Sporting v City: Post Match Discussion Thread

Was it only me who thought Dzeko played off Aguero tonight?

It was baffling to watch, Aguero getting none of the ball stood up front on his own, with Dzeko constantly losing the ball dropping off to try and be the link man. Didn't make any sense.

Kolarov was our only good player tonight, with Balotelli looking good when he came on.

Even though we didn't play well we could still have scored 2 or 3 tonight, Toure's header, Barrys shot that narrowly missed, Kolarov hitting the bar and then Narrowly shooting wide (I thought that had gone in thanks to that stupid green netting), Balotelli hitting the bar with a header and Sergio having his chip over the keeper blocked. (Posted all that to remind the people claiming it is the worst performance they've ever seen that they obvioulsy don't remember what the games were like before the take-over)
I've never seen us give the ball away so cheaply all over the park. Dross from front to back. It says a lot when Kolorov was arguably our best player. Jesus Christ I can't believe I just typed that.
middle-englandblue said:
A really poor performance, we seem to still have the knack of actually building up our opponents confidence by our slow play, we let teams grow into games which encourages their fans then hey presto they score
still think we will go through but really cheesed off

Something needs to change away from home, the slow buildup works perfectly at home but away we're struggling badly to score at the moment.
That was total shit! How can professional footballers pass a ball so poorly? There's no point in naming individuals (they were all shit with the exception of mario when he came on) . The blame rest's fairly on the shoulders of one man . Step forward Bobby ( european football still seems to be a puzzle to you). These brainwaves he takes such as playing Clichy on the wrong side so to speak never seem to come off and as ever his substitutions come far to late. Very disappointing night all round.
The formation isn't made for having a big man like dzeko
Upfront. We all know this as we rarely score headers from
Open play. Mancini needs to bite the bullet, leave dzeko
Out and get tevez back in.
Rammy blue. 6 gilt edged chances.? how bigs your fucking telly, we created jack shit. !

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