Scottish independence

sir baconface said:
blueinsa said:
I'm With Stupid said:
Are you sure about that? I was under the impression that there's free trade within the EU and as such they're not subject to any import taxes (with the possible exception of alcohol/tobacco).

An independent Scotland won't be in the EU and will face a huge battle to gain entry, FACT Mr Salmond and not scaremongering.

Why on earth would the EU ostracise them? Not a fact at all; it's an opinion.
Juncker says no

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... z3DP7gFsim</a>
sir baconface said:
blueinsa said:
I'm With Stupid said:
Are you sure about that? I was under the impression that there's free trade within the EU and as such they're not subject to any import taxes (with the possible exception of alcohol/tobacco).

An independent Scotland won't be in the EU and will face a huge battle to gain entry, FACT Mr Salmond and not scaremongering.

Why on earth would the EU ostracise them? Not a fact at all; it's an opinion.

The EU have already said they have no right to automatic membership. Given recent history of new currencies and small economies and the sheer amount of instability a nervous world market can bring, do you honestly think they are going to get it without any issues whatsoever?
sir baconface said:
blueinsa said:
I'm With Stupid said:
Are you sure about that? I was under the impression that there's free trade within the EU and as such they're not subject to any import taxes (with the possible exception of alcohol/tobacco).

An independent Scotland won't be in the EU and will face a huge battle to gain entry, FACT Mr Salmond and not scaremongering.

Why on earth would the EU ostracise them? Not a fact at all; it's an opinion.

I would expect them to be in the EU and getting their handouts pretty rapidly to be honest. They'll just be another shitty little European country effectively living on benefits.
Alex Salmonds says food prices wont go up, ha ha, just ask Southern Ireland whos costs are far higher than Northern Ireland and why so many down south travel north to fill their cars up.
Ronnie the Rep said:
Benarbia_is_god said:
I have no idea why some English people (and Welsh) are getting so pissed off at the thought of Scotland going it alone, "they can fuck off" comments are bemusing. I can see there being a strong no vote in the end actually, like some have alluded too many no voters are only saying they are voting yes because they want to appear "proper Scottish". I have been in Barcelona all week, Salmond and Scotland were on the front page of there newspapers every day I was there. This could have impications for Spain too (Who will block any attempt Scotland makes to do anything).

It's a secret ballot at the end of the day, people will vote no, say they voted yes and then act like they are upset when the nos win.

Spot on. It will be a no vote. Either way it will change us all though with devo max and the corresponding changes in Westminster with regards to Scottish MP's voting in rest of UK affairs

they can do what they like

just as long as they don't expect the rest of us to pay for it
sir baconface said:
blueinsa said:
I'm With Stupid said:
Are you sure about that? I was under the impression that there's free trade within the EU and as such they're not subject to any import taxes (with the possible exception of alcohol/tobacco).

An independent Scotland won't be in the EU and will face a huge battle to gain entry, FACT Mr Salmond and not scaremongering.

Why on earth would the EU ostracise them? Not a fact at all; it's an opinion.

Every new applicant to join the EU has to be unanimously approved by all existing members. Each current member state has a veto. There is no way in Hades that Spain, with its own domestic difficulties with separatist movements in Catalunya and Euskaria (the Basque region), will vote for a separatist Scotland to join the EU. To do so would negate their entire domestic policy on separatism and regional autonomy. However, for those like Alex Smugtwat and his Jimmy Krankie lookalike sidekick who believe that entry would be a formality, the EU rules are that any new member state has to commit to adopting the Euro. So that's their 'keep the pound and join the EU' strategy fucked from the start.
laserblue said:
sir baconface said:
blueinsa said:
An independent Scotland won't be in the EU and will face a huge battle to gain entry, FACT Mr Salmond and not scaremongering.

Why on earth would the EU ostracise them? Not a fact at all; it's an opinion.

Every new applicant to join the EU has to be unanimously approved by all existing members. Each current member state has a veto. There is no way in Hades that Spain, with its own domestic difficulties with separatist movements in Catalunya and Euskaria (the Basque region), will vote for a separatist Scotland to join the EU. To do so would negate their entire domestic policy on separatism and region nal autonomy. However, for those like Alex Smugtwat and his Jimmy Krankie lookalike sidekick who believe that entry would be a formality, the EU rules are that any new member state has to commit to adopting the Euro. So that's their 'keep the pound and join the EU' strategy fucked from the start.

Spain still refuses to recognise Kosovo as a sovereign state.
laserblue said:
sir baconface said:
blueinsa said:
An independent Scotland won't be in the EU and will face a huge battle to gain entry, FACT Mr Salmond and not scaremongering.

Why on earth would the EU ostracise them? Not a fact at all; it's an opinion.

Every new applicant to join the EU has to be unanimously approved by all existing members. Each current member state has a veto. There is no way in Hades that Spain, with its own domestic difficulties with separatist movements in Catalunya and Euskaria (the Basque region), will vote for a separatist Scotland to join the EU. To do so would negate their entire domestic policy on separatism and regional autonomy. However, for those like Alex Smugtwat and his Jimmy Krankie lookalike sidekick who believe that entry would be a formality, the EU rules are that any new member state has to commit to adopting the Euro. So that's their 'keep the pound and join the EU' strategy fucked from the start.

Spain also didn't want Kosovo to get independence from Serbia for the same reason. The Spanish loathe the nationalist tendencies of the Catalans etc but the irony is that the Spanish are extremely nationalistic themselves.
Balti said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
Benarbia_is_god said:
I have no idea why some English people (and Welsh) are getting so pissed off at the thought of Scotland going it alone, "they can fuck off" comments are bemusing. I can see there being a strong no vote in the end actually, like some have alluded too many no voters are only saying they are voting yes because they want to appear "proper Scottish". I have been in Barcelona all week, Salmond and Scotland were on the front page of there newspapers every day I was there. This could have impications for Spain too (Who will block any attempt Scotland makes to do anything).

It's a secret ballot at the end of the day, people will vote no, say they voted yes and then act like they are upset when the nos win.

Spot on. It will be a no vote. Either way it will change us all though with devo max and the corresponding changes in Westminster with regards to Scottish MP's voting in rest of UK affairs

they can do what they like

just as long as they don't expect the rest of us to pay for it

We will pay for it in the next two years because of the uncertainty it will create.
Len Rum said:
I would have put them firmly in the camp of the little Englanders who want to live in their small country ( curtain twitching and spying on their neighbours), happy that Labour have lost forty seats in Parliament and their beloved Tories have a great chance of remaining in power for the forseeable future.
The Sun acts purely in the interests of their corporate advertisers' and their own business interests. And it's been pretty obvious so far that the business community on the whole (especially big business) supports the No campaign.

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