Spurs (A) | Post-Match Thread

Me too, todays starting 11 was not much better than the Villa team he left. Clearly a brilliant player and together with Phil and Kev they could do great things but they'll be no trophies if we don't sign a striker which is what he left Villa for in the first place...that and a tad more money in his paycheck.
Fuck me, another. Mind you, you do have form for fanny wiping.
Waiting for us on an acca….saw the line up & edged it with Spurs at 5/1 it was all too predictable, felt sorry for the blues who made the trip. Where to start?? Possession apart we where dominated in every other aspect. Felt sorry for JG (who had a go) playing with the axis of shite on the left. We really need a fit & firing KDB, Dias needs JS alongside him, Ferna shouldn’t be called on unless it’s a mid to low team at home/early cup game. Hopeless balls into the box where embarrassing at times, corners have gone to shite (we looked incredibly weak & small defending them) but the worst thing was watching several players walking with the ball at 1-0 this just shouldn’t happen at any time in a football match, we looked arrogant. And finally Mendy, I consider it a dereliction of duty if Pep starts him in a game of that standard ever ever again
Give over! I fucking hate this attitude from our fans.

Their star player and captain doesn’t want to play for them anymore and wants to play for the team they played in the first game back after 18 months without being allowed to go to football games, who just happen to be the best team in the country and a bit of a big rival of Spurs.

If they didn’t celebrate like that, I’d think there was something wrong with them. Good on them, obviously meant a lot to them.

We have this attitude every time someone beats us, calling other clubs for being happy to beat us and creating a great noise because of it. It’s probably why the Etihad is like a morgue 95% of the time, we’ve got fans who think they’re too cool and too big to make noise.
Couldn't agree more. They've just beaten a club that shelled out £100m on one player and are looking at shelling out £130m+? on their coveted main man. Of course they're going to go fucking mental at beating us.
We got exactly what we deserved, fuck all! We started well enough against a cautious Spurs, but after dominating the first 20 minutes, we started walking with the ball as if we were 5-0 up, with 2 minutes to go.

We had no urgency about us, & this gave Spurs the confidence they needed to come out of their shell & attack us. Incredibly, we STILL sat back & allowed them to take the game to us, & every time we won the ball back, we continued to walk.

You'd have have thought a halftime rocket up the crease from Pep would have been in order, & done the trick, but no! We carried on at a pedestrian pace & allowed Spurs to mentally dominate the match. Even after they scored, we could barely muster a mentionable response.

I've defended him as being unlucky with injuries, & just needing time to get over them & a chance to get match fit & to play his way back into form, but as things stand, I'm done defending Mendy. He was average going forward, poor in possession, & utterly shit in defence. I really don't see where his City career goes from here & even though it pains me to say it, I think we should cut our losses & buy a genuinely world class LB, or a youngster with the technical assets we can quickly develop. It'a not going to happen here for Mendy.

I love Guardiola & would have none other, but he's not above criticism. At 60 minutes it was obvious what we started with, wasn't going to work & a change in personnel, mindset & pace was needed. Why wait until 15-20 minutes before the end, before making those changes?

The team we ended the game with, could have been the team we started the game with. Today had all the hallmarks of Leeds at home, Chelsea in the FA Cup semi & CL Final, & Leicester in the CS. It's like we're experimenting in meaningful matches & it's seriously pissing me off.

It's like selection perversion, & tactical deviancy. Too many good players & too many options means Pep has too many opportunities to fuck about, in the belief we'll always have the ability to pull these matches back from the brink. Well that's us losing our last 3 meaningful matches, & in my humble opinion, Pep has had more than a little to do with these narrow, unnecessary defeats.

I'm wiping today from my memory banks as I type, & hope the fact we're already playing catchup is enough to wake Pep the fuck up & to realise if we don't deal with our malaise soon, the leading pack could be out of sight, before we've even got out of bed & had our cornflakes... :-|
Excellent post . PG got it wrong today and the blame is mainly on him. I don't see how he couldn't have brought on subs earlier as well. But certain players should not have started. So he has a pride issue and needs to lose it quickly because the stubborn attitude is showing inwardly that he believes he never can admit making a mistake to himself let alone others. It's what we know and get used to. Humility is not a strong point.
In any case Zinchenko, Walker Stones etc should have been ready and played. We know our A team. That should have been played today. No excuses about pre season.
We have to get a definate answer on Kane now. If it's no then we need to get one or two proper centre forward in. Stop gap, they don't have to be top class, just do a job for one or two seasons until we can get a top class one in. A physical presence, someone who hits the net consistently. We create that many chances a championship player would score 15-20 goals.

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