Season Card info now on OS

hilts said:
johnmc said:
malg said:
Well said, and my feelings exactly. I can afford the £700 for renewal, but I baulk at the idea of being taken for granted. Football clubs have their fans over a barrel, and the fans are being bled dry. Mind you, there will be plenty willing to pay. Something football clubs could do with employing is a 'hearts and minds' policy, but it's all about squeezing every penny out of the fan. Hey ho......

In fairness we have been paying well below the average for years. The club have tried to bring it to where its relative to other clubs fairly slowly rather than in one whack. I've read some people on here who's tickets have reduced. Plus the value tickets the club has always done and more on the way. We pay less than united and Liverpool for comparative seats even after the increase. Yes it's hard on fans but the board will see other clubs paying more for selling a lesser product in effect and think surely that's not the best way to run a business

I have a huge problem with this argument, it doesn't matter to me if liverpool charge their fans 1 pound or a 1000 pound for their season ticket, i am not a liverpool fan. my brother had a season ticket at Wigan it was cheap so what? i ain't going to become a Wigan fan because it is cheaper, my choice is City or nothing, the fact other clubs are getting slightly more fucked than us isn't a comfort.

They ain't doing it gradually(if 10% a year is gradual) they are doing it at a rate they can get away with

The word product worries me, it isn't a product to us, my first game was 1978 and i don't remember ticket prices reflecting how good or bad we were. tbh i can still watch this football whether i go or not

We used to laugh at the rags for how the club used to take the piss and was full of the prawn sandwich brigrade, as long as their are enough people falling for this shit it will carry on

Life unfortunately. Do you think people on the board don't look at what others are paying?

Can you explain a rational reason why a Liverpool fan should realistically pay more to watch their team than a city fan. It's not like it is a small gap. It's maybe £200 for a comparable seat. So 10% increase is £70 increase max I think on the highest ticket. We will still be cheaper. That's without knowing how much theirs are going up by. I agree with you about the "product" thing but in the cold light of day that's exactly what it is. You wouldn't pay as much to watch an amateur play in Wigan as you would to watch a professional production of les mis in the palace.
mrjxf14 said:
a lot of other clubs call it the emptyhad............think its gonna get worse next year...............

The STs will sell out as always (they had to increase the quota from 36k to 38k last year), but will the ST holders show up - that being the ongoing issue.

I am unhappy about rising prices but the ONE positive may be people valuing their STs more as they become more expensive, instead of hording them and only showing up for a few select games per season.
LoveCity said:
mrjxf14 said:
a lot of other clubs call it the emptyhad............think its gonna get worse next year...............

The STs will sell out as always (they had to increase the quota from 36k to 38k last year), but will the ST holders show up - that being the ongoing issue.

I am unhappy about rising prices but the ONE positive may be people valuing their STs more as they become more expensive, instead of hording them and only showing up for a few select games per season.

Might be wrong here but I seem to remember an article that said a certain amount, it wasn't massively significant but still a fairly high number, of arsenal season ticket holder used their tickets less than 5 times a season. I think their cheapest is more than our most expensive.
LoveCity said:
mrjxf14 said:
a lot of other clubs call it the emptyhad............think its gonna get worse next year...............

The STs will sell out as always (they had to increase the quota from 36k to 38k last year), but will the ST holders show up - that being the ongoing issue.

I am unhappy about rising prices but the ONE positive may be people valuing their STs more as they become more expensive, instead of hording them and only showing up for a few select games per season.

I have heard they have been monitoring the fans who leave early on a regular basis and their prices will go up by 30%.Any SC that wasn't use more than once won't be allowed to have one again.
johnmc said:
hilts said:
johnmc said:
In fairness we have been paying well below the average for years. The club have tried to bring it to where its relative to other clubs fairly slowly rather than in one whack. I've read some people on here who's tickets have reduced. Plus the value tickets the club has always done and more on the way. We pay less than united and Liverpool for comparative seats even after the increase. Yes it's hard on fans but the board will see other clubs paying more for selling a lesser product in effect and think surely that's not the best way to run a business

I have a huge problem with this argument, it doesn't matter to me if liverpool charge their fans 1 pound or a 1000 pound for their season ticket, i am not a liverpool fan. my brother had a season ticket at Wigan it was cheap so what? i ain't going to become a Wigan fan because it is cheaper, my choice is City or nothing, the fact other clubs are getting slightly more fucked than us isn't a comfort.

They ain't doing it gradually(if 10% a year is gradual) they are doing it at a rate they can get away with

The word product worries me, it isn't a product to us, my first game was 1978 and i don't remember ticket prices reflecting how good or bad we were. tbh i can still watch this football whether i go or not

We used to laugh at the rags for how the club used to take the piss and was full of the prawn sandwich brigrade, as long as their are enough people falling for this shit it will carry on

Life unfortunately. Do you think people on the board don't look at what others are paying?

