Southampton post match thread

Fortunately, l had to drive past Southampton today without stopping: had to go to an inlaw's family gathering in Chichester, where plenty of us were getting depressed by the news from down the road. Not going to bother with the recording of the full game, MotD was enough suffering. The defending was abysmal. On that evidence, I wouldn't want to have to choose who to partner with Vinnie at CB on Wednesday. Just hope the sacrifice of points proves worthwhile.

Here lies the problem with this squad.

Wednesday night in Madrid, CL semi final won't be a problem for any if them to be up for it and self motivated.

If this squad starts next season without major overhaul then even Pep will struggle.
I am sick of us conceding multiple fucking goals to ordinary teams.

It is the EASE we concede them and most games it could be more.The defence has no idea what the fuck it is supposed to be doing,who picks up runners,marks who,they are a complete and utter fucking shambles without Kompany holding their hands! Kolorov I have no words for today that fits his shithouse of a performance! It was a dereliction of duty he was on a fucking beach somewhere! Zabba bless him his legs have suddenly gone,it is painful to witness. Ottamendi is garbage muscled off the ball too easily and him and Mangala have no positional sense at all.I cannot believe they played together at Porto you would never have guessed it!

The midfield is lightweight and offers hardly any protection and with Sterling and Bony in the side we may as well be playing with nine fucking men as they offer NOTHING!!

I hope Pepe comes in and kicks some of these fuckers out of the door so hard they end up signing for a team on Mars,half of them at LEAST should never pull on that sky blue shirt again!
Last weekend the NZ Warriors Rugby League team got absolutely hammered 42-0. Six of the "A" listers went on a bit of a booze up and management suspended them. Those players obviously didn't give a shit just like some of ours today.The team yesterday was made up of "C" and "D" grade players - they ran their socks off and got a win.
How many times this season have some players put in absolutely shit performances but what does MP do? Plays them again. Doesn't he know we have youth players?
Thank goodness I only have two more games to suffer getting up at 2 or 3AM.
Sounds good to me. Should I have kept the receipts for the junk food I bought as well as the ticket and diesel?

The players should be fucking made to pay it!! They should then all with the exception of Kelechi be stood in front of every fan who went there who can get to the ground and fucking apologise to their faces!!
Most of the players don't give a fuck about how much it costs or what it means to the fans.

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