Scottish independence

robbieh said:
From a football perspective they are already a separate country, unlike Catalonia, Basque country.

And as two of the people I loathe most on this planet Ferguson and Beckham have come out in support of No then for me let Scotland have its independence.

Over the years they must have got seriously pissed off with Thatcher and now they have Old Etonians ruining their country. from London.

Edited for correctness
I have no idea why some English people (and Welsh) are getting so pissed off at the thought of Scotland going it alone, "they can fuck off" comments are bemusing. I can see there being a strong no vote in the end actually, like some have alluded too many no voters are only saying they are voting yes because they want to appear "proper Scottish". I have been in Barcelona all week, Salmond and Scotland were on the front page of there newspapers every day I was there. This could have impications for Spain too (Who will block any attempt Scotland makes to do anything).

It's a secret ballot at the end of the day, people will vote no, say they voted yes and then act like they are upset when the nos win.
Matty said:
Martyn said:
Can anyone explain why the polls say is 51% to No and 49% yes but the bookies have the No campaign as heavy favourites?

Because that's how the betting has been going. The bookies don't care what opinion polls say, if for the last 12 months people have been lumping on a no vote at the bookies then they will keep the odds for that low as they don't want to lose out financially. Plus, despite an occasional poll saying yes is marginally in front, it's human nature to fear change so I wouldn't be surprised if, at the last minute, the no votes take it.

The polls should be taken with a huge pinch of salt. Apart from people being undecided and lying to the pollsters, the pollsters don't have the same experience of sampling a poll for independence as they do for a general election. Their polls of 1,000 people could turn out to be unrepresentative of the electorate..
Benarbia_is_god said:
I have no idea why some English people (and Welsh) are getting so pissed off at the thought of Scotland going it alone, "they can fuck off" comments are bemusing. I can see there being a strong no vote in the end actually, like some have alluded too many no voters are only saying they are voting yes because they want to appear "proper Scottish". I have been in Barcelona all week, Salmond and Scotland were on the front page of there newspapers every day I was there. This could have impications for Spain too (Who will block any attempt Scotland makes to do anything).

It's a secret ballot at the end of the day, people will vote no, say they voted yes and then act like they are upset when the nos win.

Spot on. It will be a no vote. Either way it will change us all though with devo max and the corresponding changes in Westminster with regards to Scottish MP's voting in rest of UK affairs
Ifwecouldjust....... said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Tesco will have to shut there 1 million square foot Scotland and Northern Ireland distribution centre in West Lothian ;)


They won't. It was more as a tongue in cheek reply to everyone saying that the big supermarkets will have to deliver everything from Dorset and so the prices will rocket.
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Ifwecouldjust....... said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Tesco will have to shut there 1 million square foot Scotland and Northern Ireland distribution centre in West Lothian ;)


They won't. It was more as a tongue in cheek reply to everyone saying that the big supermarkets will have to deliver everything from Dorset and so the prices will rocket.

It's all those EU goods imported into England and trucked into the Scottish distribution centres that's going to start making things more expensive. Couple that with some very long trips north with relatively small loads due to small stores that's serve very small populations and boom........prices WILL increase.

Petrol is a very good example of what living rurally can mean.
How is Scotland going to survive on the world circuit. Population of 7m so a workforce of around 3m at best, aging unhealthy population and a previous poster reckons they will be the 4th richest country............ If, and it's a big if in my mind, that they do get their independence it must surely be a vote from the heart and not from the head. Governments can and will change, this will be irreversible.
blueinsa said:
I'm With Stupid said:
Matty said:
Not forgetting , of course, that goods produced in England/Wales will now be imports from a foreign country, with the associated costs, taxes etc, that cost will feed through to the consumer.
Are you sure about that? I was under the impression that there's free trade within the EU and as such they're not subject to any import taxes (with the possible exception of alcohol/tobacco).

An independent Scotland won't be in the EU and will face a huge battle to gain entry, FACT Mr Salmond and not scaremongering.

Why on earth would the EU ostracise them? Not a fact at all; it's an opinion.

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