in the Blue Room after a game and once or twice at a wine bar in St Annes Square. I was always amazed that he even remembered me … but he would always make the first move, come over and offer a handshake and ask how work was going, etc. He even remembered my name.

So I have no insight other than, in the few interactions I had with him, he always came across as a really friendly and pretty decent bloke.

Having said that, the story about Marsh and Alf Ramsey and the half-time ritual still makes me laugh out loud!


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Tueart was the bollocks. Worked hard, played hard and gave everything in every game. Marsh was a fucking two bob show pony who’s dined out on being a bird-pulling, night-club visiting tool. He won fuck all. All mouth, no medals. Dennis would knock the **** out in no time.
That's how I see it. Bit of a clash of personalities with Tueart being a big (strong) character and Marsh as you say a show pony in comparison.

In this he states that no city players blamed him for the 71-72 title loss 'to his face', but found out later that '2 or 3' had stabbed him in the back to the chairman and manager. I'm guessing Tueart might be one of these and Rodney admits in the same interview that the squad was split 50/50 on his signing / place in the team.

Tueart didn’t join until March 1974
Met Dennis in the club shop about 3 years ago when I was behind him in the queue. Got chatting and told my lad that me and my dad were at Wembley together in 1976 when Dennis scored the winner with an overhead kick (which I had showed my lad many times on video). Dennis straight away said to my lad 8 or 9 at the time to come with him and stood with him in front of the pic on the stadium wall with his overhead kick on. Also he was in the shop buying a load of City shirts which he said he did every year for a local children’s charity. Proper bloke, proper Blue; couldn’t see Rodney doing the same
Met them both, albeit I don’t know either personally.

Their personal animus has no effect on the fact that I loved BOTH of them when they played for City.

Tueart was an exciting, run at defenders, quick shot, winger who cut in to great effect.

Marsh was the consummate show man, with dazzling skills and the kind of languid movement not found in players his size.

As for their impact on City, behind the scenes, I’m not going to speculate. However, they were two fan favourites during their time here and electrified the crowd, in their own way, on more than one occasion.

I’m not going to let their personal feelings for each other detract from my admiration of what they both brought to the field.
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