Shamima Begum

I think that it sets a dangerous precedent, as a number of legal experts have argued today, in terms of the Home Secretary's power to remove people's citizenship without a trial or legal process.
It's a dangerous precedent to suggest to those who wish to join a sadistic, cultist state, that to reject your nationality and therefore the protection of it's courts and justice system, in favour of living under the regime of a group that raped and sold young girls, murdered homosexuals without trial, only to then shit yourself when the tables are turned, to suddenly want that same protection again, only to be legally denied upon request, from a Home Secretary who follows international law proceedings before acting, to ensure such an action to revoke their citizenship is legal in the eyes of international human rights laws... is a BAD thing?
I think that it sets a dangerous precedent, as a number of legal experts have argued today, in terms of the Home Secretary's power to remove people's citizenship without a trial or legal process.
Some even bigger legal experts (Supreme Court Judges no less) have said the opposite tbf.
It's a dangerous precedent to suggest to those who wish to join a sadistic, cultist state, that to reject your nationality and therefore the protection of it's courts and justice system, in favour of living under the regime of a group that raped and sold young girls, murdered homosexuals without trial, only to then shit yourself when the tables are turned, to suddenly want that same protection again, only to be legally denied upon request, from a Home Secretary who follows international law proceedings before acting, to ensure such an action to revoke their citizenship is legal in the eyes of international human rights laws... is a BAD thing?
Yes, as I've consistently said, it's not about Begum or what she did, but the idea that people can be stripped of their nationality and therefore rendered stateless. Begum, or anyone else who commits crimes, can - and should! - be charged and tried for them and if convicted imprisoned.

Some even bigger legal experts (Supreme Court Judges no less) have said the opposite tbf.
To quibble slightly, they probably wouldn't dispute that the precedent is set - just whether or not it's dangerous.
Yes, as I've consistently said, it's not about Begum or what she did, but the idea that people can be stripped of their nationality and therefore rendered stateless. Begum, or anyone else who commits crimes, can - and should! - be charged and tried for them and if convicted imprisoned.

To quibble slightly, they probably wouldn't dispute that the precedent is set - just whether or not it's dangerous.
Hers is an extreme circumstance; she joined a group that had waged 'war' against the citizens of this country and she willingly renounced her OWN citizenship.

Its not like the UK Government suddenly has powers to do this willy-nilly to any British citizen.
Its not like the UK Government suddenly has powers to do this willy-nilly to any British citizen.
Legally they do though, now. The court accepted the principal that the Home Secretary can make that decision. In what circumstances they would use it in future is an open question: but it's not like the court ruling is "you can do this but only for ISIS" or whatever.
Legally they do though, now. The court accepted the principal that the Home Secretary can make that decision. In what circumstances they would use it in future is an open question: but it's not like the court ruling is "you can do this but only for ISIS" or whatever.
The court accepted that in this instance they did, because of Begum foolishly renouncing her own citizenship and destorying her UK passport. If the UK Home Secretary decided to do this on a whim with any British citizen, that quite clearly contravened international human rights laws, they could theoretically still do it, but in the case of Begum, the UK would receive international CONDEMNATION for the action. Not so in this case, because no human rights laws have been broken.

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