Some Of Our Fans

Clearly some appalling behaviour from a minority of the 30,000+ blues that were there. It really is nothing new though. In fact it's nothing like as bad as some of the stuff that went on back in the day.
Ducado said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
CheadleBlue said:
Was in 137 and it kicked off a couple times with a lad and then later on as things hadn't been sorted. At half-time it started up again with a bloke joining in ( his dad?). Wasn't nice to see with young lad and girl in tears as they were terrified as to what was going on around them. Security staff came and chucked them out. Hope it didn't spoil the day for the youngsters.

The lad who was crying was 13 and he was my son.Those 2 cunts in 137..I have there seat numbers.Have a read of the block 136 thread. If you are referring to me joining in I think you will find I stepped inbetween the brawling parties to protect my son as he was crying his eyes out and just saying why???
I was the lad in the blue Gillet for any doubt.The 2 lads who kicked it all off were sat in front of me.
This is what I posted on the 136 thread.
It was block 137 row 19 seats 88 and 87..
The reason i know is because i was sat directly behind it and my 13 yr old was breaking his heart after being in the middle of it..the two cunts were a father and lad on anyone they didnt like. It all started because someone called a sunderland player the m word and this father and lad got all precious and decided to kick off..i cut my hand getting inbetween my lad and these two pricks fighting with anyone. In the turfed out tellong people to fuck off on the way..
Alcohol and the fact we were losing didnt help..
Idiots many drunken twats watching city..glad the team made me and my boy smile in the end..just at marlybone now for a swift beer...
Those two twats should be ashamed of themselves.
This was all first half in 137 by the way...

-- Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:40 am --

Ducado said:
I can't see the coralation between our recent success and us having a few dick heads supporting us

Trust me mate.We have some right cunts on board now.

We always have , I am sorry for what happened to you and a few others but they were isolated incidents the vast majority of us had a brilliant day you would think reading this thread that it was one mass brawl

Cheers mate,I agree totally that these incidents are isolated and 99% of fans behave etc.
It just so happens my 13yr old boy was witness to this shit yesterday so it left a slightly bitter taste in my mouth. A day out to wembley should be a day to savour.Thankfully in the end it was but I am thinking of reporting these 2 baffoons who kicked it all off. I have their details. Maybe it isn't worth it,I just don't know.
Didsbury Dave said:
unsworthblue said:
i took my 6 yr old lad down for the weekend and got to say its one of the best weekends i've ever had.The Sunderland fans were absolutely brilliant before the match on the train,we had a proper good laugh with them and wished them all the best and they said the same to me and my lad.Inside the ground we had a great bunch of lads around us,there was one lad who constantly slagged City players off but apart from him everyone was sound,the lad behing us gave my lad his city badge,lad next to us gave him a few quid everyone saying to him 'you'll never forget this day young man' etc,i've come home with a little bit of faith restored that not evryone who goes to football is a twat,there are far more good guys than bad guys its just that the dicks who cause trouble get noticed more,also like to say the build up to the match and the pre match entertainment was fantastic and really got the crowd hyped up!

The pre and post match 'entertainment' was the usual baseball-style tripe where the ridiculously loud PA system kills any real atmosphere.
yeah it did go abit too far but i got into the bit where the woman on the balloon flew down with the cup and placed it on the pitch ready for the army lad to collect.
This topic fails to reflect that there was a crowd of 85 thousand who did their clubs proud. Get it into perspective.

My observations on the day were that Sunderland fans had taken over Wembley Way when we got there. I thought at the time that there was double the amount of Sunderland than City, but when I got in the ground it was obvious why. City fans turned up in the last 15 minutes before Kick Off

I couldn't hear SAFC during the game. The build-up was destroyed by that ridiculously loud P.A system. Got used to that, but don't like it.

I was amongst the first City fans back on Wembley Way after the game because of the location of my exit, and was surrounded by Sunderland. Got to give them a lot of credit for the way they took the defeat.

A lot of them misinterpreted the lack of joy from the City fans present as not being able to enjoy the win. I was just trying to be respectful and not try and rub the win in their faces, that and not wanting to start a riot, but it gets misinterpreted. Had comments about this on Wembley Way, and on the Tube.

