
didactic said:
It is not a myth some people get £800 in fact many get much more per month some of you obviously did not talk to people who work at the housing offices to find out the truth of the system.

It is not stupid for me and others not to feel sorry for people who refuse to move because a factory/business/industry closed so they can not find work when all of us here are the offspring of people who migrated 10000s of miles just so they could survive. I walk past signs looking for employees every day even where I work jobs are advertised daily. If people refuse to learn for free while others around the world work day and night to get an education in countries without social then who is to blame?

There are many channels and avenues one can take to better themselves this s not a rich v poor debate as most in here are not rich. It's about those like myself who wake up early every day and ride/drive past people drinking or hoses where they are still in bed because they cannot be bothered. People are hopping on the back of vans risking their lives so they can sneak into here to do menial jobs. There is work in the UK just maybe not what people would like when they are not educated cannot converse without swearing and are lazy. The result is clear we have East European PHD holders driving taxis and working in factories here because they want to feed their families. We need to get rid of this sense of entitlement the coffers are not bottomless and sooner or later they will bleed the system dry. That is when people should get worried because those who need help will not be able to get it.

You can call me smug, cold or whatever else but I have to sleep as I have to wake up to work tomorrow. What's sad is there was a time our ancestors ad to work in dangerous environments, mines, fire hazardous factories, crumbling buildings yet they did it. Now kids refuse to do apprenticeships because they get £4hr and an IPhone costs £300. They are spoilt and I will not change that stance. How is the government stopping them from learning or studying. Maybe just maybe that is why the richest Brits are all from elsewhere as work ethic is stronger.
Nail on head.
SWP's back said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
dronefromsector7g said:
This sounds like a Jihadist's soundbite. People can watch what they like, what do you care?

Of course, we should defend the right for folks to choose to be ignorant.
But just as folk have the right to be stupid, other folk have equal right to point their out their stupidity.
Such is democracy.
Yes, very stupid to think the scrotes on the show are scrotes. Did you watch it?

I did sam,and i have no answer of how to solve it,as probably you havnt too
You take their money away and you have then got a bigger problem ten times than the one before
There is always going to be some cases that are going to piss people off,and then genuine cases who you feel sorry for...
I thought the dad who had just had the snip was a dick
And my heart went out to the 16 year old girl who had her young un taken off her,it was the right decision by the way
These threads only go one way though,labelling them all as scum etc etc
And thats pretty sad.
The cookie monster said:
SWP's back said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Of course, we should defend the right for folks to choose to be ignorant.
But just as folk have the right to be stupid, other folk have equal right to point their out their stupidity.
Such is democracy.
Yes, very stupid to think the scrotes on the show are scrotes. Did you watch it?

I did sam,and i have no answer of how to solve it,as probably you havnt too
You take their money away and you have then got a bigger problem ten times than the one before
There is always going to be some cases that are going to piss people off,and then genuine cases who you feel sorry for...
I thought the dad who had just had the snip was a dick
And my heart went out to the 16 year old girl who had her young un taken off her,it was the right decision by the way
These threads only go one way though,labelling them all as scum etc etc
And thats pretty sad.

Spot on mate.

We are very fortunate in this country to pretty much all want the same thing, namely a fair society. The current system of everyone being treated the same regardless of contribution creates a sense of fairness on the left, a system where people are rewarded for their efforts a sense of fairness on the right. At the extremes we have people who don't want to contribute and these are split into two groups, the first don't want to contribute to their upkeep by being in gainful employment and the second don't want to contribute by paying their taxes. Both these groups are identical, they are both "in it" for themselves, they believe in "the person" not "the state". The majority, believing in the state to provide a sense of fairness, find those that believe in "the person" to be beyond contempt, and really want a society that provides for all (the state) nonetheless we all have a tendency to be drawn to one of these "person" groups.

So what to do? well no easy answer but i'm inclined to think we need to educate people from a young age on society and the need to work and pay tax so that neither extreme is seen as the norm. Hell we educate them on religion, this would be a more relevant and useful extension/ replacement to that. Once educated we need to provide people the opportunity practice what we preach.

dronefromsector7g said:
didactic said:
It is not a myth some people get £800 in fact many get much more per month some of you obviously did not talk to people who work at the housing offices to find out the truth of the system.

