Scottish independence

The essence of one part of Cameron's speech was to warn the Scots that this was not an election, because unlike elections, where you can basically tell the Tories to eff off, and then get another chance to tell them to eff off again in four years, voting 'Yes' now would mean going it alone and not having that opportunity ever, ever again.

Gabriel said:
The essence of one part of Cameron's speech was to warn the Scots that this was not an election, because unlike elections, where you can basically tell the Tories to eff off, and then get another chance to tell them to eff off again in four years, voting 'Yes' now would mean going it alone and not having that opportunity ever, ever again.

Gabriel said:
The essence of one part of Cameron's speech was to warn the Scots that this was not an election, because unlike elections, where you can basically tell the Tories to eff off, and then get another chance to tell them to eff off again in four years, voting 'Yes' now would mean going it alone and not having that opportunity ever, ever again.


I'll be telling them to do just that at the next opportunity...........doesn't Cameron and the rest of the tory twats get it? The people of Scotland are prepared to put up with the 'Currency uncertainty' the 'Pensions Uncertainty' the 'Savings Uncertainty' etc 'cos they just want rid of this elitist bunch in Westminster....
Len Rum said:
Impressed by Red Ed's "head,hearts and soul" speech in Cumbernauld.Straight off the cuff,no notes.
He should have done this much earlier.
Dave looked as if he was practicing public speaking on a middle management course.
He'll do a lot of good up there. Hopefully Cameron will keep schtum!

If Red Ed had the hustings alongside Her Maj, the No vote would piss it.
malg said:
If Red Ed had the hustings alongside Her Maj, the No vote would piss it.

What an unholy alliance that would be, a so called socialist and the most privileged woman in the country.
Why not divide Scotland up so that the pro union people live in one area & the ones that want to leave live in another? It worked well in Ireland after all!
pantalon violet again said:
Bye bye Scotland !!!

Can we have some sort of mass immigration control when the non moving top lipped cunts decide to get back at England for something that happened hundreds of years ago.

Back to your huts you cunts
You could maybe share the platform with Dave?

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