Should jobs like police officer have fitness levels?

All male coppers had to be 6 foot tall, minimum, for the blindingly obvious reason that big, imposing blokes in police uniforms are more intimidating than some 5 foot two lard arse. Our coppers are a joke now, two women Pc's were at a festival near us, both overweight, one looked like Dawn French after a doughnut binge and both were short arses. To see their truncheons almost dragging on the ground made them laughing stocks,
It really is a sad state of affairs.
There is a big fatter copper who guards the tunnel at City. Think he is a higher rank than a basic plod because he never does anything other than stand there and watch the match. Looks like a Father Christmas with his belt trying to hold the fat in place.
There are always police vehicles parked up or going through the drive through at McDonald's.
Police officers taking a break and eating? Whatever next.

There is an ongoing job related fitness test which involves a bleep test shuttle run. It's not overly difficult in truth. Policing has changed for numerous reasons, but the overwhelming majority of front line officers are fit, and unlike the majority here have to run towards danger and put their own personal safety at risk to protect the likes of people here who have very little concept of what actually they deal with day in, day out.
Police officers taking a break and eating? Whatever next.

There is an ongoing job related fitness test which involves a bleep test shuttle run. It's not overly difficult in truth. Policing has changed for numerous reasons, but the overwhelming majority of front line officers are fit, and unlike the majority here have to run towards danger and put their own personal safety at risk to protect the likes of people here who have very little concept of what actually they deal with day in, day out.
I understand that, but why were the height requirements lowered, and how on earth can the gut buckets we've all seen pass this test?

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