Ship of fools

Matty said:
johnny crossan said:
Here is the crew of a vessel which boasts some of the most virulent & unreasoning atheists on Bluemoon. Anybody I've left out - please accept my apologies and sign yourself on board.

ElanJo (Captain)
black mamba
bun shop blue
nijinsky’s fetlocks

I'm not sure I'd use the words virulent and unreasoning to describe me but 'atheist' would be pretty accurate. I'd be interested to hear your 'reasoned' argument FOR the existance of God though.

I did say "some". If you say so, I'm sure your good self together with Joycee Banercheck and many more unbelievers are exemplars in terms of courage, virtue, tolerance, honesty and intellectual rigour. It just seems odd that you express your views the way you do and also complain about me using the memetic terminology created by the appalling Dawkins & his ilk.

If you want a reasoned argument opposing atheology try Plantinga: God, Freedom & Evil or Swinburne: Is There A God?
dannybcity said:
The Blue Knight said:
Not with regards to whether or not ther is an afterlife though man.

True, but you wouldn't use that argument in any other life situation. For instance, you can't disprove the existences of Father Xmas, doesn't mean it's true.

I'm not saying there is or is not an 'afterlife' cause i don't know and neither does anybody else. My point is that Athiest claim thats it once your dead there is definately nothing which i think is about as irrational and ignorant as believing there is definately a Heaven and Hell or whatever.
Good grief , i better get me wellies and waterwings out !

Only trouble is i do believe i've no idea where i've put them!

Ship ahooy!!!
Dunno if this has been posted yet or not but has anyone seen 'Religulous' thats quite a refreshing take on religion by Bill Maher doesn't really hold back in his interviews.
If I post something nice and friendly, I'm told I write in an inherently ambiguous / ironic manner: If I intentionally post something simply horrible and mean (as I did yesterday), the same, so I'll be straight.

I respect those who know their own worth, have more answers than questions, and do not permit the limits inherent in their methodologies to obstruct their reaching for, and judging, phenomena that ipso facto stand outside same. It takes tremendous confidence to live like that. If I had greater confidence I wouldn't be haunted by not knowing what I don't know, and would press on regardless. If I were other than I am (which I am certainly not), I would probably smile knowingly everytime I claimed "there are no absolutes" (except that one, of course).

I've actually got a copy of Sebastian Brant's Ship of Fools, published by Dover, the Zeydel translation. It's worth a read if you can get a copy. Perhaps you'll find yourself one of the crew; or perhaps not, as the fancy takes you.
johnny crossan said:
Matty said:
johnny crossan said:
Here is the crew of a vessel which boasts some of the most virulent & unreasoning atheists on Bluemoon. Anybody I've left out - please accept my apologies and sign yourself on board.

ElanJo (Captain)
black mamba
bun shop blue
nijinsky’s fetlocks

I'm not sure I'd use the words virulent and unreasoning to describe me but 'atheist' would be pretty accurate. I'd be interested to hear your 'reasoned' argument FOR the existance of God though.

I did say "some". If you say so, I'm sure your good self together with Joycee Banercheck and many more unbelievers are exemplars in terms of courage, virtue, tolerance, honesty and intellectual rigour. It just seems odd that you express your views the way you do and also complain about me using the memetic terminology created by the appalling Dawkins & his ilk.

If you want a reasoned argument opposing atheology try Plantinga: God, Freedom & Evil or Swinburne: Is There A God?

Most of us here don't want an argument mate. Each to their own with their beliefs. this is bluemoon-mcfc not bluemoon-ymca. If I believed in the Hindu God Shiva, would you except that? If I believed in the ancient God Zeus, would you laugh at me??? Nuff said!
Religion has always been a method for the "authourities" to control the unwashed masses, now not so many people listen- I am not saying they do not beleive in an afterlife etc, the authorites use Terrorism and the fear of terrorism to control us.
Surely the sole beleif is whether or not we, humans, have a physical or meta-physical Soul that continues after death?
We are the only animal that "needs" a reason to exist, all this shit for years then nothing?
That doesn't make sense for most people.
ElanJo (Captain)
black mamba
bun shop blue
nijinsky’s fetlocks


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