Saurez [FA release investigation findings]

Re: Suarez (merged)

I wonder what the odds are on him getting sent off tonight, if he plays
Re: Suarez (merged)

Did anyone see the scouse fans on SSN? Jesus fucking christ...

"If Suarez had abused a black player from Wigan there wouldn't have been an issue but because it's Man Utd..."

Fucking deluded.
Re: Suarez (merged)

Ignorance is NOT a defence!!

'Sorry officer I didn't realise I couldn't carry this gun in England because I can in America' that would not cut any ice what so ever

If he wants to go around doing things he might have done in Uruguay its up to him to find out what the laws are and what is/isn't acceptable
Re: Suarez (merged)

Paulmcfc2703 said:
Rana said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
But like I said earlier why hasn't Silva, Torres, Reina etc not said it

I don't know, but why should they have said it?
Knowing a word don't force you to say it.
And I am sure that they learnt it soon when they arrived to England, or even they knew that before going to the premier league.

I'm not in their minds. I know that "negro" is racist there and I would never use it in some countries, but all spanish-speakers are not like me and I can understand that some people don't know what "negro" means in most of english speaking countries.
He has been here since January and living in Holland for 4 years prior. Surely he should of learnt that too then?

I don't know mate, I am not Suarez.
But some footballers doesn't live in the real world, for example Beckham was living in Spain for 4 years and he didn't learnt spanish. He can't make a single sentence!!

Suarez does not seems to be a genius. :P

What I am trying to say is that he should not have used that words, and it could be bad, but that don't make him a racist.
Re: Suarez (merged)

The whole saga is surreal & watching the dippers show themselves up is compelling viewing.

Some of the comments about this have unfortunately shown that there is still very much a problem with racist attitudes from some people in this country.
Re: Suarez (merged)

Rana said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
Rana said:
I don't know, but why should they have said it?
Knowing a word don't force you to say it.
And I am sure that they learnt it soon when they arrived to England, or even they knew that before going to the premier league.

I'm not in their minds. I know that "negro" is racist there and I would never use it in some countries, but all spanish-speakers are not like me and I can understand that some people don't know what "negro" means in most of english speaking countries.
He has been here since January and living in Holland for 4 years prior. Surely he should of learnt that too then?

I don't know mate, I am not Suarez.
But some footballers doesn't live in the real world, for example Beckham was living in Spain for 4 years and he didn't learnt spanish. He can't make a single sentence!!

Suarez does not seems to be a genius. :P

What I am trying to say is that he should not have used that words, and it could be bad, but that don't make him a racist.

I think the problem was caused by the fact it was repeated more than once and he was doing it to wind Evra up. Using that expression to do so shows his ignorance as much as anything, if he has to stoop to using someones race as a means to antagonize him. Basically he's a twat of the highest order.
Re: Suarez (merged)

Calcio said:
I just found out the Daglish twitter account is real loool.

kennethdalglish Kenneth Dalglish
Very disappointed with today's verdict. This is the time when @luis16suarez needs our full support. Let's not let him walk alone. KD
Oh my life! He really can't be serious.....'Let's not let him walk alone' - Jesus H Christ.
Re: Suarez (merged)

MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
Did anyone see the scouse fans on SSN? Jesus fucking christ...

"If Suarez had abused a black player from Wigan there wouldn't have been an issue but because it's Man Utd..."

Fucking deluded.

Watched the idiot myself and my jaw dropped.

Liverpool fans, manager and club resort to type once more and play the victim card.
Re: Suarez (merged)

martynziegler Martyn Ziegler
Suarez's eight-match ban could be increased if he appeals, FA confirm.
8 minutes ago


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