Spurs thread 2014-2015

chabal said:
Manc in London said:
BigOscar said:
I wouldn't write off Sheffield United. They park the bus and counter at pace pretty nicely under Clough and knocked a few premier league teams out last year as well as Southampton this year. Might be tough over two legs, but Spurs are that special kind of shit that makes anything possible.

My missus was at the game last night and heard Spurs fans in the concourse cheering the announcement that they had been drawn against Sheff Utd. Pride before a fall and all that....

To be fair us City fans would have cheered too if we had drawn Sheff Utd rather than Liverpool or Chelsea.

Post 2011 maybe. To be fair, based on our recent successes, we should be confident. Prior to that, having lost so many cup games to lower league teams, we were never as cocky.
Have I mentioned lately how much I fucking despise Spurs? Hateful cunts. The takeover thread on glory glory makes interesting reading. Some of them have spewed so much bile towards us that they find themselves in a corner. They'll look like the biggest fucking hypocrites on earth if they get behind the proposed takeover.

At least one Spurs fan over there knows his onions. I love it when sanctimonious fans get schooled. Especially when its one of their own that's doing it.

I hope you are as disinterested in our double-winning season, seeing as we outspent nearly everyone to win our trophies then as well, and continued spending more than most clubs throughout the 1960's, culminating in paying a British record fee for Martn Peters in 1970.

Our success was based on the same thing other professional football clubs based their successes on: money, an injection of it that allowed us to compete. Heritage didn't come in to it: we had very little heritage when embarking on our journey upwards in the fifties and sixties, it was spending large on players and finding the right managers that afforded us the success that then turned us into a club with a heritage some two or three decades later.

The eleven men on the pitch wouldn't be a Spurs team because we didn't follow ENIC's parsimonious profit-maximising methods when signing them? Really? In my eyes, a Spurs side is one that attacks with flair and seeks to dominate games, never stopping, always looking to score another goal, to win the game as comprehensively as possible as opposed to as conservatively as possible. How much the individual players cost, and whether or not they were bought by Joe Lewis using the club's own money or a sheikh intent on turning us into a world-class side doesn't come into it: and I'd certainly question the necessity of our fans paying absolutely, eye-wateringly ludicrous ticket prices to maintain the air of 'self-sustenance' when there's a sheikh available who wants to subsidise the tickets and make football affordable for the poorer fan again (see Man City for a fine example of this).

Look, oppose a prospective Qatari takeover on moral grounds, if you want to (it is certainly galling to consider that the Qatari sheikhs may actually be leagues worse than the UAE sheikhs, who themselves are no paragons of human rights and respect for individuals). Or oppose it on the grounds of wanting to remain 'self-sufficient' for reasons which I can't quite stand but still maintain a sort of grudging respect for. Or perhaps oppose them on the grounds that bringing in world-class players will damage our home-grown youth players (that I can really get behind, to a degree). But don't say that being owned by a sugar-daddy sheikh will damage our heritage, or some stuff along those lines: every single Man City fan (every single one) would hysterically laugh at you if you told them their heritage was being damaged by them winning titles and trophies galore while creating a fan-friendly, affordable viewing atmosphere and genuinely uplifting local communities in the Manchester area to boot.
Emmanuel Adebayor @ E_Adebayor
What a career this legend has had!Feel privileged 2 have been on the same side.Good luck with Sky my bro.See you soon

<a class="postlink" href="https://twitter.com/E_Adebayor/status/545669992688390144" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">https://twitter.com/E_Adebayor/status/5 ... 2688390144</a>
Spurs fans having meltdown *popcorngif*
nowantads said:
Emmanuel Adebayor @ E_Adebayor
What a career this legend has had!Feel privileged 2 have been on the same side.Good luck with Sky my bro.See you soon

<a class="postlink" href="https://twitter.com/E_Adebayor/status/545669992688390144" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">https://twitter.com/E_Adebayor/status/5 ... 2688390144</a>
Spurs fans having meltdown *popcorngif*

"...good luck with Sky..." ? Is going to be a pundit then?

If so, then either he's worse than I would have imagined or Sky are looking to up their standard. Not that I'm bothered, can't afford Sky and wouldn't have it if I could.

Any Spurs fans getting upset about that tweet really are up their own arses.
I posted this in the Liverpool thread, as it was on the RAWK Manchester City thread, but this was posted by a Spurs fan on there. Read and laugh:
Man City got bought out around the same time spurs broke in to the top 4 for the first time, beating them Man City to it. The next year we finished 5th with you ahead, without man city being bought we would have finished 4th, in the champions league again. The next year we finished 4th with you ahead of us and got knocked out by Chelsea winning the CL. If you hadn't had your money we would have been third and safe, CL for the 3rd year in a row. The next year we finished fifth on one of the highest point tallies to have not earned 4th or better, once again you finished ahead of us and once again if you were not there we would have finished in the champions league spot. That would have been 4 years of champions league (provided we qualified through the playoffs) for a football club operating on close to zero net spend in terms of transfers, earning their place in the exact way you claim would have been impossible. Hmmmmm.
I was happy to get Sheffield United in the cup, the tie will be a lot easier than Liverpool (who would probably beat us) and Chelsea who always beat us. I still don't think the tie will be easy, through the years loads of clubs have ruffled our feathers in the cup
Crouchinho said:
I was happy to get Sheffield United in the cup, the tie will be a lot easier than Liverpool (who would probably beat us) and Chelsea who always beat us. I still don't think the tie will be easy, through the years loads of clubs have ruffled our feathers in the cup
I think you'll go through.
jimharri said:
Blue Maverick said:
So should I drop Kaboul from my fantasy team then?
Why did you have him in in the first place? The bloke couldn't man-mark a lamp post.

I'm sure he's on the wind up, not even a Spurs fan would have him in! lol. I did have Dier for a few games when he got a couple of early season goals. The only one who would get you points in the backline is Lloris, not for clean sheets but for a bonus perhaps

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