Scotland Independance Referendum

pee dubya said:
I don't trust what Salmond says at all (he's as bloody politician!), but he is a smart man, I think he is aware of the reality of the situation and hopefully isn't delusional.

On a side note, countries like Ecuador and El Salvador use the US dollar, is that a different scenario or does the US hold sway over their financial policies?

That's totally different, those countries and many others like Zimbabwe have adopted the US dollar rather than reached a monetary union with them.
pee dubya said:
I don't trust what Salmond says at all (he's as bloody politician!), but he is a smart man, I think he is aware of the reality of the situation and hopefully isn't delusional.

On a side note, countries like Ecuador and El Salvador use the US dollar, is that a different scenario or does the US hold sway over their financial policies?

No it doesn't but Ecuador and El Salvador don't hold any influence over the value of the dollar either, so should the dollar have a sharp rise or sudden fall then that can seriously affect their economies and there's nothing they can do about it.
Skashion said:
without a dream said:
Osbourne set to rule out a currency union today, inevitable really as it wouldn't benefit the rest of the UK in any way should the Scots vote Yes.
There was never a chance an independent Scotland would continue to use sterling. It would be a huge risk to let our currency be used by a sizeable economy who have complete independence.
This will raise a big problem for Scotland as the Euro isnt as keen on unproven or basket case economies any more and starting up there own would take years. Salmond truly hasn't thought this through has he
English independence from Scotland cannot come quick enough. Why:

The Scottish don't know when they are well off.
They are the most ungrateful bunch - ever.
The anti English thing has gone to far (and it is promoted from the very top).

So, the sooner the better for all concerned.
without a dream said:
pee dubya said:
I don't trust what Salmond says at all (he's as bloody politician!), but he is a smart man, I think he is aware of the reality of the situation and hopefully isn't delusional.

On a side note, countries like Ecuador and El Salvador use the US dollar, is that a different scenario or does the US hold sway over their financial policies?

No it doesn't but Ecuador and El Salvador don't hold any influence over the value of the dollar either, so should the dollar have a sharp rise or sudden fall then that can seriously affect their economies and there's nothing they can do about it.
I'm pretty ignorant about currencies and finance. Say for example what BB1985 says happens, and we ended up out of the pound and euro, having to set up our own currency, then we'd end up adopting the £ (or euro?) as a short-term measure whilst any new currency is being established?
TGR said:
English independence from Scotland cannot come quick enough. Why:

The Scottish don't know when they are well off.
They are the most ungrateful bunch - ever.
The anti English thing has gone to far (and it is promoted from the very top).

So, the sooner the better for all concerned.
Good WUMing.......or if it isn't then I point you to the Trainspotting vid, or stop reading the Sun.
UK Chancellor George Osborne is likely to rule out a formal currency union with an independent Scotland, government sources have told the BBC.

It came after the prime minister said Mr Osborne would set out details of the coalition's position this week.

The Scottish government wants to keep the pound in a currency union if there is a referendum "Yes" vote.

The deputy first minister claimed no currency deal would leave Westminster with all the UK debt.

Nicola Sturgeon said the position did not bear scrutiny and was a campaign manoeuvre in a bid to "bully Scotland".

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... s-26147783</a>
gordondaviesmoustache said:
without a dream said:
Osbourne set to rule out a currency union today, inevitable really as it wouldn't benefit the rest of the UK in any way should the Scots vote Yes.
Any other policy would be absurd. I'm not one of these 'fuck them if they vote for independence' merchants. I think we should have a positive relationship going forwards whatever the outcome, but to place the pound in any form of jeopardy by welding it to another sizeable economy (over which we had no fiscal control) in any meaningful way, would be fucking nuts imo.
Fucking nuts indeed Gord, and it is, quite rightly, being rejected by the Government.
The problem the breakaway Jocks have is that there will be no currency union with England and they are certainly not going to be able to blithely join the Euro as a fallback, the EU is already nervous about being asked to embrace them.
This means forming their own currency.
So if we fancy a weekend at Loch Lomond, we'll have to ensure we take our stash of 'Saltire Dollars' with their pictures of bad-tempered little red haired footballers on one side, and Mel Gibson on the other. said:
Gabriel said: said:
If the Scottish vote no they should give the English a vote as soon as possible
The status quo cannot be allowed to continue as it is blatantly wrong that a Scottish MP can vote on Purely English matters but an English MP has no say what so ever in the Scottish Parliament

If I remember correctly, the Commission established to report on the West Lothian question published its proposals last year. One suggestion is that any legislation pertaining solely to England should carry the support of a majority of MPs representing English constituencies. This would presumably prevent MPs from Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland having undue influence.

this is not the quite the same as it does not stop a Scottish MP joining the debate and therefore they have a whole lot more influence than an English MP who doesn't even sit in the Scottish parliament

this is a total fudge and until the English have the same rights as everyone else the system remains unfair

Funny they missed the obvious answer : A Parliament for England

There is no parliament for England as the English, of which I am one, have never asked for it.
Probably because never felt the need. Hence surely there is no point moaning about something we haven't got or had an option on if we have never asked for it? Even past referendums on English regionalisation in areas such as the North East were given a huge No vote.
An English parliament would almost certainly be the end of the union as the power shift would be just too great.
malg said:
TGR said:
English independence from Scotland cannot come quick enough. Why:

The Scottish don't know when they are well off.
They are the most ungrateful bunch - ever.
The anti English thing has gone to far (and it is promoted from the very top).

So, the sooner the better for all concerned.
Good WUMing.......or if it isn't then I point you to the Trainspotting vid, or stop reading the Sun.

he has a bit of a point though surely

The Scottish lads at my local footie club, well if you call them British your risking a slap, they despise all things English (who can blame them)

I dont see why they would want to stay in the Union if they can get out from Englands Grasp, theyve all seen Braveheart you know...

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