Some Of Our Fans

Some arguments in block 140 but nothing bad,fantastic day out,everyone going mental when we scored and Sunderland fans are a classy set of fans,hope to God they stay up.
Not one problem in 134 that I saw. Over 30k Blues there, in such a large group you are bound to get the odd knob head, just look at any town or city centre on a Friday or Saturday night ffs
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Anyone who gets offended at football fans pissing in sinks should probably take up watching netball tbh.
Might take up watching it just so i can do that and offend people. Idea of getting my dick out at a netball match appeals to me. I know. Attention seeker. Or no one will notice
CTID1988 said:
We slag off the rags for having scummy fans but ive never seen anything on par with the fucking dregs of society we have following us today. Coke being sniffed in full view of kids, wankers kicking off with other blues over fuck all, i even saw some little kid have his drink poured all over him by some fat wanker in "celebration". This was even before i had my face twatted in because some prick couldn't find his seat and thought i was sat in his
Im not soft either, i know what comes with football but today was a different level

Like every club, simply a microcosm of modern day British society. Zero respect for anyone else yet they demand respect for themselves.
Sadly the more success we get the worse it will become - a fact of life in modern Britain I'm affraid.
I noticed a significant change in some our fans last year at Wembley against Wigan.
Just as the OP states. They are a disgrace to our club and our good name.
The selfish, mindless, arrogant few spoiling it for the majority.
There was a suderland fan in our block. Idiot stood up cheering and goading when they scored. Stewards took ages to get in ad get him out.

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