Scottish independence

malg said:
TGR said:
Blueband Brother said:
David Cameron and his clique are now paying for their dismissive, nonchalant and disrespectful way they handled this issue from the onset. They all thought it was a rash that will go away in due time .. well it aint going nowhere at least not until the referendum.

And now they are scrambling around trying to gather themselves together now that the tide has turned. Salmond on the other hand, although admittedly annoying has shown naught but consistency and passion for the course and has campaigned aggressively around Scotland trying to change the minds of the folks.

David Cameron could not even get himself to take part in the debate, thought himself too big or the issue too small for him. Instead he sent the hapless Darling and it has backfired.

Saying all that, I really don't see this happening as when it comes to the actual process of voting, a lot of Scots will naturally and understandably opt to remain in the union as there is no enormous urgency and cause to face up to the daunting realities of change.

A more inaccurate, I'll informed and imprecise post on the subject I have yet to read.
Cameron was right to stay away from it, as if he'd got involved the fucking Yes vote would be 80% by now (same for Clegg). Milliband and Brown should be more involved, as they'd get the Labour vote motivated. As for Salmond, he divides the population in Scotland anyway, and he's as smug as Cameron as well.
In which case he (Cameron) shouldn't be getting involved now?
I would have a tad more respect for the yes brigade if they were just honest and admit it's got fuck all to do with social justice etc and everything to do with hating the English.

I live outside of Dumfries and had a fucking idiot telling me a no vote will see thousands of young scots turning the country into a 1970's Northern Ireland as they take up arms to get what they want.
The perfect fumble said:
SWP's back said:
The perfect fumble said:
The Prime Minister who lost the Union will " more than see the silver side of that particular cloud"

He will?

Thank you, I find it a comfort to be reminded why the Tories are known as the Stupid Party
I don't do so bad.

Not even a little bit. Just hard working, hence preferring the Tories.
Len Rum said:
malg said:
TGR said:
A more inaccurate, I'll informed and imprecise post on the subject I have yet to read.
Cameron was right to stay away from it, as if he'd got involved the fucking Yes vote would be 80% by now (same for Clegg). Milliband and Brown should be more involved, as they'd get the Labour vote motivated. As for Salmond, he divides the population in Scotland anyway, and he's as smug as Cameron as well.
In which case he (Cameron) shouldn't be getting involved now?
I would agree with that. Cameron is more unpopular up there than he is on here. I'd suggest getting HM involved and just say she would rather the union stayed together - Her Maj is very popular in Scotland.

Oh, and it's been posted a few times on here that the Yes vote is just anti English. It's not. There may be some who will rant about the English, but there are plenty on here who have said some anti Scottish stuff, and this ludicrous vote will have laid the ground for the fringe idiots from both countries, but to say that nearly 50% of Scots are just anti English is nonsense. I can't see any good coming from the vote either way.
blueinsa said:
I would have a tad more respect for the yes brigade if they were just honest and admit it's got fuck all to do with social justice etc and everything to do with hating the English.

I live outside of Dumfries and had a fucking idiot telling me a no vote will see thousands of young scots turning the country into a 1970's Northern Ireland as they take up arms to get what they want.

He sounds like a reliable social barometer...
FromPollockToSilva said:
blueinsa said:
I would have a tad more respect for the yes brigade if they were just honest and admit it's got fuck all to do with social justice etc and everything to do with hating the English.

I live outside of Dumfries and had a fucking idiot telling me a no vote will see thousands of young scots turning the country into a 1970's Northern Ireland as they take up arms to get what they want.

He sounds like a reliable social barometer...

He is a fucking idiot but not on his own with ideas and talk like this I'm afraid. I've been told at work by a sizeable minority admitted that come the yes vote, I'm out of a job and being sent back down South and very sadly, they are entirely serious in thinking that's what's going to happen.

I'm as pissed off with Westminster and politicians as anyone but this whole debate has been used by idiots with a far sinister agenda to get what they want.

Very sad IMO.

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