Russian invasion of Ukraine

It’s obvious to me that the west want the war to drag on until such a time that Russia is crippled through sanctions and has no means to remobilise. At the moment Putin is still in a position of strength in the country and a defeat now would still see him in power. Move on 12 months with the loss of another 200,000 men and the country on its arse and then there may be a chance of a more favourable outcome for all sides (except Russia).
Good points , I'm just wanting it over ASAP for obvious reasons.
No you didn't say that, but if I understand you correctly you advocate the UK unilaterally declaring war on Russia, which both strips us of the protection of the NATO umbrella and if extrapolated to a logical conclusion may well involve us bombing Moscow whilst they do the same to London. I don't think you've thought it through have you
Nope didn't say that either. I just said we should go in with missiles and planes and hit RA in Ukraine. I see little difference in us giving UA missiles apart from who is pressing the button. If RA withdraws then no probs. By while they are invading another country they are fair game.

Also don't understand why the west are still allowing Russian Citizens travel to western countries. We should be hitting these people as hard as possible in every way. Travel bans would cause massive inconvenience and disruption to them.
Surely NATO can't be blind to what's happening here and also the build-up of troops and equipment in Belarus?

I wonder if all these tanks are going to arrive soon enough and whether NATO has got anything else up it's sleeve to help Ukraine?

There's a new weapon being made but I cant recall the name, its using an existing guided bomb system but attached to MRLS rockets. 100+ mile range and accurate to a few feet.

The main thing being, no new tech, its using old stock of ammo and rockets where the west has very large stock piles available.

They are due in Spring, I would guess the numbers of HIMARS/MRLS systems will sky rocket in Spring as this stock starts to roll out. Ammo is a big issue with the existing HIMARS/MRLS, this solves that issue.
Fourteen is a token gesture, but if everyone in the NATO forces pulled their proverbial fingers out then we could easily esclate that number to many a number of battalions .. that could actually make a difference.

Re making us weaker .. either we are weak or we are weaker, both phrases do not speak or spit of confidence. Like I said give them our tanks and make an actual statement if that is the intent:

We've a Royal Navy, albeit a much reduced Royal Navy and a very good Air Force, combined with a nuclear deterrent, so little doubt we'll be fighting tank battles on UK soil any time soon. This is no time to be dilly dallying as token gestures will not force the cnunt to the negotiating table.

We still have the very real risk of this escalating into a NATO conflict where our tanks will be required by our army. If that cupboard was bare lots of careers would be over.
Another quasi dictator with their hands on all levers with the same end result - more lies to be lapped up. Hope their application to join the EU has gone in the bin

Didn’t a British Newspaper back in 1914 say something like, ‘we’d be better off cutting Serbia off from the mainland and letting it sink into the sea rather than help defend it against Austria’, ahead of the Great War?
There's a new weapon being made but I cant recall the name, its using an existing guided bomb system but attached to MRLS rockets. 100+ mile range and accurate to a few feet.

The main thing being, no new tech, its using old stock of ammo and rockets where the west has very large stock piles available.

They are due in Spring, I would guess the numbers of HIMARS/MRLS systems will sky rocket in Spring as this stock starts to roll out. Ammo is a big issue with the existing HIMARS/MRLS, this solves that issue.
Think Ukraine are using old "dumb bombs" with JDAMs attatched,but they only travel about 30km.
Maybe this new system your on about is similar to JDAM?

Slava Ukraini.
We still have the very real risk of this escalating into a NATO conflict where our tanks will be required by our army. If that cupboard was bare lots of careers would be over.
The russian army has suffered a severe depletion of their military capabilities and many of their best trained battalions and generals have already been killed in action. Any conventional war between NATO and russia would be fatal to the russians. Even if they somehow made it to the Ukranian/Polish border they would be facing arguably the best trained, motivated and equipped army that Europe has.

I am sure the generals' very public comments about the donation of the challengers is more a political ploy to help the MOD get the financing they are desperately after off the treasury.
Nope didn't say that either. I just said we should go in with missiles and planes and hit RA in Ukraine. I see little difference in us giving UA missiles apart from who is pressing the button. If RA withdraws then no probs. By while they are invading another country they are fair game.

Also don't understand why the west are still allowing Russian Citizens travel to western countries. We should be hitting these people as hard as possible in every way. Travel bans would cause massive inconvenience and disruption to them.
There is a massive difference between supplying arms, which is actually a business, and firing those arms at the Russians wherever they are. The latter is an act of war, the former is not.

I agree with you about travel restrictions though

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