Scottish independence

marco said:
mackenzie said:
There was a really good piece in The Independent today that told of how a 'Yes' vote would be a catastrophe administrative wise to Westminster (Soz, can't post a link).
Smacked of Westminster having done nothing to even imagine that result.

bang on with this, the government would have taken advice when it was forecast at 70/30 for a no then put it to bed, well its backfired on them

Maybe that's why they are now panicking?
mackenzie said:
There was a really good piece in The Independent today that told of how a 'Yes' vote would be a catastrophe administrative wise to Westminster (Soz, can't post a link).
Smacked of Westminster having done nothing to even imagine that result.
I read that too Mack, nobody, it seems, has ever considered the repercussions, a No vote looked like a given.
Still, we'll cope, a lot of mither involved, but once gone, they stay gone.
The Flash said:
This is what I don't get:

Bank Of England - no currency union
Chancellor - no currency union
Salmond - there will be currency union

Dear Alex, if you vote yes and fuck off, you don't have a say if you can use the pound or not. You can ask, but the above stances seem to suggest you can fuck right off. Back to bartering and groats methinks.
Just hope we're not expected to pull them out of the shit in 10 year's time
I can see immigration becoming an issue when they all try to move south. Wonder what UKIP's stance will be?
kas_tippler said:
The Flash said:
This is what I don't get:

Bank Of England - no currency union
Chancellor - no currency union
Salmond - there will be currency union

Dear Alex, if you vote yes and fuck off, you don't have a say if you can use the pound or not. You can ask, but the above stances seem to suggest you can fuck right off. Back to bartering and groats methinks.
Just hope we're not expected to pull them out of the shit in 10 year's time
Salmond says , no deal on currency and he will balk on the the national dept, that will go down well, when they want to join the EU, my old man always says, you don't stand outside a chip shop shouting "stinking fish inside".
garymj said:
kas_tippler said:
The Flash said:
This is what I don't get:

Bank Of England - no currency union
Chancellor - no currency union
Salmond - there will be currency union

Dear Alex, if you vote yes and fuck off, you don't have a say if you can use the pound or not. You can ask, but the above stances seem to suggest you can fuck right off. Back to bartering and groats methinks.
Just hope we're not expected to pull them out of the shit in 10 year's time
Salmond says , no deal on currency and he will balk on the the national dept, that will go down well, when they want to join the EU, my old man always says, you don't stand outside a chip shop shouting "stinking fish inside".
If he says they won't share their burden of the debt, what the fuck are they going to do for currency?
i think they will get the yes result by a narrow margin but sadly its not been thought through or certainly explained to people what the consequences could be if it goes tits up, i don't think its a Scotland V England thing as it was in the 70s with the SNP their just pissed of with the antics of the political parties down at Westminster, good luck to them but i think they will come a cropper in the end
masterwig said:
I can see immigration becoming an issue when they all try to move south. Wonder what UKIP's stance will be?

quite straight forward I would imagine

As a non EU country the Jocks would have no automatic right to entry
I totally get why many Scots would vote to leave the Union as im propbably as fed up with the country being subjected to Neo-Liberalism as they are. Rule from London i feel is no longer acceptable to the vast amount of Brits as our country is too London centric. The success of London masks the real problems of the rest of the rest of the UK. London sucks resources in and the spend on London by Government far outstrips spending on anyother area of the UK. London is a rich city but parts of the UK are poorer than parts of Eastern Europe. Nothing is done to rebalance this. Manchester gets huge cuts to services whilst London commuter belt communities get none.

The Scots quite rightly want to decide their own destiny and shape their country according to their political beliefs, which appear profoundly different to those of England. I hope their belief in social justice serves to illuminate people and i hope they vote yes and prove it can be done.

Saying all that though i do fear for the future. I actually like the UK and its proved for hundreds of years that political and monetary union are achievable given the right mindset. I fear the disintegration of the UK. Wales next? A united Ireland? Cornwall secceding?

What happens to the Army? What happens to the 20K Scots who work for the UK govt? What happens at the border? The BBC? Can we still use Scottish power? If the Scots are not part of the EU will we need a passport to go to Glasgow? The questions are endless and i havent seen many answers.

My heart says go on Scotland vote Yes, my head says dont be fucking daft Scotland vote No.
Rascal said:
I totally get why many Scots would vote to leave the Union as im propbably as fed up with the country being subjected to Neo-Liberalism as they are. Rule from London i feel is no longer acceptable to the vast amount of Brits as our country is too London centric. The success of London masks the real problems of the rest of the rest of the UK. London sucks resources in and the spend on London by Government far outstrips spending on anyother area of the UK. London is a rich city but parts of the UK are poorer than parts of Eastern Europe. Nothing is done to rebalance this. Manchester gets huge cuts to services whilst London commuter belt communities get none.

The Scots quite rightly want to decide their own destiny and shape their country according to their political beliefs, which appear profoundly different to those of England. I hope their belief in social justice serves to illuminate people and i hope they vote yes and prove it can be done.

Saying all that though i do fear for the future. I actually like the UK and its proved for hundreds of years that political and monetary union are achievable given the right mindset. I fear the disintegration of the UK. Wales next? A united Ireland? Cornwall secceding?

What happens to the Army? What happens to the 20K Scots who work for the UK govt? What happens at the border? The BBC? Can we still use Scottish power? If the Scots are not part of the EU will we need a passport to go to Glasgow? The questions are endless and i havent seen many answers.

My heart says go on Scotland vote Yes, my head says dont be fucking daft Scotland vote No.
One of the best posts on this thread.

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