Spurs forums,,, oh dear

Damocles said:
Do we REALLY need a forum war with Spurs?


no need...any fool can tell this forum is far superior :)

a war would be a waste of time tbh.
These yids motherfu**ers are closet rags, thats why the league always arrange their fixtures to accommodate them both. Fuckin rent boy c**ts. Hate em, fight em, Have em! If we lose I will be truly gutted coz I really detest these detritis, felchin bastards. Corrupt ********* you get my drift!!

"Get the South Stand to throw Pork Scratchings at em" ;-)
That Justin tool looks like that ridiculous posh Harry Enfield character, Tim Nice But Dim - albeit on a night out in a Soho gay bar. On my phone at the mo, can anyone post a pic for comparison purposes?
Immaculate Pasta said:
who's the wum bluemanc on there who said he saw riot vans being turned over and set on fire against united and that there is a big hooligan thingy coming back to city with the local estate kids?

Nice wumming!!
the riot van tipping over is true i think

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