Season Tickets - 2024/25

RE: Cheapest Seasoncards.

The £299 Seasoncard received praise from everywhere but the actual terms and conditions of them were kept quiet. Two friends or a parent and child can’t benefit from them. They were very limited too so not everyone who wanted one could obtain.

“I only pay £15.74 for this” says Blue surrounded by other Blues at breaking point financially…
if you're serious about protesting against price rises, there's something practical you can do. I dropped Platinum this season, so the club is getting less money from me overall. If there's another price increase, then I'll probably fuck the CL scheme off. That's another seat they'll have to find a buyer for and lower costs for me.

Perhaps we should all do something coordinated like boycott the League Cup scheme. That will get more attention in the boardroom than a banner.

After yesterday I’m dropping Platinum, the Carabao cup and the FA cup schemes. I’ll keep the CL cup scheme for now. I’ll make the call to the ticket office tomorrow.
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Myabe because of the lying and hypocrisy by the club. There has never been a problem with hanging a banner that covers the advertising boards on SSL2. Certainly not since 1894 have been doing it, helped by the club.

If you look at the wording on the banner, it doesn’t attack the club by name or by an individual at the club, which may have be a valid reason to remove the banner.

The only reason the club removed the banner was to stop any public sign of dissent from the fans.(1894)
If the club won’t let us have banners perceived as a slight on the club, they can’t stop us singing about it. I’m sure some of the wordsmiths on here could come up with some decent protest songs.
If the club won’t let us have banners perceived as a slight on the club, they can’t stop us singing about it. I’m sure some of the wordsmiths on here could come up with some decent protest songs.

TBH I don’t think there’s much appetite for anti-club songs on the terraces. And many City fans would say understandably so.

What with an aging FOC fan base, an influx of tourists, day trippers, and general football fans on a match day, any protest chanting against the club isn’t going to get going.

Even though it was a short banner protest which was stopped by club, it served it’s purpose, as it got public exposure, and went all over the press and across social media, seen by City fans everywhere, whether they agreed with the protest banner or not?
Just renewed but finally decided to drop Platinum so effectively my first price drop in years. With the continued price rises and less away tickets being made available there seems little point in keeping it.
RE: Cheapest Seasoncards.

The £299 Seasoncard received praise from everywhere but the actual terms and conditions of them were kept quiet. Two friends or a parent and child can’t benefit from them. They were very limited too so not everyone who wanted one could obtain.

“I only pay £15.74 for this” says Blue surrounded by other Blues at breaking point financially…
None of that was kept quiet.

You could still get a £95 kids one in the family stand when then came out, and it was cheaper for adults than the south stand for the same seat.

There were downsides for Value Gold, but were and are well know, and worth it for the massive discount to a lot of people.

They were pepper potted to such and extent that you were very unlikely to be near other value golds, but some were able to request and get 2 together. It is out of order mocking people who get them when you don't bother going yourself, and seem to want other fans to give up too. They were not means tested and most fans will have got them for better value not necessity.
It is out of order mocking people who get them when you don't bother going yourself, and seem to want other fans to give up too. They were not means tested and most fans will have got them for better value not necessity.

Ill health since 2020 has stopped me being able to commit to regular attendance so it’s actually out of order from you to suggest I’m mocking those who do “bother” going.

I’ve travelled regularly from Hereford and London totalling about 13 years at huge personal expense. I’ve never wanted a Value card as I want to choose where I sit.

Yes… that’s right… I want everyone to stop going.

Put your phone down and talk to all your friend in the pub before heading home to the Mrs.

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