Scottish independence

Staggered by the Current Sky news discussion going on at the moment.
The polls have turned - well only slightly and I would hardly call leads of 4% and 6 % for NO as particularly reassuring.
The recent collapse of Sterling has brought many voters back into the NO fold - what collapse?, Sterling has depreciated by about 3%, significant but hardly a collapse.
Looks as though the English media have now swung firmly behind the NO campaign and any objectivity has gone out of the window.
marco said:
is it simply who wins then wins or what if its to close to call, do they have a margin where they would have to re count or set a date on a new vote
Yep a majority of 1 gets it.
Len Rum said:
Staggered by the Current Sky news discussion going on at the moment.
The polls have turned - well only slightly and I would hardly call leads of 4% and 6 % for NO as particularly reassuring.
The recent collapse of Sterling has brought many voters back into the NO fold - what collapse?, Sterling has depreciated by about 3%, significant but hardly a collapse.
Looks as though the English media have now swung firmly behind the NO campaign and any objectivity has gone out of the window.

Aw ffs with him and Sturridge out where are the goals coming from, no wonder there's panic
DenisLawBackHeel74 said:
Len Rum said:
Staggered by the Current Sky news discussion going on at the moment.
The polls have turned - well only slightly and I would hardly call leads of 4% and 6 % for NO as particularly reassuring.
The recent collapse of Sterling has brought many voters back into the NO fold - what collapse?, Sterling has depreciated by about 3%, significant but hardly a collapse.
Looks as though the English media have now swung firmly behind the NO campaign and any objectivity has gone out of the window.

Aw ffs with him and Sturridge out where are the goals coming from, no wonder there's panic
Is it wrong to feel a bit of respect for George Galloway ?

I normally don't care for him at all, apart from the time he made fools of the American senate.
bluealf said:
Is it wrong to feel a bit of respect for George Galloway ?

I normally don't care for him at all, apart from the time he made fools of the American senate.

He was fucking brilliant against the Yank senate. Fucking destroyed Norm Coleman each way from Sunday on his own turf and the guy never worked again.

Superb performance. Ultimate soapboxing.
Logged back on herd tonight not to get drawn back into the debate - I've said how I feel about that and my enthusiasm for a yes vote is only growing by the day.

But I want some place to vent my anger at Nick fucking Robinson and the BBC.

Impartial my arse. He's came out tonight, not with the usual scaremongering headlines we've put up with for ages from them but he's actually came out and told a blatant lie on BBC 10 O'clock news.

I pay my fucking tv license for this clown to lie to every single person not just in Scotland but in Britain. It infuriates me that his lies manipulate members of the public into a no vote.


You know what? I can put up with Darling, Cameron and the BY campaign lying. The BBC however, the "impartial" BBC? Fucking disgrace.
Personally, I couldn't give a toss.

It will be an absolute, complete, total and unmitigated disaster for Scotland if they vote yes, a mere temporary minor inconvenience for the rest of the UK, at worst.

In short, Scotland will lurch further to the left, spend even more money they don't have on welfare bollocks, and their economy will spiral down to sub Greece levels. The UK, freed of the burden of theses malingering lefties will rebound positively, with a 50 MP swing to the right.

And Scots will lose the pound. The fat dunce Salmond is too thick to understand that you can't share a currency without having the same interest rates, same fiscal policies and a common central bank. So the twat can't have independence and a shared currency. Having a shared currency means not being independent. The entry requirement for the Euro was convergence remember, not divergence. And look what a disaster it's been for Greece et al with economies that were not well converged. So, independence = no pound.

They can have their "Scottish Pound" or "Scottish Dinar" or "Scottish Peseta" or what the fuck the twit wants to call it, but it can't be a UK pound. Their dismal new currency will plummet on the currency markets as anyone with half an ounce of brain and a quarter of an ounce of wealth moves their money out into the safety of Euros or Dollars or Pounds. I mean, you'd need shit for brains to leave your life savings in Scottish Dinars wouldn't you, watching them spiral down into the dirt. As their currency plummets, their exports will bizarrely do OK, but since that only means haggis and Clan Dew, so fucking what. They will have galloping inflation as the cost of imports and raw materials soar. It's a self fulfilling prophecy if ever there was one.

Do I care? Not a fucking jot. We should erect a fucking great big wall and barbed wire fence and make them need a visa to visit. If we can tow the country a few hundred miles north, even better. The Scottish MP's who have enjoyed fucking over our economy for the last 100 years should be tarred, feathered and sent packing north at soonest opportunity. Good riddance to them. That would be a huge positive for sure.

And when the Scottish economy has bottomed out and they have their 50% unemployment and national debt at 200% of GDP and interest rates of 30%, don't DARE come cap in hand to the rest of the UK to bail them out.

Independence? Good luck with that.

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