Some Of Our Fans

de niro said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Anyone who gets offended at football fans pissing in sinks should probably take up watching netball tbh.

Normally yes but I was still washing my hands at the time.

Keeps warts down apparently .. so think yourself lucky :)

No problems in 534 as far as I saw - in fact not even much bad language. There were a group of lads, who turned up right at kick off, behind me who were obviously worse for wear, but behaved through the game.

I can sort of deal with piss-heads, it's the coke-heads who are irrational and you need to stay clear of.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
I think nowadays there is a heavy weight of expectation and when things aren't going to plan, it gets a bit heated.

I actually find these game stressful because my desire to see us win is so strong.

Voice has gone today with all the shouting and singing.

Morning mate.I usually agree with your posts but on this occasion I wont. Those 2 cunts fighting mate.My lad is no wuss but is 13 yrs old. He was crying his eyes out and was really distressed.Everyone around us could see what was going on. Fucking alcohol induced thuggery.There is no excuse pal. It didn't ruin my lads day because the boys did the business second half but I have NEVER been involved in shit like that but I will protect my kids with my life and if means me taking a cut hand whilst those 2 cocks were slinging punches then so be it. We have some right cunts watching us now!!

I was right behind that incident in 137 and my view was that it was too much beer, grown men should be ashamed of themselves as kids around them crying and even after this was pointed out they still went at it....some fathers tried to sort out and calm it but we get fans like this who go on beer all day and just cannot handle it...all clubs do and CITY no seems to be okay second half when calmed down dickhead kicked out...glad to hear it did not spoil their day!
seantheduck said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
I think nowadays there is a heavy weight of expectation and when things aren't going to plan, it gets a bit heated.

I actually find these game stressful because my desire to see us win is so strong.

Voice has gone today with all the shouting and singing.

Morning mate.I usually agree with your posts but on this occasion I wont. Those 2 cunts fighting mate.My lad is no wuss but is 13 yrs old. He was crying his eyes out and was really distressed.Everyone around us could see what was going on. Fucking alcohol induced thuggery.There is no excuse pal. It didn't ruin my lads day because the boys did the business second half but I have NEVER been involved in shit like that but I will protect my kids with my life and if means me taking a cut hand whilst those 2 cocks were slinging punches then so be it. We have some right cunts watching us now!!

I was right behind that incident in 137 and my view was that it was too much beer, grown men should be ashamed of themselves as kids around them crying and even after this was pointed out they still went at it....some fathers tried to sort out and calm it but we get fans like this who go on beer all day and just cannot handle it...all clubs do and CITY no seems to be okay second half when calmed down dickhead kicked out...glad to hear it did not spoil their day!

No worries pal. They didn't ruin our day but it is becoming more and more of an occurence.
We was sat in 137 seemed a few idiots in that block today. The 2 drunk morons who got thrown out at half time. Plus a group of sunderland fans sat just behind us jumped up when they scored. Took the stewards a while to get them out. At one point it didnt look like the steward was going to make them leave and it was at boiling point. Personally I have no problem with any fans sitting next to me had Dortmund ones next to us at the etihad but when lots of drinks involved its never a good idea. To add to all that we had 2 flares set off right behind us.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
CheadleBlue said:
Was in 137 and it kicked off a couple times with a lad and then later on as things hadn't been sorted. At half-time it started up again with a bloke joining in ( his dad?). Wasn't nice to see with young lad and girl in tears as they were terrified as to what was going on around them. Security staff came and chucked them out. Hope it didn't spoil the day for the youngsters.

The lad who was crying was 13 and he was my son.Those 2 cunts in 137..I have there seat numbers.Have a read of the block 136 thread. If you are referring to me joining in I think you will find I stepped inbetween the brawling parties to protect my son as he was crying his eyes out and just saying why???
I was the lad in the blue Gillet for any doubt.The 2 lads who kicked it all off were sat in front of me.
This is what I posted on the 136 thread.
It was block 137 row 19 seats 88 and 87..
The reason i know is because i was sat directly behind it and my 13 yr old was breaking his heart after being in the middle of it..the two cunts were a father and lad on anyone they didnt like. It all started because someone called a sunderland player the m word and this father and lad got all precious and decided to kick off..i cut my hand getting inbetween my lad and these two pricks fighting with anyone. In the turfed out tellong people to fuck off on the way..
Alcohol and the fact we were losing didnt help..
Idiots many drunken twats watching city..glad the team made me and my boy smile in the end..just at marlybone now for a swift beer...
Those two twats should be ashamed of themselves.
This was all first half in 137 by the way...

-- Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:40 am --

Ducado said:
I can't see the coralation between our recent success and us having a few dick heads supporting us

Trust me mate.We have some right cunts on board now.

We always have , I am sorry for what happened to you and a few others but they were isolated incidents the vast majority of us had a brilliant day you would think reading this thread that it was one mass brawl
Surely its about time for a separate "lets talk about how bad and nasty City fans are" forum.

Clogs up the main board every week.
Re: Our Fans

bobmcfc said:
Sat in 538 and everyone was really great, had to stand for the entire game but wasn't too bad

I was in 538 and atmosphere was really good, no trouble but deffo had to stand most of the game. Thought Sunderland fans were great after the game no trouble and had to walk through loads of them to get where we were parked
Trouble with this St.Helens is folk can't do right for doing wrong. I noticed a few lads did try and step in to diffuse the situation peacefully but this just led to more interventions and escalation. It was reassuring to see that most Blues just isolated and identified the perpetrators thus enabling them to be removed at the half, albeit acrimoniously.
We were about six seats to the right and row 22.

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