Sergio Aguero

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Think i read in the Sun Today we were in advanced negotiations with the club or his representatives !! Make of that what you will.
His agents/reps can setup deals while he is away so that when he returns he can personally look through the offers and decide.
For no other reason than a pure gut feeling, I am strangely more confident that we will sign Aguero than Nasri.
Both would be nice, of course. Certainly better value than Liverpool's spending, for example.
If we did get him,though, I think the nickname 'Kun' would have to go, given the unfortunate associations of how it is pronounced over here.
LongsightM13 said:
I think the nickname 'Kun' would have to go, given the unfortunate associations of how it is pronounced over here.
No need to be ashamed. He'll score a hattrick on anyone's team who takes the piss out of his nickname.
Has anyone seen,posted,or other wise found out are we in for Aguero?
And yes i have seen the story in the Sun but come on its the Sun how accurate have they been in the past ?
And i agree he is the one player who can replace Tevez and i think he will improve us more and in the long run show Mr Tevez what he has missed out on by leaving City
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