It is not stupid for me and others not to feel sorry for people who refuse to move because a factory/business/industry closed so they can not find work when all of us here are the offspring of people who migrated 10000s of miles just so they could survive. I walk past signs looking for employees every day even where I work jobs are advertised daily. If people refuse to learn for free while others around the world work day and night to get an education in countries without social then who is to blame?

There are many channels and avenues one can take to better themselves this s not a rich v poor debate as most in here are not rich. It's about those like myself who wake up early every day and ride/drive past people drinking or hoses where they are still in bed because they cannot be bothered. People are hopping on the back of vans risking their lives so they can sneak into here to do menial jobs. There is work in the UK just maybe not what people would like when they are not educated cannot converse without swearing and are lazy. The result is clear we have East European PHD holders driving taxis and working in factories here because they want to feed their families. We need to get rid of this sense of entitlement the coffers are not bottomless and sooner or later they will bleed the system dry. That is when people should get worried because those who need help will not be able to get it.

You can call me smug, cold or whatever else but I have to sleep as I have to wake up to work tomorrow. What's sad is there was a time our ancestors ad to work in dangerous environments, mines, fire hazardous factories, crumbling buildings yet they did it. Now kids refuse to do apprenticeships because they get £4hr and an IPhone costs £300. They are spoilt and I will not change that stance. How is the government stopping them from learning or studying. Maybe just maybe that is why the richest Brits are all from elsewhere as work ethic is stronger.
Nail on head.

Spot on didactic.
If you work yet you believe that unemployed people get more money, why do you work?

Surely, if benefits are higher than wages, you'd all be better off signing on?

So, here's a radical idea...stop ranting on about benefits, quit your job, sign on, sit back and live the life of luxury on the insanely high benefits you receive.
TheMightyQuinn said:
If you work yet you believe that unemployed people get more money, why do you work?

Surely, if benefits are higher than wages, you'd all be better off signing on?

So, here's a radical idea...stop ranting on about benefits, quit your job, sign on, sit back and live the life of luxury on the insanely high benefits you receive.

SO you'd rather do nothing and lay about all day than work?
blue81 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
If you work yet you believe that unemployed people get more money, why do you work?

Surely, if benefits are higher than wages, you'd all be better off signing on?

So, here's a radical idea...stop ranting on about benefits, quit your job, sign on, sit back and live the life of luxury on the insanely high benefits you receive.

SO you'd rather do nothing and lay about all day than work?

No, I work. Unlike a lot on here, I don't carp on about my job or my earnings as I was brought up correctly.

But if I believed I'd get more on the dole, I'd quit today and sign on. Spend my days pursuing my hobbies and education whilst living a life of luxury on benefits.
TheMightyQuinn said:
blue81 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
If you work yet you believe that unemployed people get more money, why do you work?

Surely, if benefits are higher than wages, you'd all be better off signing on?

So, here's a radical idea...stop ranting on about benefits, quit your job, sign on, sit back and live the life of luxury on the insanely high benefits you receive.

SO you'd rather do nothing and lay about all day than work?

No, I work. Unlike a lot on here, I don't carp on about my job or my earnings as I was brought up correctly.

But if I believed I'd get more on the dole, I'd quit today and sign on. Spend my days pursuing my hobbies and education whilst living a life of luxury on benefits.

Interesting...... what do you earn by the way?
blue81 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
blue81 said:
SO you'd rather do nothing and lay about all day than work?

No, I work. Unlike a lot on here, I don't carp on about my job or my earnings as I was brought up correctly.

But if I believed I'd get more on the dole, I'd quit today and sign on. Spend my days pursuing my hobbies and education whilst living a life of luxury on benefits.

Interesting...... what do you earn by the way?

As I said, I was raised to believe discussing earnings in public to be gauche. I'm also educated, intelligent and human enough to understand that financial stability or lack of does not make a person.

I've also been on the dole in the past so unlike most on here, I actually have real life experience and don't need the Mail or C4 to form my opinions for me.
blue81 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
blue81 said:
SO you'd rather do nothing and lay about all day than work?

No, I work. Unlike a lot on here, I don't carp on about my job or my earnings as I was brought up correctly.

But if I believed I'd get more on the dole, I'd quit today and sign on. Spend my days pursuing my hobbies and education whilst living a life of luxury on benefits.

Interesting...... what do you earn by the way?

No class.

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