Samir Nasri {merged}

Re: The final straw for Nasri

why the fuck dont we stick a man on the line for shit like that

is this joes job? i mean last 5 minutes or so to go in this game and the only real chance they would have had to score you just fucking new it would go in.

am i the only one who thinks joes been a bit suspect this year?

on another note how good does nastasic look, a real prospect
Re: The final straw for Nasri

Hopefully Milner will get back and keep him out of the side, offers much more, Nasri is over rated & surplus IMO!
Re: The final straw for Nasri

Hamann Pineapple said:
I don't like him. He's a bit soft, talented, but soft.

I can't remember the details but I do remember recently when an opponent crossed the ball (not in this game, previously) and he had the chance to intercept it and he actually ducked out of the way. Absolutely pathetic. The lad needs seriously to grow some balls.
Re: The final straw for Nasri

Skill yes, but a complete fanny merchant who should be moved on asp, he`s never pulled his weight at covering back, he pulls out of any kind of contact and avoiding the f*cking ball in the last two mins as part of a defencive wall is the last straw for me.
Re: The final straw for Nasri

NothingSpecial said:
roach3 said:
not saying nasri is the best player we have far from it but to single him out just because it was the rags is unbelievable, balo should have been sold last summer and dzeko has cost us big time this season with his inability to control a fuckin football!

thought nasri did ok today and at least wants to play for us unlike balotelli who seems to think every game he plays hes allowed to take every free kick/foul/stamp/argue with no comebacks from mancini.

nasri to me is a good team player unlike a few others we carry.

Stop talking sense.

Bollocks. He completely shit out today. Such a good player but spineless
Re: The final straw for Nasri

I've not read the whole thread but what he did in that wall was fucking unforgiveable. Anyone can make mistakes but that wasn't a mistake. He's a bottler and should be got rid of in January.
Re: The final straw for Nasri

Not saying what Nasri did was acceptable, but i seem to remember Barry turning his back on shots outside the box more than once.

Still should've manned up though.

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