semi final trouble

kinkysleftfoot said:
you missed the point.......I was yawning at him wanting to be the big man!

Where did I say I went round looking to cause trouble or being a big man? I said violence adds to the atmosphere and knowing that there may be violence round the next corner makes it a more enjoyable experience.
TheMidnightClaret said:
kinkysleftfoot said:
you missed the point.......I was yawning at him wanting to be the big man!

Where did I say I went round looking to cause trouble or being a big man? I said violence adds to the atmosphere and knowing that there may be violence round the next corner makes it a more enjoyable experience.

I need say no more!
apols kinky, i kind of understand what claret is getting at but those days should be behind us now, a ten year old isn t going to think it adds to the atmosphere
I agree, potential violence a tension in the air playing your bigeest rivals is what makes this game all the better.
Why should we be passed all that because 10 year olds go to the game and dont find it adds to the atomosphere. I think if you ask them the fact we are playing the team across town who take th episs out of them at school for being shit will add to the atomosphere.
Also it wil not just be the 20 year olds pissed up looking for it. As mentioned earlier. Normally you will not find trouble unless you look for it and on the whole I agree. This will be different. Derby days are one colour usually (the home team) you can dissapear intot he ground if need be. Not here. Someone said it will only take a few idiots shouting Munich or 35 years, Foe, whatever and it will be afree for all. Why, because even non hooligans like myself and a lot of my mates will defintley dish it out if it kicks off. As I said earlier either win or lose the situation will be a cinder box. Police or no police. they will be so thinly spread out in London it isn't true. THIS is what makes the game not only a semi final but one hell of an exciting match not to be missed. Fulham at home bores me to death. Villa away fun. Rags at Wembley jesus bring it on.
I can't see there being any trouble at Wembley. CCTV and police will prevent that. Hooligans know what sort of sentences they get now if caught. Might be a bit tasty in the West End night before mind. But don't let the media 'hooligan' frenzy put you off going...this is our history and you need to be there.
bladdered said:
I can't see there being any trouble at Wembley. CCTV and police will prevent that. Hooligans know what sort of sentences they get now if caught. Might be a bit tasty in the West End night before mind. But don't let the media 'hooligan' frenzy put you off going...this is our history and you need to be there.

well the cctv didnt stop it kicking off in random places at coms in the cup against them and it didnt stop the police van from inches of being turned over by an angry mob of city, there will be trouble no doubt and i'l guarantee there will be a thread on the subject on here with over 50 pages detailing whats gone on
Mike N said:
I have no doubt there is going to be an awful lot of trouble. The idiots on both sides will be out in force.

I really can see this being a very bad day all round, win or lose.
Where do you think there will be an awful lot of trouble then<br /><br />-- Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:06 pm --<br /><br />
Whitworth Park said:
Your missing one crucial point.
We will be meeting 2 sets of fans, United from wherever and The
Cockney Reds.
The Cockney Reds hate us, one, because we are City, two because in their
eyes we are Northern C***s .
They will be out mob handed to cause as much trouble as they can.
& where are they going to cause all this trouble
marco said:
bladdered said:
I can't see there being any trouble at Wembley. CCTV and police will prevent that. Hooligans know what sort of sentences they get now if caught. Might be a bit tasty in the West End night before mind. But don't let the media 'hooligan' frenzy put you off going...this is our history and you need to be there.

well the cctv didnt stop it kicking off in random places at coms in the cup against them and it didnt stop the police van from inches of being turned over by an angry mob of city, there will be trouble no doubt and i'l guarantee there will be a thread on the subject on here with over 50 pages detailing whats gone on

do they really expect us all to mingle on wembley way like every other semi/final there? NO FUCKING CHANCE I HATE THE CUNTS.
im_still_here said:
marco said:
well the cctv didnt stop it kicking off in random places at coms in the cup against them and it didnt stop the police van from inches of being turned over by an angry mob of city, there will be trouble no doubt and i'l guarantee there will be a thread on the subject on here with over 50 pages detailing whats gone on

do they really expect us all to mingle on wembley way like every other semi/final there? NO FUCKING CHANCE I HATE THE CUNTS.

i just cant for the life of me see that its possible, both clubs have a few nutters and they will be brim full of ale going down wembley way
Let's be honest, unlike the police in Manchester the London police are used to the high numbers. As an example in just over a week thousands of people have made it public knowledge they'll be stampeding down Oxford St and other targets, I doubt they're scared of a couple of forty somethings who can barely run anymore looking to get one over on each other.

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