Season Tickets - 2023/24

So let me get this right, if you don't have a full season ticket you can get a season ticket for the crap games and have to pay extra for the big ones!!!! Fuck I didn't know that.
yeah my mate has one, he gets first refusal on his seat for the "big 6" games but at whatever price thry are sold at
We are the proverbial frog that doesn’t realise it’s being boiled because the heat is turned up so gradually. But when you add it all up we’re being cooked.

In the last year we’ve seen matchday tickets reach £70, season tickets go up yet again, gold season tickets withdrawn from sale with silver season tickets sold in tiny numbers, the disappearance of the waiting list promise, the disappearance of the silver to gold upgrade promise, the disappearance of cheap Carabao and FA tickets, hundreds of some of the more affordable seats in the ground - NS2 - earmarked for premium hospitality, plus the Madrid debacle, clearly aimed at getting tourists into the ground and maximising membership sales and pointing the way to more and more marquee fixtures being sold as one off entertainment events.

The only consolation is it’s not as bad as at the Swamp, where despite the mediocrity and poor facilities cup schemes for everything are mandatory as I understand it, and my mate pays 3k for STs for himself and his kids, goes rain and shine, and has just been told he won’t qualify for the FA Cup final because he didn’t go to the semi.

But who is to say that is not where it could end? That said as City fans we know that you never get it all in life and that nothing lasts forever. In three years it’s entirely likely that Pep will be gone, key players like KDB, Bernie and Gundo will be gone, and we’ll be trying to sell 9k extra seats, while our rivals may be strengthening - eg a more mature Arsenal, the Rags with their act together because the Glazers have finally sold up to Jassim, Newcastle and Chelsea’s projects coming together etc

We may well get some of the more nostalgic things we’d like then - a slow down on price hikes, more academy lads getting a chance in the first team, and a better atmosphere as we face more challenges, but we won’t be the force we are now.

All says to me we have to enjoy each period for what it is - painful as the current off-pitch direction of travel is. But make no mistake when you add it all up it’s not about £60 a year here or there, it’s a clear direction of travel.
I used to help people who were unemployed and/or in debt for a local charity. When discussing budgets etc people would say they were struggling to buy food etc but they often had a mobile phone, they went to the pub and they would buy takeaways. The thing is life is about what is a priority to you as an individual. I see people here moaning about the increase in ST prices and complaining about the expensive drink and food at the stadium and saying how they are struggling to afford it. Well dont buy drinks bring your own dont buy food bring your own those savings alone should pay for any increase in your ST. Its up to every individual to make their own choices
Yes also if you cannot afford shoes go barefood, or make your own.

how far do we take the you are not worthy enough to enjoy one thing in life and deserve social exclusion because of wealth only, society really hasn't progressed much if so.

Spectator football was created for the common man, woman and child as a social leisure activity for the masses, not a priced out exclusive event.
My season ticket is row AA so about 15 rows from the back of 315. Good view, decent atmosphere, works out at just over £20 per match which is fine for me, but it would be short sighted / selfish to think there’s no issue with these increases just because it’s still affordable personally. Some of the decisions since the start of this season have really left me wondering where’s it all heading.

What if I want to move into the extended North Stand - how much will they sting me for that?
What type of supporter do they want in there and will I want to be around them?
Will we see new groups of young fans essential for the atmosphere or will they be priced out?
How do us legacy fans fit into the clubs overall strategy, as they sure as hell don’t seem to be the priority right now?
When will my teenage son be able to get a season ticket?
Will he ever get one that includes the biggest games of the season or have these now been sacrificed to allow tourists to attend?
Is it now going to be standard that he goes into a lottery with brand new members for big games?
I don’t care for deafening P.A’s, light shows or NFL type on screen lookalikes, what else have they got up their sleeve to attract new fans that I’m going to absolutely hate?
If it’s an experience that’s diluted even further than it is now by ensuring we cramming as many half and half scarf wearing day trippers in as possible will I even want to be part of it?
Good post.

I don't have the answer to some of your questions but here's a little ditty to Day Tripper- The Beatles

Got a good reason, for taking the selfie stick out
Got a good reason to wear a half and half scarf, now
Here comes a day tripper, expensive ticket yeah

It took me soooo long, but I'm priced out, I'm priced out.

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