Can you explain a rational reason why a Liverpool fan should realistically pay more to watch their team than a city fan. It's not like it is a small gap. It's maybe £200 for a comparable seat. So 10% increase is £70 increase max I think on the highest ticket. We will still be cheaper. That's without knowing how much theirs are going up by. I agree with you about the "product" thing but in the cold light of day that's exactly what it is. You wouldn't pay as much to watch an amateur play in Wigan as you would to watch a professional production of les mis in the palace.

Your missing the point the fact that Liverpool fans have been shafted doesn't mean we have to accept it, in all walks of life we tend to have a choice, if i don't want to pay fifty quid for a shirt i will go next door and pay thirty quid, as a city fan my choice is simple pay it or don't, i could side step les mis at the palace and choose to watch the mouse trap at the garrick, you are comparing apples and pears

Tell me how much these season ticket increases will bring in and how much real difference it will make to FFP, tell me how much City will lose when we don't fill the stadium when it is expanded, tell me how much these missing fans would have spent in the ground if they were there, i didn't start supporting city so we could become united but with light blue tops, i remember the owners stating that they would respect what being a city supporter was about, season tickets could be 500 quid and it wouldn't make a difference in the slightest

They have done so much good for us but on this one thing they have fucked up, it is a shame when finally we are seeing good times the ones who deserve to see it most will be sat at home scrambling for an internet connection
hilts said:
johnmc said:
hilts said:
I have a huge problem with this argument, it doesn't matter to me if liverpool charge their fans 1 pound or a 1000 pound for their season ticket, i am not a liverpool fan. my brother had a season ticket at Wigan it was cheap so what? i ain't going to become a Wigan fan because it is cheaper, my choice is City or nothing, the fact other clubs are getting slightly more fucked than us isn't a comfort.

They ain't doing it gradually(if 10% a year is gradual) they are doing it at a rate they can get away with

The word product worries me, it isn't a product to us, my first game was 1978 and i don't remember ticket prices reflecting how good or bad we were. tbh i can still watch this football whether i go or not

We used to laugh at the rags for how the club used to take the piss and was full of the prawn sandwich brigrade, as long as their are enough people falling for this shit it will carry on

Life unfortunately. Do you think people on the board don't look at what others are paying?

Can you explain a rational reason why a Liverpool fan should realistically pay more to watch their team than a city fan. It's not like it is a small gap. It's maybe £200 for a comparable seat. So 10% increase is £70 increase max I think on the highest ticket. We will still be cheaper. That's without knowing how much theirs are going up by. I agree with you about the "product" thing but in the cold light of day that's exactly what it is. You wouldn't pay as much to watch an amateur play in Wigan as you would to watch a professional production of les mis in the palace.

Your missing the point the fact that Liverpool fans have been shafted doesn't mean we have to accept it, in all walks of life we tend to have a choice, if i don't want to pay fifty quid for a shirt i will go next door and pay thirty quid, as a city fan my choice is simple pay it or don't, i could side step les mis at the palace and choose to watch the mouse trap at the garrick, you are comparing apples and pears

Tell me how much these season ticket increases will bring in and how much real difference it will make to FFP, tell me how much City will lose when we don't fill the stadium when it is expanded, tell me how much these missing fans would have spent in the ground if they were there, i didn't start supporting city so we could become united but with light blue tops, i remember the owners stating that they would respect what being a city supporter was about, season tickets could be 500 quid and it wouldn't make a difference in the slightest

They have done so much good for us but on this one thing they have fucked up, it is a shame when finally we are seeing good times the ones who deserve to see it most will be sat at home scrambling for an internet connection

Arguing against yourself. You have said if you don't want to pay for the best you will go and watch a cheaper version. City are amongst the best.

Totally agree that it makes little difference towards FFP but also it is worth a few million quid. Our owners weren't born city fans and also I don't think they are the type to turn down a couple of million.

Question, do you think the average (if it is that as some tickets have gone down and 10% is the highest increase I've heard about) 10% increase will stop the season tickets selling out next season?
Renewed. + FA and League cup schemes. Will pick and choose the overpriced yet often underwhelming CL matches as I did last year. The League cup final absolutely pissed all over the CL home games IMO.
johnmc said:
hilts said:
johnmc said:
Life unfortunately. Do you think people on the board don't look at what others are paying?

Can you explain a rational reason why a Liverpool fan should realistically pay more to watch their team than a city fan. It's not like it is a small gap. It's maybe £200 for a comparable seat. So 10% increase is £70 increase max I think on the highest ticket. We will still be cheaper. That's without knowing how much theirs are going up by. I agree with you about the "product" thing but in the cold light of day that's exactly what it is. You wouldn't pay as much to watch an amateur play in Wigan as you would to watch a professional production of les mis in the palace.

