Spurs Vs City Post Match Thread

Why not a 50% bonus if the officials don't make 1 mistake and if they do make mistakes lose 50% of there match fee?! That will cut out the bias rag Arsenal Liverpool officials who support these teams but lie when asked who they support so they get the big games!!

Maybe just give teams one challenge per game bit like cricket (although they get more in cricket.) Teams would be wary of using it frivolously if they only had one to use. That wouldn't slow the game up much.
We must have one of the worst shots to goals ratio in the league. When it comes to finishing Navas is woeful, Sterling only slightly better, Aguero out of form, it's never been Silva's strong point and lately Yaya has been erratic. The only players shooting with any conviction/composure are De Bruyne and Fernandinho.
the bigger picture is that we are still 7 points infront of Chelsea who are the only other team in the premier league that have the squad to win it in my book and if man city are taking there foot of the gas and clearing up the little injuries we have to the main players for the long season ahead then I can take it

we have a back bone to our team and every other team would love Kompany Hart Yaya Silva Aguero and if they need game time or missing a couple of games for the good of the club/team in a long season who are we to point fingers. YES it hurt losing yesterday but that will mean nothing at the end of the season if we are champions and cup winners. many battles will be lost this season but if winning the war is your aim we should all stand together in back each other in times of crisis
Agree to a certain extent but it's points on the board that count and you need to accumulate them all the time. What's saying we won't have a run of injuries after Xmas,
If we had replays on every dodgy decision made by officials, there would be more time wasted on emails and less time on actual football. Officials do need to be made more accountable for such crass decisions. Perhaps a yellow card for officials followed by a red for the next stupid mistake and a months van without wages. Probably a bit too extreme, but the fact officials can screw up and just walk away with no recourse, galls the he hell out of me

We don't cover every dodgy decision but review goals, penal offences, bookings and sendings off. We already have goal line tech but that is small consolation for half the goals a team scores being chalked up rather than chalked off!

The rugby sentence: Is there any reason I cannot award a try? Wonderful. If we had that yesterday before MDM got booked: Is there any reason I cannot award a goal? Too fuckin' right, there is! All of that could be reviewed five times during the team's 'goalscoring' celebration! No additional time wasted and we get a result that matches what went on during play, rather than some optically-challenged version of it!
Watching some of it back and we really didn't create many clear chances. It's frustrating to see how our performance and effort changed after half time, we should have come out angry at the decision against us. Sterling missing that chance at 1-0 was huge, a good save still.
Watching some of it back and we really didn't create many clear chances. It's frustrating to see how our performance and effort changed after half time, we should have come out angry at the decision against us. Sterling missing that chance at 1-0 was huge, a good save still.

Him missing chances is costing us at the moment.
For me, people are underestimating the time spurs scored. It was a kick in the bollocks to concede a sloppy goal right before the half time whistle. It gave them something to build on after a good spell towards the end of the 1st half, and they did unfortunately. If we would have went in 1-0, the game would of panned out a whole lot different imo.
I'm sorry but I've not got time to read all the thread but did anyone watch MOTD extra at lunchtime? I record it so I can just flick through the sycophanting bits......... however today I was pleasantly surprised, the first item was about our match yesterday and I was expecting them to be really rough on us but, Trevor Sinclair and Guy Mowbray in particular were extremely fair and very positive I felt. The guy from the Mirror(?) was a bit anti but came round a little bit when Trevor was being so positive. Not bad at all in my humble opinion. Plus it was 9.58 seconds before they said: "we mustn't take anything away from Spurs" and went on to their interview with Kane at which point I decided to leave the rest of the programme for now and get my lunch!!

Not bad and our boss was very calm but did get the references in about the offside business without ranting about it............ he is good you know, subtle, very subtle.
I was at the game and for 40 minutes we were in complete control. Cue disgraceful decision, or rather non decision and not only are Spurs back in the game but the psychology of the game totally changes. It wasn't simply the margin of the error that was disruptive but the timing could simply not have been worse. You can imagine the dressing room at half time, prior to that goal it would have been calm and confident but after that there would have been frustration, anger and also psychologically, that the officials could get a decision 'so' wrong would be nagging in your mind and making you nervous holding a high line.

You could see the impact just by the fact we conceded again in farcical circumstances just after the break. Still, we had a chance to get back and a draw at WHL wouldn't have been too bad until yet again the officials intervene to kill the game off.

I can take losing a game but to lose a game in that manner through inept or corrupt officiating really makes me sick to the stomach.

Seriously if referees can get decisions 'that' wrong just what hope is there for us? To be honest I feel sick for the players that 45 minutes of good work has been completely undone when quite simply they were doing their job supremely well. There is absolutely no justice in that result. None.
Personally I don't think he got it wrong, for some reason only known to himself and clattenburg he decided I'm not going to flag this, not human error just reasons

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