Always liked the Mackems. Everything I saw yesterday just confirmed what a great set of fans they are. Really hope they stay up.
cheddar404 said:
Clearly some appalling behaviour from a minority of the 30,000+ blues that were there. It really is nothing new though. In fact it's nothing like as bad as some of the stuff that went on back in the day.

Very true, we've come a long way, however no-one deserves to have their day ruined by morons, especially with the costs involved - but the FA and Wembley also have to share the blame for supplying alcohol in the way they do. I bet they're just counting up the profits this morning rather than discussing their part. Perhaps they should close the bars before the game allowing fans to only drink during and AFTER the game to celebrate/console themselves. This way, they can try to catch those too inebriated before they enter the stadium.
willy eckerslike said:
cheddar404 said:
Clearly some appalling behaviour from a minority of the 30,000+ blues that were there. It really is nothing new though. In fact it's nothing like as bad as some of the stuff that went on back in the day.

Very true, we've come a long way, however no-one deserves to have their day ruined by morons, especially with the costs involved - but the FA and Wembley also have to share the blame for supplying alcohol in the way they do. I bet they're just counting up the profits this morning rather than discussing their part. Perhaps they should close the bars before the game allowing fans to only drink during and AFTER the game to celebrate/console themselves. This way, they can try to catch those too inebriated before they enter the stadium.

Wait til we are back again with a 4 or 5 pm kick off for FA semi if we beat Wigan.

Will be much worse. Always booze related.
willy eckerslike said:
cheddar404 said:
Clearly some appalling behaviour from a minority of the 30,000+ blues that were there. It really is nothing new though. In fact it's nothing like as bad as some of the stuff that went on back in the day.

Very true, we've come a long way, however no-one deserves to have their day ruined by morons, especially with the costs involved - but the FA and Wembley also have to share the blame for supplying alcohol in the way they do. I bet they're just counting up the profits this morning rather than discussing their part. Perhaps they should close the bars before the game allowing fans to only drink during and AFTER the game to celebrate/console themselves. This way, they can try to catch those too inebriated before they enter the stadium.

I'm not condoning it in any way. I just think it odd that anyone would suggest it's something new.
unsworthblue said:
Didsbury Dave said:
unsworthblue said:
i took my 6 yr old lad down for the weekend and got to say its one of the best weekends i've ever had.The Sunderland fans were absolutely brilliant before the match on the train,we had a proper good laugh with them and wished them all the best and they said the same to me and my lad.Inside the ground we had a great bunch of lads around us,there was one lad who constantly slagged City players off but apart from him everyone was sound,the lad behing us gave my lad his city badge,lad next to us gave him a few quid everyone saying to him 'you'll never forget this day young man' etc,i've come home with a little bit of faith restored that not evryone who goes to football is a twat,there are far more good guys than bad guys its just that the dicks who cause trouble get noticed more,also like to say the build up to the match and the pre match entertainment was fantastic and really got the crowd hyped up!

The pre and post match 'entertainment' was the usual baseball-style tripe where the ridiculously loud PA system kills any real atmosphere.
yeah it did go abit too far but i got into the bit where the woman on the balloon flew down with the cup and placed it on the pitch ready for the army lad to collect.

I was dying for the guy to drop the cables to she if she would go sailing off out of the stadium like Mary poppins.
I thought the support after we scored was brilliant, but I have to say that at one no down the number of people who were moaning and groaning at the City players, at any poor touches, well I thought that was a poor show. The bloke next but one to me was moaning incessantly at and about Yaya (although he shut the fuck up round about the 53rd minutes). I thought though that overall the behaviour was really good considering the number of people there
willy eckerslike said:
cheddar404 said:
Clearly some appalling behaviour from a minority of the 30,000+ blues that were there. It really is nothing new though. In fact it's nothing like as bad as some of the stuff that went on back in the day.

Very true, we've come a long way, however no-one deserves to have their day ruined by morons, especially with the costs involved - but the FA and Wembley also have to share the blame for supplying alcohol in the way they do. I bet they're just counting up the profits this morning rather than discussing their part. Perhaps they should close the bars before the game allowing fans to only drink during and AFTER the game to celebrate/console themselves. This way, they can try to catch those too inebriated before they enter the stadium.

Bloody hell. Having a pre match drink is one of the best parts of the Wembley experience.

I love being able to have a can or two (or four) on the street without being treated like I'm incapable of drinking a beer and staying out of trouble.

Why spoil it for the vast majority?

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