Season Card Reservations/Relocations Direct Debit update 11/6

Re: Season Card Reservation,New ST etc 2015/16 Season.

NorthEastScotlandMCFC said:
dickie davies said:
Troy McClure said:
How the fuck can they justife a 125% increase on CB LV2?

Because the club said it would be in excess of £1500 five years ago, which is why I moved then

I moved 5 years ago also but it must hurt like hell now still being in CB2 and seeing the price rise. These guys are lucky though as they have first dibs on all other tickets

Do you have a link where it mentions that? A friend of mine in one of those seats seemed to think that he would just be in the general mix for relocating. He'll be fairly happy if that's the case.
Re: Season Card Reservation,New ST etc 2015/16 Season.

If we hadn't wasted £42m on Mangala every season card holder could have had a free season card this year!!
Re: Season Card Reservation,New ST etc 2015/16 Season.

alib said:
If we hadn't wasted £42m on Mangala every season card holder could have had a free season card this year!!
Which poisonous red top did this £42 million come from?
Re: Season Card Reservation,New ST etc 2015/16 Season.

For the people that have to move, they have my sympathy. Could well be me one day. An observation though is that everyone could get a season ticket for round about the same price, although it may mean moving to a worse seat.

Disappointing thing for me is that I genuinely thought a few years back that city would make a statement to support fans. I honestly thought they would bring the cost of football down. They really haven't. I don't think we're being ripped off, I think we have average prices for decent quality football. I just hoped it would be different.
Re: Season Card Reservation,New ST etc 2015/16 Season.

alib said:
If we hadn't wasted £42m on Mangala every season card holder could have had a free season card this year!!

Log off ffs. Ridiculous comment!
Re: Season Card Reservation,New ST etc 2015/16 Season.

Manchester1894 said:
Sickening, even though I left my seasoncard in 2010-11 after 8 years. It was £450. It's now £620. Yes I know we had the best value seasoncards BUT this is too far now.

This article highlights how much people are being pushed to the financial limit;
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... costs.html</a>

And for individual match-goers, Man City fans fork out the most at around £44 for a home game (£41 for Chelsea home fans).

How much will a match day ticket be now???

I've not bought a membership as I'd go to 3-4 matches a season now I'm a dad. I don't care what match I'd watch, but I'm not paying £25+ for a membership on top of the £45-60 odd ticket price, never mind take a 4yo and pay his membership too.

Our dearest seasoncard last season was £860... it's now £1,750. ONE SEVEN FIVE ZERO. Disgusting. The dearest seasoncard outside London. Even the rags, kings of being bastards to their fans, are left in our wake.

And of course PITCH SIDE.... dearer than the £299??? You won't even be able to see the ball on the ground.

Have you looked at all the details ? For £1750 you don't just get your seat but free parking ,free program free drink
Plus many other perks
Re: Season Card Reservation,New ST etc 2015/16 Season.

Kaini Industries said:
grim up north said:
Kaini Industries said:
I'd rather watch non-league than give money to Sky.

Absolute bollox

Just checked, and no, it's not.

sKy are slimey stealing sly cunts, I was paying £21.50 a month then they bumped me up to £55!
Re: Season Card Reservation,New ST etc 2015/16 Season.

dtharrison said:
Manchester1894 said:
Sickening, even though I left my seasoncard in 2010-11 after 8 years. It was £450. It's now £620. Yes I know we had the best value seasoncards BUT this is too far now.

This article highlights how much people are being pushed to the financial limit;
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... costs.html</a>

And for individual match-goers, Man City fans fork out the most at around £44 for a home game (£41 for Chelsea home fans).

How much will a match day ticket be now???

I've not bought a membership as I'd go to 3-4 matches a season now I'm a dad. I don't care what match I'd watch, but I'm not paying £25+ for a membership on top of the £45-60 odd ticket price, never mind take a 4yo and pay his membership too.

Our dearest seasoncard last season was £860... it's now £1,750. ONE SEVEN FIVE ZERO. Disgusting. The dearest seasoncard outside London. Even the rags, kings of being bastards to their fans, are left in our wake.

And of course PITCH SIDE.... dearer than the £299??? You won't even be able to see the ball on the ground.

Have you looked at all the details ? For £1750 you don't just get your seat but free parking ,free program free drink
Plus many other perks

These perks would be worth about a fiver a game to me - as I travel to the match with friends on a coach. You are still looking at the best part of £90 per game.

I prefer the away games anyway so I will get over moving to another part of the Etihad. I was relocated from 206 after being moved out of the North Stand so IMHO the Club's administrators are taking the piss. Especially in the context of record TV revenues.
Re: Season Card Reservation,New ST etc 2015/16 Season.

ColinLee said:
I played around with a spreadsheet and came up with some broad price tiers, estimating the number of blocks in each actual price tier (it's more or less accurate).

In the £299 to £620 tiers that amounts to 55% of total capacity, £16 to £33 a seat. (£299 - 5%, £380 - 4% BTW).

In the £700 to £900 tiers it's 37% of capacity, £37 to £47 a seat.

In the rich kids seats £1150 to £1750 it's just 7% of capacity (yes, I know I lost 1% somewhere but I did say it was rough), £60 to £92 a seat (gulp).

Now I don't think having around 30,000 seats out of 55,000 that cheap (and it is cheap nowadays) to watch City in their present guise is a bad thing at all.
If you think that makes me a "happy clapper" and you violently disagree (as some seem to on here right now) then perhaps you need to look in the mirror and consider what that makes you.

Decent analysis that CL - great work.

It would be good to get a clear view on the impact of the £5 billion in TV revenues - maybe show what the Club would not be able to book as revenue for next season's FFP purposes if say for example they had frozen all ticket prices?
Re: Season Card Reservation,New ST etc 2015/16 Season.

Lets look at a few S/C prices on a match by match basis.
Family Stand pitch level, Adult £20. 18 to 21 £13. 16 to 17 £9.50. 15 and under £5.
East Stand level 2. Over 65 £23. (my seat).
Premium Seats. Level 2 Joe's £92. (with 3cup games £79.50, with car park and program as well £66.)
I have been saving all my coins except £1 for years to pay for my seat to date this season its over £500, best thing I did was to drop sky sports and stop buying a daily paper. If anything is getting me down its the cost of stopping overnight, Travelodge was around £25 3 years ago have a look at their prices now if you want to know about price hikes no
My selfish wish it that I never see the North stand extended so my seat in 204 remains within my budget, if City did go ahead with a extended NS then a seat at the front of 303/304/305 would be my choice.
As for the choice of Tele over watching live, well one day I may have to go down that road when my legs give up if you have good health don't be a Billy no mates go to the games while you can, broke my dads heart when he gave up Maine Road at 85 years of age he started out in the boys corner at Hyde Road.
"Win or lose up the Blues"
"Never boo a Blue"
Couple of the old mans sayings to finish.

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