Samir Nasri {merged}

Re: The final straw for Nasri

What an arsehole . Thought he did well second half, but fuck me, I'd take repeated blows to the bollocks for city, that prick couldn't take a ball to the chest. Fuck off
Re: The final straw for Nasri

Rafael Da Silva "The right back", has more assists than Nasri so far.
Re: The final straw for Nasri

not saying nasri is the best player we have far from it but to single him out just because it was the rags is unbelievable, balo should have been sold last summer and dzeko has cost us big time this season with his inability to control a fuckin football!

thought nasri did ok today and at least wants to play for us unlike balotelli who seems to think every game he plays hes allowed to take every free kick/foul/stamp/argue with no comebacks from mancini.

nasri to me is a good team player unlike a few others we carry.
Re: The final straw for Nasri

Not seen the free kick but he was near us in the south stand today making little or no effort to have a go at evra. Evra knew he had the beating of him. Evra's an arrogant little fuck who's been off the boil for years, but his arrogance but nasri in his pocket because nasri didn't have the balls to stand up to him. Shauny was a lesser player but didn't give a fuck and used to run rings round the little red twat every time, for fun. Nasri is a far superior player but completely let us down. Offered fuck all til the last 20. Make or break now for that kid, man up you fanny
Re: The final straw for Nasri

roach3 said:
not saying nasri is the best player we have far from it but to single him out just because it was the rags is unbelievable, balo should have been sold last summer and dzeko has cost us big time this season with his inability to control a fuckin football!

thought nasri did ok today and at least wants to play for us unlike balotelli who seems to think every game he plays hes allowed to take every free kick/foul/stamp/argue with no comebacks from mancini.

nasri to me is a good team player unlike a few others we carry.

People are pissed off because he had a basic job to do stand still - maybe jump. He f'in ducked out of the way.

Personally i think Joe was also to blame, he set the wall up which needed at least one more player and the corner it went into he should have covered much better. Before the kick was taken JH was stood muchnearer to that post then moved across to check the wall but didn't go back to the same position.
Re: The final straw for Nasri

We cant have Nasri as one of our creative player. Goals and assists that thing are what we need from creative players.

That's what he did at Arsenal. Scoring goals, breaking up defences with good runs. We dont play the system Arsenal played in those years but still Nasri showed very few times only what he is capable off. Like that goal vs. Chelsea a good run into the box and a goal from a nice little Tevez pass.

He did that at Arsenal on a regular basis. He does similar stuff here once in every 2-3 months.

That's why many prefer Milner instead of him and sure Milner would start at Mancini too. He has not the skills, technique, potential like Nasri. But he works for the team hard and helps out teammates far better and far more. This is also good because Barry wont be so alone doing it helping the defence.

We simply have no balance in the team when Silva/Nasri both plays. Its like we have two teams on hte ptch a defensive half and an attacking half.

Look at Dortmund. They did it together their defenders was part of the attack as they made fast passes to midfielders who could turn a defending actions into an attacking ones with only a few well placed passes.
the attckers were part of defending when they pressed us so much and how uncomfortable that was for us. We went back to give back ball to Hart, Kompany and hoof it. Well their defenders easily got the ball and they could start fast attacks again.
Re: The final straw for Nasri

To hide behind the wall from the ball in the derby is shocking.

That said he made some good runs.
Re: The final straw for Nasri

I think he does a decent job for us not sure why he's getting stick, yes he made a few errors today but what player didnt?

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