Semi Tickets....

Freestyler said:
Should have been £25-£30, i'm sure both clubs could have agreed something better than what they have.

£37.50 for the CC
£40-£45 for the FA Cup

both well overpriced imo.

Exactly my sentiments and more in line with the current circumstances straight after Christmas with money very tight. It'd still have been expensive but i'd have found the money for both games at these prices for myself and the family.
I'm travelling down from Edinburgh for this, having had to miss the league game last week cos of fooking wind, I was surprised to find out how much the ticket cost and can imagine that will price plenty out of making it.

Compared to the CL games it seems very steep and I'd question the clubs pricing, considering the time of year and the way many people are struggling financially at the moment ...

( apologies for just repeating previous points ! )
obliquerays said:
I'm travelling down from Edinburgh for this, having had to miss the league game last week cos of fooking wind, I was surprised to find out how much the ticket cost and can imagine that will price plenty out of making it.

Compared to the CL games it seems very steep and I'd question the clubs pricing, considering the time of year and the way many people are struggling financially at the moment ...

( apologies for just repeating previous points ! )

You should try Gaviscon, or just let it out.

Anyway, I'm going, but stuck at work this morning so on the later flight with a taxi dash from the airport straight to the ground.
Happy Feet said:
Richard said:
Cant say I am too suprised by the amount of tickets left.

Think City got this one wrong pricing wise. Choosing between the FA Cup match and the Carling Cup match - many will have picked the former game to attend.

People cant be affording to spend £75+ on the two straight after Christmas.
100 % correct, its about time clubs woke up to the reality of the current financial climate.
Well said. It seems they have no idea about what's going on in the real world, this isn't just city it's football in general. There's half an argument for city cos of the quality of players we pay to watch but it's dear everywhere now.

I was saying yesterday to someone I'll have to have a look at cutting some games out, I probably won't but the fact is I should be doing, it's madness the money we are asked to fork out.
I have no real problems with the pricing for a semi final.What I find hard to work out is why have the semi final so soon into the new year and straight after the FA cup.Surely in the future they should hold the semi finals February at earliest,this would allow fans to at least have a monthly wage after Christmas to pay for a ticket.I would also space out the Christmas period of games a lot better as well,we should be playing less games over and afer that period to help fans recover their finances from a stressfull part of the year.
Not sure how going or not going to a city home game gives fellow blues the right to be called every name under the sun !!!!!!
Every other week we have a 100 page war on who is goin ! Or what the att wil be ! In life you have a choice, so for me as long as i sit my fat arse in east stand 110 and watch my blue boys !! I for one dont give a shite about who else goes, life is life some are rich some not so rich, so thats why we have choice ;-) an my choice is to support my team and respect fellow blues.
If we win ?? How quick will a new link start askin how tickets should not be given to those who dont attend all games :-( get a grip blues, i look after children in care an can say hand on heart other people dont live a perfect life all the time even if they do nothing wrong and try as hard as everyone else to do well in life !!!!!!? Chill out c t i d
Surely there are 40000 City fans out there, it's a fookin semi final...!!!!
The crowd will be around 36000, including 5500 scousers, shit that, really shit.
We.....sorry I, being 48 have fully supported City and the club with a season ticket since I was 10 years old and waited 38 years for a team like this to support, so why when we get some success, loads can't be arsed doing without something else so that they can cheer the boys on to more success and witness history.
I've done without certain things for donkey's years.
I can understand the shortage of money thing for some people and the circumstances they find themselves in, but frankly there is a way, christ, the club have tried to help with incentives, ie the cup schemes, I paid £15 for the FA Cup 3rd round....£15, thats fookin peanuts. When it comes to it though, do you, in particular the ones that simply can't be arsed, really care about the club...........????!!!!
I know money is tight at the moment, I'm in the middle of a house move so need to be saving all I can, but I don't think we can blame City for the pricing. People seem to be forgetting it's a SEMI FINAL! I signed up to all cup schemes so can't really complain when I only paid £15 for the Utd game. I just hope people decide to get tickets last minute if they can because I know quite a few Liverpool fans who are going and they are going to be loud tonight - they are dying to get to Wembley and we should be too.

Don't want to tempt fate but realisitically if we get a decent win tonight then the chances are we'll win the cup so shame it isn't going to be capacity crowd to see the boys through.
de niro said:
Happy Feet said:
Richard said:
Cant say I am too suprised by the amount of tickets left.

Think City got this one wrong pricing wise. Choosing between the FA Cup match and the Carling Cup match - many will have picked the former game to attend.

People cant be affording to spend £75+ on the two straight after Christmas.
100 % correct, its about time clubs woke up to the reality of the current financial climate.
Well said. It seems they have no idea about what's going on in the real world, this isn't just city it's football in general. There's half an argument for city cos of the quality of players we pay to watch but it's dear everywhere now.

I was saying yesterday to someone I'll have to have a look at cutting some games out, I probably won't but the fact is I should be doing, it's madness the money we are asked to fork out.

It's private business in general, mate.

Many of the big businesses are still posting monstrous profit quarter-in, quarter-out. They're ignoring the economic climate because they can. Also, the difference between this depression and the last "Great" one, is that consumerism is still so powerful because of the telly, and there's bollocks like Big Brother and Pop Idol on to distract you.

Big business doesn't stop for us, unfortunately.
People need to stop being surprised the prices will only go one way. I'll be there and at Anfield bit cringey at home when you see the empty seats but at the end of the day I'm there so not to arsed who isnt.

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