Scum Found Guilty Of Lee Rigby Murder

i,m sure that the death penalty can still be given for acts of treason or something like this ?
surely murder of a british soldier by a british subject is such an act , or am i mistaken
smeeagain said:
i,m sure that the death penalty can still be given for acts of treason or something like this ?
surely murder of a british soldier by a british subject is such an act , or am i mistaken
Death by acts of treason was abolished.

There is currently no crime in the UK that is punishable by death.

Not 100% sure on this, but I think it was a part of us signing the Human Rights Act in 1998 or at the very least some time after that.
seen the clip taken from the phone today just after they had killed him i know its easyer said than done but if i was in one of those cars i would have taken them both out
dazdon said:
You don't exactly have to be an Israeli do you?

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Stop telling me i'm causing trouble when you don't like what I type.

-- Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:38 pm --

Ducado said:
It means exactly what I said, it looks like your trying to cause trouble

You're being ridiculous!
There is a massive hypocrisy from Israeli apologists about the rights of the Israel to invade and occupy (sorry, 'defend itself') but to expect Muslims to be invaded and placidly occupied and not defend themselves in any way, but this thread is not the place for it, because Israel has nothing to do with it whatsoever, and these cowardly scumbag fuck murderers were not performing as foreign fighters in a legitimate self-defence force.
the word ''british'' seems to have been hijacked by idealogical nutjobs whose primary murderous interests lie a long way away from these blessed isles
X_Linzi_X said:
R.i.p Lee
One of my friends is lee's cousin and watching the pain he goes through when he talks about how he feels about the incident is heartbreaking.
I dont wish they had the death sentance as thats what they wanted..
I hope they rot.
The trouble is they won't rot. They won't live a pitiful existence in a cold dirty cell, they'll be well fed, gym and activities on tap, better health care and dentist care than we get, better security, and all paid for by the tax payer.
Long term prisoners in high security prisons have a better lifestyle and are cared for better than our elderly in homes.

And they still won't stop causing trouble while they're inside, how they acted in court suggests they will continue to cause havoc in prison. Yet they will be protected from harm at the hands of the other inmates. And if somebody does get to them, the police will be called in to deal with whoever manages to do what everyone else wants to do

I feel for the officers at the prison where they end up, I bet they're dreading it
xgorton said:
Balti said:
the scum with a life sentence will probably top himself anyway and save us some money

if not then lets hope they both have the shittiest most painful existence possible
Talking about saving money the illegal war and occupation of Iraq,remember Bush and Blair weapons of mass destruction would have saved us billions of pounds and thousands of British and Iraqis lives.

the illegal war lol, i have a guy down the road he's a kurd, mother gased, farther gased, sister gased and your fucking moaning about saving cash, is gas not included in your little book of mass destruction weapons, you sir are a knob go and do some reserch on what SH did to the kurds and while your at it look up SH torture methods, but your that thick you prob wont know what/who SH is
marco said:
xgorton said:
Balti said:
the scum with a life sentence will probably top himself anyway and save us some money

if not then lets hope they both have the shittiest most painful existence possible
Talking about saving money the illegal war and occupation of Iraq,remember Bush and Blair weapons of mass destruction would have saved us billions of pounds and thousands of British and Iraqis lives.

the illegal war lol, i have a guy down the road he's a kurd, mother gased, farther gased, sister gased and your fucking moaning about saving cash, is gas not included in your little book of mass destruction weapons, you sir are a knob go and do some reserch on what SH did to the kurds and while your at it look up SH torture methods, but your that thick you prob wont know what/who SH is

maybe he thinks that it's therefore ok to murder and behead ''fellow'' ''british'' citizens in the street because of dodgy decisions a government made.......a government that a minority of people in the country voted for, let alone agreed with?

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