Rodney Marsh and Dennis Tueart

City 1 Chelsea 1 1971 said:
City 1 Chelsea 1 1971 said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Yup, that's Tueart.

There is a chapter in Marsh's book "Priceless" when he describes his relationship with all his old City team mates. Surprisingly he respects Mike Doyle far more than we were led to believe.
If memory serves me correctly (and I'll have to check) there was an episode when the players wanted to complain about an incident and Marsh was elected as spokesman. I think it was something to do with Ian Macfarlane.
Tueart was upposed to back Marsh up, but kept quiet when the shit hit the fan.

Right story, but wrong book.

In "Loose Cannon" Marsh describes an incident in the changing room after City had drawn with Burnley 0-0 at Maine Road. According to Marsh, this concluded with the City Coach Ian Macfarlane twatting Tueart in front of the other players.
As the City Captain, Marsh was summoned to Swales's office the following Monday. He was asked for his opinion and he replied that Macfarlane was a lunatic. Unfortunately Swales went straight to Tony Book and Marsh was immediately stripped of the captaincy.
Marsh was pissed off because Tueart didn't back him up and they hardly spoke for the rest of his time at Maine Road.
When Marsh left City he went for a drink with Donachie, Royle and a few others. Tueart arrived late and Marsh refused his handshake.

Before anybody jumps to conclusions I'm not particularly bothered either way. I have fond memories of both their City careers and I've never had any reason to change my mind.

I dont remember Marsh being stripped of the captaincy. I was shocked when Tony Book sacked him citing persistent bad behaviour. I couldnt understand why he hadnt first taken the captaincy from him and then, if his behaviour persisted, dropped him. It just seemed as if Book had exercised the nuclear option without taking any intermediate steps.

I do remember the game after Marsh had been sacked. There was quite a lot of unrest and bad feeling among some of the fans before the game. But Mick Doyle the new captain had a terrific game looking every inch a natural leader that he completely diffused the situation. It just highlighted the fact that Marsh should never have been captain.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Mike D said:
Vienna_70 said:
I don't like Rodney Marsh.

However, Dennis is one of my all-time favourite City players.

Me too Marsh is a big mouthed cockney tw*t.

Rodney is one of the nicest guys you could ever wish to meet and long before the money came in, always had time for this club.

Tueart, much as he was one of my first heroes, is an opportunist, a businessman, someone he took this club down a very wrong path.

If it was down to him, we would have sold to Ray Ranson way back.

Rodney is indeed a flash cockney geezer, but a very decent man.

I was told by an ex member of the board who is named as a good friend of big Mal in the book "Allison in wonderland", that it was infact Tueart, who was despised by the rest of the team.
sadly a untameable talent ? great player but loved to upset the apple cart with his mouth in the media
I may be mistaken about what happened but the way he was ‘cancelled’ before cancel culture was even a thing for a very ill advised throwaway comment was a little harsh. Considering spitty carragher despite his ‘crimes’ is still on TV.

It’s almost as if there’s an agenda...

(Dons tin hat)
We lost the league that season he joined us, not just because of him, but Big Mals stupidity in dropping our player of the season, Tony Towers who was wonderful.
Midfield after that was awful for those remaining fixtures.
A manager years ahead of his time, tinkering around with the team for reasons nobody can understand, and costing us a trophy that would be talked about for generations to come

nah.. not having it
I may be mistaken about what happened but the way he was ‘cancelled’ before cancel culture was even a thing for a very ill advised throwaway comment was a little harsh. Considering spitty carragher despite his ‘crimes’ is still on TV.

It’s almost as if there’s an agenda...

(Dons tin hat)

After the tsunami in Thailand he said something along the lines of he didn't know there had been a disaster in Newcastle ( as in toon army.)

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