Sergio Aguero

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The Game 77 said:
Has anyone seen,posted,or other wise found out are we in for Aguero?
And yes i have seen the story in the Sun but come on its the Sun how accurate have they been in the past ?
And i agree he is the one player who can replace Tevez and i think he will improve us more and in the long run show Mr Tevez what he has missed out on by leaving City
Of course nothing comfirmed.
The Game 77 said:
Has anyone seen,posted,or other wise found out are we in for Aguero?
And yes i have seen the story in the Sun but come on its the Sun how accurate have they been in the past ?
And i agree he is the one player who can replace Tevez and i think he will improve us more and in the long run show Mr Tevez what he has missed out on by leaving City

Fuck tevez m8,he is nothing but history to me now thanks for the memories but on yer go pal,Yeh let's get this guy in as soon as,I have to confess don't know a great deal about him,but from the snippets I have seen he dose seem like the ideal replacement,short quick and very skillful,the ideal partner for balo or dzecko.
jjeangi said:
LongsightM13 said:
I think the nickname 'Kun' would have to go, given the unfortunate associations of how it is pronounced over here.
No need to be ashamed. He'll score a hattrick on anyone's team who takes the piss out of his nickname.
I thought it was pronounced more like a very racist term from 1970s Britain, with a 'soft' U (sounds like 'oo').
LongsightM13 said:
jjeangi said:
LongsightM13 said:
I think the nickname 'Kun' would have to go, given the unfortunate associations of how it is pronounced over here.
No need to be ashamed. He'll score a hattrick on anyone's team who takes the piss out of his nickname.
I thought it was pronounced more like a very racist term from 1970s Britain, with a 'soft' U (sounds like 'oo').

ahhhh, i hope he sticks with it thou. think i will be able to refer to kun with some affection over the coming years if we pull it off
Maccite Blueite said:
The Game 77 said:
Has anyone seen,posted,or other wise found out are we in for Aguero?
And yes i have seen the story in the Sun but come on its the Sun how accurate have they been in the past ?
And i agree he is the one player who can replace Tevez and i think he will improve us more and in the long run show Mr Tevez what he has missed out on by leaving City

Fuck tevez m8,he is nothing but history to me now thanks for the memories but on yer go pal,Yeh let's get this guy in as soon as,I have to confess don't know a great deal about him,but from the snippets I have seen he dose seem like the ideal replacement,short quick and very skillful,the ideal partner for balo or dzecko.

Don't want to spoil the party but who said tevez is leaving? Never mind already left!
Last I heard was that he'd expressed a clear desire to leave in an interview but that a formal transfer request had not been received by the club. Also, club statement to say that he has 3 years left on his contract and that no offers had been received. That = no formal request to leave & no other clubs asking after him.
Now I'm not entirely stupid . . I know that this is effectively tevez putting his name out there on the not so QT but the fact remains that there's likely to be an issues in finding a club to stump up our asking price and / or an issue with him not wanting to take the pay cut he'll need to take to fill his hearts desire. So, it might be up in the air right now but the fact remains that he may be with us next season whether we or he like it.
May even be popping in goals for us . . .

Hows abouts we all take a chill pill and wait and see like good little children. All will be revealed in a matter of weeks but in the meantime lets stick to fact and fact is that tevez has not flown the roost . . he's still perched in there eating our corn and shitting on our sawdust.

PS. Sorry about the rooster analogy . . no offence to any hens out there.
hisroyalblueness said:
Maccite Blueite said:
The Game 77 said:
Has anyone seen,posted,or other wise found out are we in for Aguero?
And yes i have seen the story in the Sun but come on its the Sun how accurate have they been in the past ?
And i agree he is the one player who can replace Tevez and i think he will improve us more and in the long run show Mr Tevez what he has missed out on by leaving City

Fuck tevez m8,he is nothing but history to me now thanks for the memories but on yer go pal,Yeh let's get this guy in as soon as,I have to confess don't know a great deal about him,but from the snippets I have seen he dose seem like the ideal replacement,short quick and very skillful,the ideal partner for balo or dzecko.

Don't want to spoil the party but who said tevez is leaving? Never mind already left!
Last I heard was that he'd expressed a clear desire to leave in an interview but that a formal transfer request had not been received by the club. Also, club statement to say that he has 3 years left on his contract and that no offers had been received. That = no formal request to leave & no other clubs asking after him.
Now I'm not entirely stupid . . I know that this is effectively tevez putting his name out there on the not so QT but the fact remains that there's likely to be an issues in finding a club to stump up our asking price and / or an issue with him not wanting to take the pay cut he'll need to take to fill his hearts desire. So, it might be up in the air right now but the fact remains that he may be with us next season whether we or he like it.
May even be popping in goals for us . . .

Hows abouts we all take a chill pill and wait and see like good little children. All will be revealed in a matter of weeks but in the meantime lets stick to fact and fact is that tevez has not flown the roost . . he's still perched in there eating our corn and shitting on our sawdust.

PS. Sorry about the rooster analogy . . no offence to any hens out there.
He won't put a transfer request in because he'll lose stand to 15%. Kia Joorabchian would have to take a pay cut if Tevez did this, it's not very self productive considering what these two are all about.
LongsightM13 said:
If we did get him,though, I think the nickname 'Kun' would have to go, given the unfortunate associations of how it is pronounced over here.

I wouldn't believe so.Only a very sad,twisted or ulterior motivated individual would make such an association.
hisroyalblueness said:
Hows abouts we all take a chill pill and wait and see like good little children.

Congratulations, on one of the most patronising sentences I think I've ever read on a football forum.

Btw, it's how about, not "hows abouts".
BringBackSwales said:
Bobbins said:
Think i read in the Sun Today we were in advanced negotiations with the club or his representatives !! Make of that what you will.

is your memory not very good then?

I have been up since 4am and got home tonight at 19.30, I managed to drop in a caff for a sarnie and tried to speed read 4 papers while i was waiting for a chease and ham sarnie being made !!!

My most humble appologies BBS for being so vaig !!
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