Season Tickets - 2023/24

Not sure if anyone else has posted this earlier. Or if I've copied the link correctly. It's an article about Fortuna Duesseldorf making all games free to all fans next season and raising the lost revenue in a different way.
Some of the ticket price issues could make you laugh or cry. I was helping a guy with issues get into the ground on cheap tickets. He grassed me up to City for selling to him at below face value. He didn’t mean any harm lol.
Grassed up for selling below face value? That's a new one on me. A good deed never goes unpunished!
I can let you know when we have a ticket available,don't worry about that,because we will have next season,quite regulary,and it'll be at right money as well,same for you @jimharri -let me know when over and I'll sort one for you as well

However here are the rates for the really big games - Utd - £350 - Liverpool - £350 and a title decider game £400,I've got the gas and electric and diesel to get there to take into consideration now :)
Top man @meeesh. Always enjoy meeting up with you and the boss and C.
We still have some of the cheapest season tickets in the PL, to watch the best team. I think someone posted some of the tickets in SS3 are about £20 - £23 per game. Lower division teams charge more than this.

Compared to other teams I don't think our prices are too bad.

Imagine paying what they do at Spurs and then also having to watch that shite every week!
Those SS3 tickets(about 200) are up there in the gods at the back. Great if your eyesight is that of a fish eagle, otherwise the p!ayers look like ants.
It's a choice for some people isn't it? Around 1998 I had a personal cost of living crisis and gave up going to football for nearly10 years, at no point during that 10 years did I expect the club to change their business plan to make football more affordable for me of my family. I just accepted it until I was in a position to start going again. That was just how I prioritsed things.
And yet, I have always been able to afford the prices rises but think that the club should value all our supporters more than they do when it comes to just seeing us as dicks to wank money out of.

I don’t see that the 28 or so mates and family members I’ve seen fall away from our match going support, mainly due to price increases, is part of a good business plan because there is going to come a time again in the future where we are not as good as we are now and we will need these kind of fans backing us.

Their business plan is short sighted. One day it will bite them on the arse.
Well at least the £70 it's gone up will be saved in petrol, cos I'll have to park in droylsden from next season and walk the rest of the way. F.f.s. they really are try their best to get rid of us Maine roaders aren't they.
The Halfway House and The Grove are great pubs. Just have the one if you’re driving.
Is there a waiting list for season tickets? Had one for 20 years and taken a break when my kids are young but now virtually grown up , have some more time on my hands but probably missed the boat now, the City website doesn’t give any useful information
I cannot see the club selling full 19 game season tickets again for some time. Simply too much money to be made selling the 5 premium games separately. Even the 14 game Silver Seasoncard caused an Internet Stampede and was gone in minutes. I had contemplated giving my ticket up due to limited attendance caused by heavy duty care issues for father, but I have kept it and sold on every game I couldn't attend, at Seasoncard face value, to blues who otherwise would be facing £55 - £70 prices for tickets from the club. In short if anyone is contemplating giving up their ticket, due to a temporary circumstance, I would suggest doing as I did initially, as not only does it allow others to attend games at low prices, but it also guarantees you still have your ticket when your circumstances change.
We still have some of the cheapest season tickets in the PL, to watch the best team. I think someone posted some of the tickets in SS3 are about £20 - £23 per game. Lower division teams charge more than this.

Compared to other teams I don't think our prices are too bad.

Imagine paying what they do at Spurs and then also having to watch that shite every week!

There’s a tiny number of season tickets right at the back of ss3 that come under that price, which are pretty much impossible to buy for most city fans. Other than that we have some of the most expensive tickets in the league.
I cannot see the club selling full 19 game season tickets again for some time. Simply too much money to be made selling the 5 premium games separately. Even the 14 game Silver Seasoncard caused an Internet Stampede and was gone in minutes. I had contemplated giving my ticket up due to limited attendance caused by heavy duty care issues for father, but I have kept it and sold on every game I couldn't attend, at Seasoncard face value, to blues who otherwise would be facing £55 - £70 prices for tickets from the club. In short if anyone is contemplating giving up their ticket, due to a temporary circumstance, I would suggest doing as I did initially, as not only does it allow others to attend games at low prices, but it also guarantees you still have your ticket when your circumstances change.
So let me get this right, if you don't have a full season ticket you can get a season ticket for the crap games and have to pay extra for the big ones!!!! Fuck I didn't know that.
There’s a tiny number of season tickets right at the back of ss3 that come under that price, which are pretty much impossible to buy for most city fans. Other than that we have some of the most expensive tickets in the league.
Do we really? I hadn't realised that. I keep reading that our match day income is quite a bit lower than other top teams so assumed that we had lower ticket prices.

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