Serial Killer at large in Manchester?

This for me is where the whole serial killer theory falls down (or in!). If he is pushing drunk people in, there must be someone who has sobered up sharpish and made it to the other bank to report someone pushing them in. The canal's only 4-5 foot deep in most places. I can't believe everyone pushed in would drown.

But how many of those 'survivors' who got out would have bothered reporting it to the police?

And of those that may have reported it, it's more than likely that the police will have treated it as drunken antics, affray or common assault at worse.. rather than immediately coming to the conclusion that it was a serial killer attempting to murder someone.
But how many of those 'survivors' who got out would have bothered reporting it to the police?

And of those that may have reported it, it's more than likely that the police will have treated it as drunken antics, affray or common assault at worse.. rather than immediately coming to the conclusion that it was a serial killer attempting to murder someone.

Maybe we'll find out later. My TV guide says the documentary maker "answers the question with some certainty". This makes me think the conclusion is that there isn't a killer at large, or we'd already have heard about it.
This for me is where the whole serial killer theory falls down (or in!). If he is pushing drunk people in, there must be someone who has sobered up sharpish and made it to the other bank to report someone pushing them in. The canal's only 4-5 foot deep in most places. I can't believe everyone pushed in would drown.

that's wrong the locks and many parts on the canal are very deep and wide and very hard to get out even without a drink
Don't think its like falling into a heated swimming pool however shallow.
This from a rescue manual:
into cold water. Most of these deaths are probably caused by falling into docks near night clubs, driving into dykes in the Fens, or when walking back to the boat from the pub. But RYA courses are run throughout the year, so cold shock and drowning must be considered a risk for anyone falling into the water. Hypothermia may overwhelm a casualty where rescue is delayed and can dangerously reduce the capabilities of crew exposed in a dinghy or yacht cockpit. What happens during immersion? The initial response to immersion is cold shock. It only lasts a few minutes but is the cause of many deaths. On contact with cold water the blood vessels in the skin constrict and increase the blood flow back to the heart. This, together with an increased heart rate and hydrostatic squeeze from the water, raises the blood pressure dramatically. This dangerous combination can lead to death from cardiac arrest or stroke in susceptible individuals
This for me is where the whole serial killer theory falls down (or in!). If he is pushing drunk people in, there must be someone who has sobered up sharpish and made it to the other bank to report someone pushing them in. The canal's only 4-5 foot deep in most places. I can't believe everyone pushed in would drown.

No self respecting serial killer would claim the label of 'pusher'..

A few on here need to read a little into what that actually takes and how crimes evolve...

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