I find it very strange that, of a jury of 11, it was not possible to come to a majority verdict. Your job as the jury is to ascertain whether enough evidence has been presented to find someone guilty. If not then you can't find them guilty and should clearly say so. The judge even said a majority verdict was acceptable, but that still required ten of the eleven to agree, and is designed to overcome that one stick on the mud. Clearly they didn't have that.
I think the defence team therefore probably did enough to sew seeds of doubt over her evidence and they were clearly very organized to explain away the incidents and language used. Not defending Giggs at all, just saying he had a team that did it's job well for him. But there was clearly enough there for at least some of the jury to not accept choosing not guilty too.
If there is no further evidence then a retrial is probably pointless given you're pinning everything on the hope a different set of people interpret the evidence differently, unless the judge or either side believes the jury was incapable of functioning in its role regardless.