Stadium Expansion

somapop said:
nmc said:
Next MCC meeting has an agenda item re a 15 year lease of City Square to MCFC - not sure what implications that has.

Not sure how to decipher that either...unless they really are 'long term' planning and a full expansion and collar site development won't really be 'fizzing' till then?!

Takes us to the magic year again..2027

2027 keeps popping up everywhere around the developments.
The campus to produce results 2027, MCC talking about 2027 etc etc
It makes sense to make an upper Level 2 into a continuous corporate band for the Prawn Scoffers, like the Emirates. That's where the big money is made. No doubt the end extensions will be the new Cheap Seats.
It does look impressive.
Personally I would have preferred an escalator (like the Bernabeu) to get me to the third tier.
S04 said:
somapop said:
nmc said:
Next MCC meeting has an agenda item re a 15 year lease of City Square to MCFC - not sure what implications that has.

Not sure how to decipher that either...unless they really are 'long term' planning and a full expansion and collar site development won't really be 'fizzing' till then?!

Takes us to the magic year again..2027

2027 keeps popping up everywhere around the developments.
The campus to produce results 2027, MCC talking about 2027 etc etc

...don't forget 2027 when the tram arrives here too.

It's all gone a bit Mayan now...there'll be Discovery Channel documentary's made about this lot in the future. I'm off to look at the aerials of the whole campus footprint (including the stadium area and North Car Park) to see what clues that brings.

If anyone's off to that meeting and wouldn't mind posting anything of substance, I'd be grateful.

Damocles said: said:
stony said:
Not strictly true. Whilst this thread has attracted the odd bullshitter, most of the crap was on the old Vegas thread.

GXCity knows his onions.

so this ITK has presumably given an exact date or timetable to prove he knows anything? or has he hid behind a load of cryptic bull like all the other bull shitters

An exact date? This isn't fucking a school lesson plan, it's a major construction project.

If you do not like the thread, stay out of it. I'm sick of people coming in and whig about "ITK shit" instead of actually just leaving well enough alone. Nobody cares what you think about any information. If your only purpose is to come into the thread and start a row, remove yourself from the thread voluntarily.

but you are trying to bully the wrong man here I don't back down

when you go on the attack you are just proving my point.
lash out start an argument and evade the question

My opinion is just as valid as yours by the way and whether you like it or not and until someone gives exact facts this thread is just as bad as that stupid vegas thread waffling about fucking trams

so there is no need to start telling people to keep off certain threads just because they don't agree with your opinion

Why dont you either man up and state some actual facts or get used to being accused of bullshitting ?

There is one simple question
Is there an actual approved plan to expand the stadium and if so what year will the buliding start ?

that should be vague enough to ensure the facts can't be traced back to individuals said:
Damocles said: said:
so this ITK has presumably given an exact date or timetable to prove he knows anything? or has he hid behind a load of cryptic bull like all the other bull shitters

An exact date? This isn't fucking a school lesson plan, it's a major construction project.

If you do not like the thread, stay out of it. I'm sick of people coming in and whig about "ITK shit" instead of actually just leaving well enough alone. Nobody cares what you think about any information. If your only purpose is to come into the thread and start a row, remove yourself from the thread voluntarily.

but you are trying to bully the wrong man here I don't back down

when you go on the attack you are just proving my point.
lash out start an argument and evade the question

My opinion is just as valid as yours by the way and whether you like it or not and until someone gives exact facts this thread is just as bad as that stupid vegas thread waffling about fucking trams

so there is no need to start telling people to keep off certain threads just because they don't agree with your opinion

Why dont you either man up and state some actual facts or get used to being accused of bullshitting ?

There is one simple question
Is there an actual approved plan to expand the stadium and if so what year will the buliding start ?

that should be vague enough to ensure the facts can't be traced back to individuals

Read my previous response to your post and it may make sense to you
Neville Kneville said:
For all those of you who say we should wait until we sell out midweek cup games before we expand the stadium, seeing as AC/Inter Milan don't do that, when & why do you think we will ?

Question two: can you give any reason for not expanding the stadium other than because you personally are worried about rags etc taking the piss about empty seats ? Any good resaon at all ?

Question 3: as everyone knows, there will be all kinds of shit built around the ground in the future. Do you think they will still be able to knock great big lumps out of the stadium then ? Do you think they should knock down those new buildings while they do the stadium expansion & then re build them or perhaps wait for another 15 years before building the collar site & base the whole thing on whether we sell out midweek cup games ?

Question 4: have you thought any of this through whatsoever ?

I do think we should be selling out midweek cl games, not the other cups. but attendances for those games are a useful gauge as to the underlying level of level off active support. if there were 5-10,000 fans who were regularly being locked out of league games, i would expect to see an increase in cup attendances, with new fans going to those games instead. cup attendaces have increased but probably due to the introduction of cup schemes as much as extra fans.

i dont give a monkey about utd fans' comments about empty seats. but i do think that capacity crowds create a better atmosphere. the atmosphere at the etihad is often poor, it doesnt need to be made worse.

at the moment i think the capacity is about right. clearly expansion will take time and needs to planned ahead. i would expect city to have the designs ready to go a the right time. and clearly it will need to fit in with the other work going on at the campus. but that can work both ways.
matey the sold out signs have been up for the last 2 seasons

they will need even more chips for level 3 i can see this being a war of chips over prawn butty this needs sorted
ancoats said:
matey the sold out signs have been up for the last 2 seasons

they will need even more chips for level 3 i can see this being a war of chips over prawn butty this needs sorted

Sorry but take a look at viagogo they have 9 pages with about 200 seats for Everton,most likely they will not sell them and its like that for all games bar Unt.extend when we sell 40000 S/T and have a waiting list of 2000.
Chippy_boy said:
Marvin said:
Modelling the Etihad on the Emirates? The Manchester middle-class is tiny in comparison. The Cotton Mills have long gone, and London is the Finance capital. manchester is a student capital, has a stubborn public-sector targeted for attack (the worst of which is still to come) and a hard-pressed retail sector. Spinningfields is not Canary Wharf much as it would like to be

yet I must admit there's a serious amount of posh cars in the Car Park outside the South Stand. And it does cross my mind where have these people come from.

Perhaps the club's vision will work, and mine is distorted by my own view of the world. We shall see

My dad was at this match.

OK not as many fans but this how i remember Maine Road as a child .

Price it right and this happens:

Maine Road, 1934 against Stoke, FA Cup sixth round, 84,569 spectators


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