Some Of Our Fans

willy eckerslike said:
cheddar404 said:
Clearly some appalling behaviour from a minority of the 30,000+ blues that were there. It really is nothing new though. In fact it's nothing like as bad as some of the stuff that went on back in the day.

Very true, we've come a long way, however no-one deserves to have their day ruined by morons, especially with the costs involved - but the FA and Wembley also have to share the blame for supplying alcohol in the way they do. I bet they're just counting up the profits this morning rather than discussing their part. Perhaps they should close the bars before the game allowing fans to only drink during and AFTER the game to celebrate/console themselves. This way, they can try to catch those too inebriated before they enter the stadium.

I can't believe you posted that
Didsbury Dave said:
unsworthblue said:
Didsbury Dave said:
The pre and post match 'entertainment' was the usual baseball-style tripe where the ridiculously loud PA system kills any real atmosphere.
yeah it did go abit too far but i got into the bit where the woman on the balloon flew down with the cup and placed it on the pitch ready for the army lad to collect.

I was dying for the guy to drop the cables to she if she would go sailing off out of the stadium like Mary poppins.
hahaha,now that would of been some pre match entertainment
cheddar404 said:
willy eckerslike said:
cheddar404 said:
Clearly some appalling behaviour from a minority of the 30,000+ blues that were there. It really is nothing new though. In fact it's nothing like as bad as some of the stuff that went on back in the day.

Very true, we've come a long way, however no-one deserves to have their day ruined by morons, especially with the costs involved - but the FA and Wembley also have to share the blame for supplying alcohol in the way they do. I bet they're just counting up the profits this morning rather than discussing their part. Perhaps they should close the bars before the game allowing fans to only drink during and AFTER the game to celebrate/console themselves. This way, they can try to catch those too inebriated before they enter the stadium.

I'm not condoning it in any way. I just think it odd that anyone would suggest it's something new.
It's remarkable that so many fans are so respectful and well behaved. We were told a few years ago that football is a slum sport.

When you consider what was at stake, the respect shown by City fans to Sunderland after the game, and the way they took the defeat was a huge credit to both. Daily Mail readers would have been amazed that football fans with such hugely different emotions could stand packed side by side on Wembley Way after the game without a hint of trouble.
Didsbury Dave said:
willy eckerslike said:
cheddar404 said:
Clearly some appalling behaviour from a minority of the 30,000+ blues that were there. It really is nothing new though. In fact it's nothing like as bad as some of the stuff that went on back in the day.

Very true, we've come a long way, however no-one deserves to have their day ruined by morons, especially with the costs involved - but the FA and Wembley also have to share the blame for supplying alcohol in the way they do. I bet they're just counting up the profits this morning rather than discussing their part. Perhaps they should close the bars before the game allowing fans to only drink during and AFTER the game to celebrate/console themselves. This way, they can try to catch those too inebriated before they enter the stadium.

I can't believe you posted that

Why? It's only a suggestion - but in my eyes you can drink what you want before the game away from the stadium (even at outside bars like at home) and if you're too drunk to enter the stadium that's your fault. You then have the option to drink during the game and half-time and celebrate after.

Don't get me wrong, I've drunk my share down the years and been a tit with it, but I don't remember being a nuisance to others. If someone told me to shut up, I probably did. But that's me.
Re: Our Fans

wythenshaweblue£££ said:
I was in 537 and can generally say was top where I was everyone was stood up and singing even had kids in there was a top atmosphere. Nothing like the final of last year shame to hear but it will always happen now were going to be at wembley often attracts a new lot of fans. Success is all they know - youngens

I was in 537 and totally agree

stood up singing for the whole game - everyone up for it - great atmosphere - no trouble
Had one fan on the seat behind me on the coach, couldn't take his beer, calling everyone prawn sandwich eaters and slurring city songs thinking he was the worlds greatest city fan, felt sorry for his Mrs. And someone splattered a hotdog with mustard in his eye (nice one lol).
How tedious and boring not just every Wembley trip but every other away game it seems we get these threads.

If people pissing in sinks, doing coke and calling people out for using the "M" word is our worst then we have some of the best behaved fans in the country.
gravediggerj said:
There was a suderland fan in our block. Idiot stood up cheering and goading when they scored. Stewards took ages to get in ad get him out.

This might have been the same block as me (124) When they scored I was shocked at how many jumped up around me, two rows back from us two Sunderland fans gave it the big I am and some blue took major offense, got in his face and told him to basically get out of our end, but in not such a polite way. Looked like it was going to kick off and stewards were slow to react. Luckily it got sorted.

On the whole it was a top day, I saw no aggro to speak of from our fans, was worried for us walking towards the east section area of Wembley but have to say was pleasantly surprised to see groups of Sunderland fans clapping us as we left which was a classy touch. I was shocked at how many of the club wembley seats were occupied by Sunderland fans, reminded me of when we played Stoke in 2011,
Atmosphere was great in 131 - singing throughout and not a nobhead to be seen. We do have some rough fuckers following us though, no doubts about that, but like has been said, we're a working class club from Manchester so it's to be expected.
Had a couple of Sunderland fans sat near me in at the top of of block 552. Obviously they went mental when they scored but no-one seemed to mind or begrudge them; it is a bit stupid to sit with opposing fans, but those who do it should still be able to celebrate their team scoring at Wembley without too much grief. Although, the lack of response from our fans there might have had something to do with everyone being too exhausted from climbing those bloody steps.

Didn't see any problems or troubles at all (not saying there wasn't just speaking from my own experience). Was quiet in the first half but our block really got behind the team in the second half, and everyone just went mental when we scored our first two goals. Also enjoyed the walk back to the station, blues and Mackems singing together. As my dad said, this would never have happened 15-20 years ago.

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