semi final trouble

ClintBusterPhillips said:
get a grip and smell the coffee,
city v utd at wembley means an element of trouble, fact.
also the atmosphere around the ground has been improved by the bring something to the game brigade, fact.
if you dont like bluemoon, dont come on and fuck right off, fact.[/quote]

Fact Fact Fact is this fucking Rafa Benitez???

Will there be pockets of trouble.. as always

yes but will there be battered and bruised bodies spread all along the M6 and M1 with all out war on wembley way as portrayed on here??? nope

Was there inflatables yesterday yes..will there be inflatables verses Kiev yes with a better atmosphere just like hamburg a few seasons ago

and if youre gonna tell me the atmosphere has been great this year then youre wrong. start the year we were out sang by a handfull of blackburn fans..

dont come on and fuck rite off...that the best you can think of???
typical macho answer i expect on here by the guy sat behind keyboard....[/quote]

top poster
ClintBusterPhillips said:
Im billy big bollocks ...blah blah blah

Watch football factory buy a barbour coat, sum trainers a stone island cap to top it off and walk around in a group drinking and shouting and hey presto your a well hard footy hooligan ready to get on the forum and show how big and hard you are by talking the same old shite as always scaremongering about trouble this trouble that im tooling up im gonna smash there heads in???

Id recommend instead of buying your barbour coat put the money towards help for heroes the real tough guys who go through shit everyday so you can have your freedom to get your train to wembley

Fucking people need to put certain things in perspective and see this is 2011 not the 70s...

This Bluemoon has gone downhill bigtime

gonna be massive trouble with poznan in ground....massive trouble v utd im getting a megaphone have the stadium bringing this to a going fancy dress...blah blah bullshit

Haha, funny stuff.

Judging by this thread wodda and mcfcgaz are going to be touching themselves up for a the next month in anticipation of a Danny Dyer lookalike contest.

Load of shite imo. Who gives a feck.
Moody lads in black jackets?
Lads, I can now reveal to you the new look MIBs



I am absolutely shitting it
I go away quite a bit. I am no hooligan although do like being in the thick of it.

United at Wembley. 37 tear old. 25 year sof abuse off these Rags. Win or lose I will be giving it out and not backing down to any rag bxstard and I hope as many of us as possible make there day as uncomfortable as possible. Win or lose.
I couldn't give a fxck if some people think that is infatile. Too long, far too long. I know a lot of lads going down that feel exactly the same.

If people think this will be a family day out without any trouble they can think again. When Utd meet City I personally don't wear my colours at OT. Not many do to be fair and vice versa. Wembley will be different. You will know who is who.
It will be a cinderbox waiting to go off. After the match someone loses and it will erupt. Simpe as.
If we lose. I personally hope it does.
Sky Blue said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I've bought a few tickets outside before.

The only game I failed was the 1-1 at Old TRafford when Brightwell scored. There must have been 2 or 3 thousand blues trying to get tickets and there were none spare anywhere. Ended up sitting in the car park waiting for my mates. When Brightwell scored I went apeshit in the car, looked up and there was a car load of blues doing the same right next to me. We were all hugging and dancing round.

Me and my cousin also failed to get in, even went round to the Stretford End to see if we could blag in there but nothing doing. Ended up going home and listening on the radio.....Went fuckin' mental when Brightwell scored though!

Me and 5 mates also did not get tickets in our end but i managed to get some in the k stand 30 quid a piece which were right at the back infront of the boxes pretty steep prices in them days, we all agreed not to jump up if we scored like fuck we did last minute equalizer we went mad still to this day dont know how we got out alive lol
pissedagain said:
ok lets be real, i really hope not,as i will be travelling down with kids, but i cant see there not being any, last night coming away from the ground the texts started coming in off dickheads i havn t seen in years, still trying to find out which twat passed my number on, anyway, it was the usual bring your trainers etc etc.. we are like cat and dog and always have been and all those southern wankers will snap up the spare corp tickets and thats when they want it, when they out number the other fans..they are shithouses of the highest order

The story on the back of the daily wail was summat along the lines of, 'biggest ever policing operation for the semi, lots of bother expected'.
wodda said:
Bertie and his mates, giddy about their trip to Wembley.....joyfully skip to Stockport station.....

"we're not really here"........"que sera sera"......."take that banner down"......"blue moon"

They've got their Man City lunchboxes, some top trumps, Bass shandy and rum and rasin ice cream for the journey (LADS).

The train pulls in and they skip onto the nearest carriage......but wait, whats going on???

The train is full of moody lads in black jackets, drinking, smoking and gambling on the tables........

Whats happened? Are they all going down for the London Marathon?? Whats that....why are they goading us?......are they United fans? Why have they travelled to Manchester to go back down the London?! THIS ISNT HOW IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN!!.

Bertie and his mates walk down the carriage.....and find their advanced booked seats.....unsure whats going on....must be a mix up......there's 4 lads sat in the seats......."excuse me sir, your in my seat"......"fuck off you sad twat"......."oh i'm sorry must have been a mix up"........."no mix up now hand over that nice MCFC lunch box and lets see what your mum's made me".

Bertie and the boys...retreat down the carriage and resign to the fact they will have to sit on the floor.......

2 1/2 hours of "35 years"......drunken yobs walking over them to go for a piss every mintute, with the sly boot left in every now and again......realising they are being used as human ashtrays.........this isnt how it should be.....this isnt their image of a joyous trip to London.......

Bertie looks at his sad reflection in the window.....he noticed 2 tear marks have smudged his a MUFC yob opens a bashed can of stella, spraying beer all over his "Wembly 2011" t shirt.......

Well all I can say to that Poet Laureate is

"After listening to you, I've decided I am in favor of abortion in cases of incest."

"I'd insult you, but you're not bright enough to notice."

"I'm trying to imagine you with a personality."

"If I throw a stick, will you leave?"

"Diarrhea of the mouth; constipation of the ideas."

"A half-wit gave you a piece of his mind, and you held on to it."

"Too many freaks, not enough circuses."

"Did the aliens forget to remove your anal probe?"

"Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed."

"May your children be so famous every policeman knows them."

"Any friend of yours ... is a friend of yours"

"Brains aren't everything. In fact, in your case they're nothing!"

That's enough of my time wasted on you so" FUCK OFF YOU RED TWAT"
Compstall35 said:
I go away quite a bit. I am no hooligan although do like being in the thick of it.

United at Wembley. 37 tear old. 25 year sof abuse off these Rags. Win or lose I will be giving it out and not backing down to any rag bxstard and I hope as many of us as possible make there day as uncomfortable as possible. Win or lose.
I couldn't give a fxck if some people think that is infatile. Too long, far too long. I know a lot of lads going down that feel exactly the same.

If people think this will be a family day out without any trouble they can think again. When Utd meet City I personally don't wear my colours at OT. Not many do to be fair and vice versa. Wembley will be different. You will know who is who.
It will be a cinderbox waiting to go off. After the match someone loses and it will erupt. Simpe as.
If we lose. I personally hope it does.

Ha ha..! 37..with a mental age of 12..!

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