so this agenda thing.

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rushts said:
Seriously need a good win today. If we win this 'head to head',then surely we are going to get some positive journalism? They're drooling over this one. We lose this and they are going to go for the jugular.
Southampton were raped for all their best players over the summer (without mentioning that the media darlings were the main culprits) and we've spent 5 billion pounds just on this seasons squad alone.

There, I've written tomorrows papers for them.
Had to laugh when I turned the tv on this morning and they were advertising our match this afternoon as the fight for 2nd. Now I know factually they are correct and I do not usually go for this agenda malarkey but it was an unnecessary tag line.
It's all click bait , when City lose there's instantly 1000 comments on the Guardian match report, when we win, there's a couple of hundred, says it all really, it's the back pages national sport, trying to kick City, best way us to just ignore them, switch off SS, Don't comment on match reports on newspaper sites, just drive the traffic thru here, if no one is listening, who cares what they say ?
Bewar3them00n said:
It's all click bait , when City lose there's instantly 1000 comments on the Guardian match report, when we win, there's a couple of hundred, says it all really, it's the back pages national sport, trying to kick City, best way us to just ignore them, switch off SS, Don't comment on match reports on newspaper sites, just drive the traffic thru here, if no one is listening, who cares what they say ?
Fuck that for a game of soldiers. If they want to slag City off, they'll get both barrels from me every time.
Today's free tip:
Always sign your name, give your address and phone number... Don't forget to tell them that the article you're objecting to was brought to your attention by a group of fellow City fans and that you have all decided to boycott their rag over it. I've had a few grovelling phone calls from supposedly big name hacks. I do enjoy asking them if they are making the call off their own bat or because their editor told them to do so.
Fuck them. They're business is a dying one. They're desperate for our patronage. Never forget that.
mad4city said:
Bewar3them00n said:
It's all click bait , when City lose there's instantly 1000 comments on the Guardian match report, when we win, there's a couple of hundred, says it all really, it's the back pages national sport, trying to kick City, best way us to just ignore them, switch off SS, Don't comment on match reports on newspaper sites, just drive the traffic thru here, if no one is listening, who cares what they say ?
Fuck that for a game of soldiers. If they want to slag City off, they'll get both barrels from me every time.
Today's free tip:
Always sign your name, give your address and phone number... Don't forget to tell them that the article you're objecting to was brought to your attention by a group of fellow City fans and that you have all decided to boycott their rag over it. I've had a few grovelling phone calls from supposedly big name hacks. I do enjoy asking them if they are making the call off their own bat or because their editor told them to do so.
Fuck them. They're business is a dying one. They're desperate for our patronage. Never forget that.

Spot-on. The commercial boycott is always the way to go. The sale of the Sun collapsed in the North West (not just Liverpool) after Hillsborough. I have never bought it since. The Sun and Mirror (more than anyone else) have consistently trashed City. The Sun because it is racist and hates our owners (like the Daily Mail); the Mirror because it hates wealthy patronage and is driven by the politics of envy. Both papers are pro-United for purely commercial reasons ie United have the most fans (and potential readers). Both these papers have seen huge circulation losses in recent years so people are already voting with their wallets.
i've always wanted a 30/60 min slot on the radio, not every week just one slot. then allow every hater to ring in with their opinions and comments. they have their say and i have mine, i dont mean till they dont like the answer then cut me off i mean really have my say.
i'd fucking destroy them.
Forget SS, I turn your attention to the 'officiating' currently taking place at St Mary's.
Fuck me how bad was that refereeing performance in one half of football!!!!

Odds on a dodgy saints pen second half????
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