Season Card info now on OS

LoveCity said:
mrjxf14 said:
a lot of other clubs call it the emptyhad............think its gonna get worse next year...............

The STs will sell out as always (they had to increase the quota from 36k to 38k last year), but will the ST holders show up - that being the ongoing issue.

I am unhappy about rising prices but the ONE positive may be people valuing their STs more as they become more expensive, instead of hording them and only showing up for a few select games per season.

I can't speak for every ST holder but i certainly don't pick and choose games.The reason my seat remains empty when it does is i work away on a regular basis and if that work coincides with a home game i am not there,simple as.I keep my season ticket going because i like where i am in the south stand and now we are actually having some success i am not about to give it up now.

The one time i certainly felt like not going by choice was when Pearce was our manager the football was so dire,but i still went and retained my ST.

In the survey the club sent me i asked them why i cannot just call the ticket office and let them know the games i can't attend and they put it back up for sale,i have yet to receive a reply.I am aware of viagogo but i find the site fiddly and difficult to navigate,with little success anyway so i have given up on it.Lending my card to mates and other fans is too problematic getting it back and/or getting paid.

Even with the increase the season ticket would be good value if i went to every game,i think it would work out about £33-35 a game.I am worried though that loyal fans are being priced out and their place will be taken by those jumping on the bandwaggon of success.People may say that is business,call us a product etcetera but if you want to lose the soul and feel of a club then just carry on it will soon disappear.
johnmc said:
hilts said:
johnmc said:
Arguing against yourself. You have said if you don't want to pay for the best you will go and watch a cheaper version. City are amongst the best.

Totally agree that it makes little difference towards FFP but also it is worth a few million quid. Our owners weren't born city fans and also I don't think they are the type to turn down a couple of million.

Question, do you think the average (if it is that as some tickets have gone down and 10% is the highest increase I've heard about) 10% increase will stop the season tickets selling out next season?

Not arguing against myself at all. we won the league two years ago, if we win again tomorrow the standard is the same so why 100 quid more? that's about 25% more for watching a top class side, so you are saying that they needn't put prices up but just do it to get a few more million? By your reasoning we finished second last year so tell me how much prices went down,after last season justify platinum so those who can afford it get loyalty points when their loyalty is no better than a gold member who cannot afford the extra

Do i think a 10% increase will stop them selling, no because there are plenty of people like you around but that doesn't make it right does it and that is my whole point, they could have increased it by inflation, still had a great side and a there would be no difference apart from us being seen as a club who doesn't try and grab every last penny out of fans who have invested their lives supporting a club they love

Let me just say I'm debating not arguing with you. I totally understand your point.

But you said if you don't want to watch les mis at the palace you would go and watch it at the Garrick for cheaper. That says to me if you don't want to watch the best performers at a premium you would watch a lesser version for cheaper.

I'm not saying a 25% increase is justified because we won the league two years ago and hopefully doing it again. I'm saying 3 years ago we were at Wigan pricing levels and have increased through the interim to Everton and now just below the rags and Liverpool. Let's take it back say 5 years, our prices haven't doubled but has the standard of play and chances to win things done that?

Look, if you had your own business, knew it was better than your competitors but it was cheaper, and knew it would sell regardless of a 10% increase because it would still be cheaper would you do it. The only answer is yes.

I'm not saying it is right, but in the eyes of the owners, who ultimately set the prices, they have improved the standard of product (I apologise) what 4, 5, 6 fold. Do you honestly think the prices would rise at the rate of inflation, which in effect is a price freeze?

But I do agree that it should also go the other way, if the team went backwards so should the prices, but that would never happen.

So you agree with me in effect, the argument about how good we are is that we cannot go and see a inferior side because we support city, it is not a choice we have we are tied, i can choose to eat at KFC rather than a michelin starred gaff, i know it won't be as good but value for money is a consideration, our club isn't about choices we have already chosen and are stuck with it

I actually thought the owners bought the club and wanted to make a statement, do things the right way, i have more rag mates than blues and guess what, the pub is full of guys who used to go but are now priced out, resent tourists, resent endless marketing ploys, hate the atmosphere the new "customer" of MANCHESTER UNITED tm has created, hate cup schemes

I am overjoyed i have seen us win things the last couple of years but we know where this is heading and it isn't good

If you had replied i know this is shit but i cannot let it go and have to go to the games no matter what i would have got you 100% but arguing business returns and the quality of the product has missed everything i was trying to say and i have a feeling you know the score but let's face it we are destined to be fucked because we love that team in blue
i had to give up my season ticket last year. its just to expensive. its as if the club think we are made of money, this is machester mpst people are on average incomes and our fan base is working class in the main

maybe with prices going up everywhere we will see more empty seats and then maybe the club will realize we are not made of money. i think its to late though its actually cheaper at the swamp. in ten years time i can see all stadiums being empty
mcfcnorthstand said:
Back row of Southstand level 2, gutted having to move due to expansion. Needs must and all that jazz.

I have to move too, so got to wait for the 38k to renew and then we get a choice of what's left not impressed at the mo, I have e mailed Danny Wilson a couple of times but got nothing back so I called the supporter services and it's due to Heath and safety that's all they could tell me
Are we going to lose some seats then?

Another argument for doing the pitch-side expansion first
Marvin said:
Are we going to lose some seats then?

Another argument for doing the pitch-side expansion first

Yeah we are losing the back row of the south stand and corners of the east and Colin bell
Annoys me when I see people on here crying poverty.

Just a thought but save some money FFS! £600 is £11 a week saved over the year. The problem is most moaning on here are out every Friday getting pissed, smoke or spend it on pies on their lunch hour at work.

Stop moaning and plan ahead.

Our season tickets are great value just save each week so it doesn't come as one £600 hit not hard is it!?
Inflation is at a four year low of 1.7% and City have upped my SC by 9.09%. It's gone up £140 in two years. I got a 1% pay rise last year and a pay freeze this year. How can City be so far out of touch? How can they justify that much of an increase?

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