Russian invasion of Ukraine

The only problem with this is that Ukraine needs to be able to occupy Crimea ASAP if there’s a power change in Moscow.

Any new Russian leader is likely to sue for peace and try to get 2014 borders reinstated and blame everything on Putin, and if Crimea is still in Russian control then they’re likely to be allowed by the West to keep it, because let’s be honest no one cares when they occupied it 2014-2022. I know they’ve all promised Ukraine needs to be made entirely whole, but that’s very easy to say in the middle of a war when the end of conflict seems Mike’s away.

So I think Ukraine will pretty much stop operations hoping that the Russian army gets recalled to stop a civil war, with the exception of down south where they need to be able to strike Crimea within a few hours if needs be.
Cant they just take the bridge out with Storm Shadow?
Cant they just take the bridge out with Storm Shadow?

Taking the bridge out doesn’t stop it being occupied. It makes life difficult for the occupiers, but it’s still in Russian hands.

Ideally they’d retake the airfields, force a mass surrender and threaten Sevastopol to the point where the Black Sea fleet either leaves, gets attacked or is scuttled.

The Black Sea fleet represents a very complicated issue at the negotiating table that would be much better for Ukraine if it didn’t exist.
Military expert on BBC world news who is based in Berlin just said the Wagner group travelling on the M4 towards Moscow have air support which is astonishing. This literally means the Russian Air Force has surrendered or stood down to allow Putin to be overthrown.
If that's true...he who holds the air wins the battle.
I’m not sure I agree. In the short term perhaps, but long term your looking at an extreme far right Militia controlling Russia who are probably even more intent on creating a larger Russia state

The choice is between Putin or a militia…

You could also be looking at a civil war right on Ukraines border

I think there’s a lot of very powerful people who were very content with Russia between 2000 and 2014, maybe even 2022.

There’ll be a lot of interested parties who are happy to take power and then just use it to enrich themselves and their friends personally but without the desire to reform the Russian Empire pre-1917.

Putins problem is he just went too far.

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