Your missing the point the fact that Liverpool fans have been shafted doesn't mean we have to accept it, in all walks of life we tend to have a choice, if i don't want to pay fifty quid for a shirt i will go next door and pay thirty quid, as a city fan my choice is simple pay it or don't, i could side step les mis at the palace and choose to watch the mouse trap at the garrick, you are comparing apples and pears

Tell me how much these season ticket increases will bring in and how much real difference it will make to FFP, tell me how much City will lose when we don't fill the stadium when it is expanded, tell me how much these missing fans would have spent in the ground if they were there, i didn't start supporting city so we could become united but with light blue tops, i remember the owners stating that they would respect what being a city supporter was about, season tickets could be 500 quid and it wouldn't make a difference in the slightest

They have done so much good for us but on this one thing they have fucked up, it is a shame when finally we are seeing good times the ones who deserve to see it most will be sat at home scrambling for an internet connection

Arguing against yourself. You have said if you don't want to pay for the best you will go and watch a cheaper version. City are amongst the best.

Totally agree that it makes little difference towards FFP but also it is worth a few million quid. Our owners weren't born city fans and also I don't think they are the type to turn down a couple of million.

Question, do you think the average (if it is that as some tickets have gone down and 10% is the highest increase I've heard about) 10% increase will stop the season tickets selling out next season?

Not arguing against myself at all. we won the league two years ago, if we win again tomorrow the standard is the same so why 100 quid more? that's about 25% more for watching a top class side, so you are saying that they needn't put prices up but just do it to get a few more million? By your reasoning we finished second last year so tell me how much prices went down,after last season justify platinum so those who can afford it get loyalty points when their loyalty is no better than a gold member who cannot afford the extra

Do i think a 10% increase will stop them selling, no because there are plenty of people like you around but that doesn't make it right does it and that is my whole point, they could have increased it by inflation, still had a great side and a there would be no difference apart from us being seen as a club who doesn't try and grab every last penny out of fans who have invested their lives supporting a club they love
hilts said:
johnmc said:
hilts said:
Your missing the point the fact that Liverpool fans have been shafted doesn't mean we have to accept it, in all walks of life we tend to have a choice, if i don't want to pay fifty quid for a shirt i will go next door and pay thirty quid, as a city fan my choice is simple pay it or don't, i could side step les mis at the palace and choose to watch the mouse trap at the garrick, you are comparing apples and pears

Tell me how much these season ticket increases will bring in and how much real difference it will make to FFP, tell me how much City will lose when we don't fill the stadium when it is expanded, tell me how much these missing fans would have spent in the ground if they were there, i didn't start supporting city so we could become united but with light blue tops, i remember the owners stating that they would respect what being a city supporter was about, season tickets could be 500 quid and it wouldn't make a difference in the slightest

They have done so much good for us but on this one thing they have fucked up, it is a shame when finally we are seeing good times the ones who deserve to see it most will be sat at home scrambling for an internet connection

Arguing against yourself. You have said if you don't want to pay for the best you will go and watch a cheaper version. City are amongst the best.

Totally agree that it makes little difference towards FFP but also it is worth a few million quid. Our owners weren't born city fans and also I don't think they are the type to turn down a couple of million.

Question, do you think the average (if it is that as some tickets have gone down and 10% is the highest increase I've heard about) 10% increase will stop the season tickets selling out next season?

Not arguing against myself at all. we won the league two years ago, if we win again tomorrow the standard is the same so why 100 quid more? that's about 25% more for watching a top class side, so you are saying that they needn't put prices up but just do it to get a few more million? By your reasoning we finished second last year so tell me how much prices went down,after last season justify platinum so those who can afford it get loyalty points when their loyalty is no better than a gold member who cannot afford the extra

Do i think a 10% increase will stop them selling, no because there are plenty of people like you around but that doesn't make it right does it and that is my whole point, they could have increased it by inflation, still had a great side and a there would be no difference apart from us being seen as a club who doesn't try and grab every last penny out of fans who have invested their lives supporting a club they love

Let me just say I'm debating not arguing with you. I totally understand your point.

But you said if you don't want to watch les mis at the palace you would go and watch it at the Garrick for cheaper. That says to me if you don't want to watch the best performers at a premium you would watch a lesser version for cheaper.

I'm not saying a 25% increase is justified because we won the league two years ago and hopefully doing it again. I'm saying 3 years ago we were at Wigan pricing levels and have increased through the interim to Everton and now just below the rags and Liverpool. Let's take it back say 5 years, our prices haven't doubled but has the standard of play and chances to win things done that?

Look, if you had your own business, knew it was better than your competitors but it was cheaper, and knew it would sell regardless of a 10% increase because it would still be cheaper would you do it. The only answer is yes.

I'm not saying it is right, but in the eyes of the owners, who ultimately set the prices, they have improved the standard of product (I apologise) what 4, 5, 6 fold. Do you honestly think the prices would rise at the rate of inflation, which in effect is a price freeze?

But I do agree that it should also go the other way, if the team went backwards so should the prices, but that would never happen.

Let's just say you bought a run down hotel and spent shit loads of money doing it up, would you increase your rates by inflation only to keep the regulars happy. Sad state of affairs I know but if you wanted the same money coming in why spend the money on it.

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