Samir Nasri {merged}

Re: The final straw for Nasri {merged}

Nasri may be a bad winger, but he's style 10 times the player he is as a playmaker when he plays winger: he has none of the qualities required to play in the central midifiel role. He doesn't have a good passing ability, he can't dribble in little spaces (the good dribbles he does one every ten match, he does them while running on the wing with the space), nor does he have physical presence or defensive talent.

You can't have a playmaker whose only quality is running and link up one-two passing.
Re: The final straw for Nasri {merged}

He's a soft arse, only thing of note he did was shy away from the free kick in the wall and it cost us the draw...........
The other usless numb head Balo can sod off also, waste of time the both of them, contribute nowt to the games they play in, at least too little too often anyway and they don't seen arsed when they are on the pitch. Sorry, but they are not good enough to play as requied in our team so off you trot, buy Falco and some other bugger else that looks like they want to play football............For 90 plus minutes.
Re: The final straw for Nasri {merged}

BillyShears said:
Didsbury Dave said:
im too busy for a full reply, billy, but for me, I'd rather not see him anywhere near the city team again. 'recycling' means nothing. He certainly can't play as a holding midfielder(he was put there late on yesterday) because he can't tackle and has the physical presence of a 10 year old. He'd get bullied off the park.

Cut our losses, get £12m off some mug club who are buying his reputation and learn a lesson.

He's been a disaster. 18 months is long enough to judge.

I don't agree, but then I don't think he gets bullied off the ball. That's not the same as shitting out of tackles which I agree he does do, but when he has possession he rarely loses it and rarely gets bullied off the ball.

But then I don't think he's been a disaster for 18 months either, nor do I think we need to sell him or cut our losses.

I agree with all this. I reckon he is too conservative at times, and wish he would do more, but still think he's important to the team. Rarely gives it away, never shrugged off the ball, and does create plenty of chances - wasn't he in the list of the top 'assisters' last season? If so, doesn't that give the lie to the idea that he never contributes, never attempts progressive passes etc?

Thought he played pretty well yesterday, as well, was involved in a lot of our attacking play second half.

Of course, not that any of that excuses his shithouse antics in the wall.
Re: The final straw for Nasri {merged}

Still better then Balloteli, at least he's trying do something ????
Re: The final straw for Nasri {merged}

it sickens me to think that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of blues across manchester, the uk and even the world had shit days and will continue to have a shit week because this twat is scared of the fucking football
Re: The final straw for Nasri {merged}

Cant imagine what the players tell to him when they watch this freekick back.
Re: The final straw for Nasri {merged}

Agree with most here. His effort in the wall yesterday was simply one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen from a professional footballer. Its completely inexcusable to hide behind the wall and stick a leg out in stoppage time of any game, let alone a Derby. If he fucked off to Russia or China that would be ideal for me. No heart and as soft as you would expect a frog to be.
Re: The final straw for Nasri {merged}

The thing is if he had been a man, and put his body in the way, the game would have ended 2-2 and we would have felt like we had the moral victory.

It wasnt that he was done by skill or he made a mistake, he just shit himself. He should be ashamed.
Re: The final straw for Nasri {merged}

He is good at passing in to the easiest option and tracking back. The way I look at it is simple; Yaya Toure can change games, Silva can, Aguero can, Tevez can, Dzeko can and even Balotelli can. Nasri can't. I've never seen him take the game by the scruff of the neck and dictate play like Silva can. Overrated player. I'm not tolerating the fact that he will probablly have one good game in 2/3 months and be non-existent in them games. All he is is a neat and tidy player but no where near world-class. Please just compare him to Mata. Mata changes games on a regular basis. Nasri is a coward who is afraid of the frickin' ball.

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