So what's to be done?

Win every remaining match, hope Txiki can start to really get to grips with the squad staff at the end of the season.
Hope Pellegrini can adapt to any changes required of him should Txiki and he sit down at the end of the season. Go over any major possible changes that need making and make sure everyone is on the same boat with the same heading in mind.

But first win those matches and keep evaluating the squad, but defo finish on a good run.
I think the squad would not be as mentally done in at the end of the season then, could be wrong but nice to finish on a high of sorts.
tramazi said:
Bluep*ss said:
Two players from the past – Tevez and Bedlamy – these type of players are what is needed.. We have not replaced Tevez – and Bedlamy would have “put a rocket up a few arses”.

We must bring in hungry young players who have quality – easier said than done. Give some of our academy players a “taste ” of the first team – no , not all at once.

Our first priority is to stay in the top 3.

I can see Dzeko , Nasri , and Yaya moving on in the summer. – and another thought has occured to me –
the back room staff. – coaches etc. Surely some thought has to be given into defensive duties. For a laugh I would appoint Pullis as Defensive coach – and see our Goals from Corners increase.

Hungry young decent technical players please – Pellergrini!.

Believe it or not that is what Mark Hughes was doing when he was in charge, he didnt go out to the foreigners he stuck with English players, players who have grown up with the premier league and have the passion required. Every manager since then hasnt given any thought to passion and drive, just talent! Crazy.

We need to buy British talent imo, or grow it, then suppliment with talent. The way we are doing it is a fkin embarrassment being a city fan sometimes when I have to face m8s

They think they have us fooled but in reality, they stick out like sore thumbs!

sniff, sniff!
tramazi said:
Bluep*ss said:
Two players from the past – Tevez and Bedlamy – these type of players are what is needed.. We have not replaced Tevez – and Bedlamy would have “put a rocket up a few arses”.

We must bring in hungry young players who have quality – easier said than done. Give some of our academy players a “taste ” of the first team – no , not all at once.

Our first priority is to stay in the top 3.

I can see Dzeko , Nasri , and Yaya moving on in the summer. – and another thought has occured to me –
the back room staff. – coaches etc. Surely some thought has to be given into defensive duties. For a laugh I would appoint Pullis as Defensive coach – and see our Goals from Corners increase.

Hungry young decent technical players please – Pellergrini!.

Believe it or not that is what Mark Hughes was doing when he was in charge, he didnt go out to the foreigners he stuck with English players, players who have grown up with the premier league and have the passion required. Every manager since then hasnt given any thought to passion and drive, just talent! Crazy.

We need to buy British talent imo, or grow it, then suppliment with talent. The way we are doing it is a fkin embarrassment being a city fan sometimes when I have to face m8s

It's not an either/or. You can do young and talented and also have some British players. IMO, the "British" aspect isn't so important as is having some young players that will buy-in to the cause and develop a rapport with the club. No point of buying Sinclair and Rodwell's and dumping them in the reserves, it needn't be only about checking a box.

Mind you this is all relative 1-2-1-2 over the past couple of seasons.

To get to that next level, i also think you need more adaptability in your tactics. I get letting other teams worry about you and all, but I'm talking about that sub that will change the game, and such.
Chippy_boy said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
The levels of fitness intensity are shocking.

It becomes more pronounced when we keep making the same mistakes.

We are accommodating reputation, rather than necessity.

Toure, Nasri, Silva.

Not one of them has it in their locker to put in consistent hard yards, not their game

I would argue only one can play at any one time. Silva is a luxury we can just about carry, but not the other two.

After last night's showing, I don't think you'd get too many objections to dropping Yaya and Nasri.

The blindingly obvious problem however is who do we replace them with, especially for games like last nights? There are precisely 4 players in our ranks who have the ability to control the ball in an instant, retain possession whilst surrounded and get a pass away. Dropping 2 of them leaves us in very bad shape. Not only against Barca, but against any teams that a play high tempo pressing game. Players like Milner, for all his graft, just can't do it and gives the ball away constantly when pressed. Apart from Aguero, Silva, Toure and Nasri, all our players do.

That, for me, was the biggest gulf last night. The technical ability of that team was just streets ahead of ours.

Absolutely. For all the criticisms of those players, technically they could cope in the Barca team - none of the rest of our players have good enough control of the ball
BlueAnorak said:
Our biggest problem is a total lack of pace, all over the pitch.

And only a minority of our team have Barca standard close control

Or press the ball when we don't have it.

Apart from that we're ok
Pedrothe exile said:
My main worry is that Aguero might get fed up with City.

This is spot-on. Sergio look frustrated today. We have to keep him at all costs.[/quote]

If he wasn't thinking "if I was playing for Barca i would havescored a hat trick by now"then there's something wrong with him.He was living off scraps last night with limited opportunities"..the only saving grac eis that with their front 3 they don't need him otherwise I reckon he would be off like a shot.[/quote]

Id be worried if madrid sell Ronaldo and Benzema in the summer as Aguero would be their number 1 target
Txiki and Pellegrini sit down and weed out the deadwood in this team.

The players who for all their ability seemingly dont have the fight in them to keep going at City.

Main culprits; Kolarov, Dzeko, Jovetic, Yaya and Nasri.

We then bring in some hungry and talented youngsters to push us again as a new team. Looking at the likes of Gaya, De Bruyne, Kurzawa, Dybala, Koke, Pogba and so on. As well as perhaps even utilizing, Denayer, Lopes and Rekik as well as the lads in the EDS.

This has been a bad season, lets get it out of the way and build again during the summer and we go again.

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