Scottish independence

The perfect fumble said:
SWP's back said:
The perfect fumble said:
Not even a little bit. Just hard working, hence preferring the Tories.

Very good, you've done well, considering.
Ignore him. He went to the same school as Cameron, and is well known to have a trust fund given to him by his wealthy family, and it is this fund that keeps him.
Nationalism always has its ugly side, and the more you stir up nationalist emotions, the uglier it gets. It stops being about loving your country and its history and culture, and becomes about hating the 'other'. This BS had its origins in 19th Century Romantic Nationalism, and among other things, was largely responsible for two world wars.

It's very sad, really. And there's a very real risk of an English nationalist reaction, where we draw into ourselves and start hating the rest of the people of these islands. This could develop into something pretty horrid.

We would be 'better off together' if we could dump all this ancient baggage and spend more time talking about what we have in common. But politicians nowadays seem to be quite incapable of drawing people together, preferring the divide and rule principle. So it's probably best to part before we end up with a Scottish Civil War or some such pointless shite.
Blue Mist said:
It's the one that mentions thistle three times, Midges twice and tight arsed bastards once.

just sayin'

Where does this perception of being "tight arsed bastards" come from.
When I was much younger,in the 1970's I was in England many times on courses with my old job.
Found it strange,that the English guys always bought their own pint,smoked their own fags.
Anytime I was in the pub,it was "what ye for" or "want a smoke"
Don't know where it comes from tbh.
I'll be a no btw.

The Thistle and midges are spot on mate :)

Re the comment on being 'tight arsed bastards' ... whilst it was said in a light hearted way a couple of years back I had to go to Aberdeen to meet some head honcho I was doing some work for. He had promised me lunch on him but it got later and later, eventually I said I was starving and needed something to eat. We then walked 1/4 mile to a sandwich shop, he went straight inside, grabbed a ready made sandwich, paid for it and was out the door before I'd even worked out where the counter was !!

Anyway, The English trio of Clegg, Thingy and wotsit have offered you lot so much you don't need independence. What a bunch of weak kneed idiots we have running the UK. As a last gasp gesture they will be offering Scotland to cherry pick what laws and regulations they want and those they don't like they can ignore.

Out of touch Tossers the three of them.
the no' sayers on BM are predicting armageddon if Scotland votes yes. Bankruptcy guaranteed, no currency, the oil has all gone, the EU will use a large barge-pole to keep them out. Jobs are bound to disappear as firms migrate to England. Pundits in the media frantically look for the means to seduce/scare the voters into voting for the status quo. The mail leads the pack, a yes vote will cost every family in England thousands of pounds, as well as mortgages going sky-high. Milliband's prediction of armed guards at checkpoints and passport controls is just as hysterical.
Every poll has committed voters that no amount of propaganda wil sway, the critical section of voters is the ''undecided''. Who do they trust ? This could be the 'no' camp's achilles heel, the tory party has been little more than a bad joke north of the border so why would they trust them now? The likes of billionaire tory business-men is hardly likely to chime either. The 'no' campaign is finding it hard to give the impression it is about caring about Scotland, more about looking after their own interests. The sudden visits by the 'big guns', the carrot-dangling , only reinforces this view.
Historically, the two countries have shed lots of blood in 'disputes', the clearances were 'contentious' to say the least, but they are history. However there are very many who experienced the poll tax and the draconian measures employed to enforce it. The culling of the iconic Scottish regiments weakened links with England and may also be a factor.
If Westminster had been less London-centric , the 'yes' support would have been without it's main argument.
Carpe diem
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... _hp_ref=uk</a>

George Boyd, James Morrison and Chris Martin amongst others are Englishmen playing for Scotland.


Prescott says England and Scotland football teams should join forces. "You're a mental case!" yells a Yes campaigner

I heard the word "bampot" (directed at Prezza) for the first time today. Been reading it in Christopher Brookmyre novels for years. Splendid

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 40/photo/1</a>

Well what a fucking calamity this has turned out to be. I think the response from the Tories has been weak and ill thought out and now they are looking like idiots. Although is it any surprise, sending that clown darling up there and then labour, that other fucking idiot Brown. I think for me that will be one of the benefits of an independent Scotland, not having to put up with these scots who have taken the queens penny and then some judging by the look and sound of them. Send the cunts back when alls said and done, do us all a favour.

I think for their part, the scots have got it right, this government like all those preceding it are myopic and think because they have a mandate to govern the UK that they are seen as representative of it when we all know that they are little Westminsterers rather than little englanders. They have not a clue what's going on north of Watford and this debacle is just illustrating that fact and playing it out for the world at large.

I'm not for or against independence just get on with for fucks sake it's boring the shit out of most of us and we all suspect the scots don't have brave enough hearts to go it alone anyway....see what I did there... Go on prove me wrong and vote yes.
DenisLawBackHeel74 said:
Well what a fucking calamity this has turned out to be. I think the response from the Tories has been weak and ill thought out and now they are looking like idiots. Although is it any surprise, sending that clown darling up there and then labour, that other fucking idiot Brown. I think for me that will be one of the benefits of an independent Scotland, not having to put up with these scots who have taken the queens penny and then some judging by the look and sound of them. Send the c**ts back when alls said and done, do us all a favour.

I think for their part, the scots have got it right, this government like all those preceding it are myopic and think because they have a mandate to govern the UK that they are seen as representative of it when we all know that they are little Westminsterers rather than little englanders. They have not a clue what's going on north of Watford and this debacle is just illustrating that fact and playing it out for the world at large.

I'm not for or against independence just get on with for fucks sake it's boring the shit out of most of us and we all suspect the scots don't have brave enough hearts to go it alone anyway....see what I did there... Go on prove me wrong and vote yes.

As you say, they haven't got the balls to do it

The status quo will remain and they won't get half the new benefits that are allegedly on offer and if they do it will take years decades to come to fruitiion
Impressed by Red Ed's "head,hearts and soul" speech in Cumbernauld.Straight off the cuff,no notes.
He should have done this much earlier.
Dave looked as if he was practicing public speaking on a middle management course.

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